索诺玛县警察局称,上午10点45分左右,他们接到水上救援请求赶往格斯特尔湾(Gerstle Cove)。在那里,一名站在海边礁石上的男子被海浪卷入了大海。该男子被从水中救起后通过直升机转运至陆地,救援人员随即对其实施心肺复苏。但警方表示,上午11点30分左右,该男子被宣布不治身亡,其身份当时尚未公布。 据警方表示,另一名同样站在礁石上呼救的男子成功获救。北索诺玛海岸消防部门表示,两人遭遇巨浪袭击时正在垂钓。 此前,美国国家气象局已对索诺玛县、马林县、旧金山和圣马特奥县发布巨浪警告,预测海浪最高可达20英尺,并可能伴随突袭浪和离岸流。气象局警告,突袭浪可能意外涌上海滩,甚至漫过礁石和防波堤,存在将人击倒卷入海洋的危险。该巨浪警告持续至周一晚上9点。 格斯特尔湾位于旧金山以北约100英里处,地处盐角州立公园(Salt Point State Park)1号公路旁。 周一,索诺玛县警察局确认,遇难者为沙加缅度43岁居民唐尚龙(Shanglong Tang,音译)。
新移民? Hello everyone, I am Melinda. I am writing this on behalf of my Aunt, Lanqian Xu, to raise funds for the tragic passing of her husband and my uncle, Shanglong Tang. Shanglong was a diligent and hardworking man who cared immensely for his family. He had just recently moved here in 2022 to Sacramento, California from China, in search for a better life and opportunity for his family; his wife and their two young kids - along with his sister and brother with their spouses, and their own children. Shanglong was just getting settled here in the United States. He was working hard towards saving up enough money so that eventually, he can buy a more spacious house for his family to comfortably live in - as he was living together with two other families (his siblings' families) in the same 1100 sq ft house, with only four rooms to split between all of them. Unfortunately, on March 2nd, 2025, Shanglong went to go fishing with a coworker at Gerstle Cove. Being new to California and knowing very little English, he had no idea that there had been a high surf warning issued for that area during that weekend. The last video he ever took would be at 10:25am, filming a scenic view of the location before he sent it to his wife, telling her it was beautiful. It wouldn't even be 20 minutes later when a wave struck him and carried him out to sea, where he tragically lost his life.
PLAZZZ1 发表于 2025-03-07 18:41 新移民? Hello everyone, I am Melinda. I am writing this on behalf of my Aunt, Lanqian Xu, to raise funds for the tragic passing of her husband and my uncle, Shanglong Tang. Shanglong was a diligent and hardworking man who cared immensely for his family. He had just recently moved here in 2022 to Sacramento, California from China, in search for a better life and opportunity for his family; his wife and their two young kids - along with his sister and brother with their spouses, and their own children. Shanglong was just getting settled here in the United States. He was working hard towards saving up enough money so that eventually, he can buy a more spacious house for his family to comfortably live in - as he was living together with two other families (his siblings' families) in the same 1100 sq ft house, with only four rooms to split between all of them. Unfortunately, on March 2nd, 2025, Shanglong went to go fishing with a coworker at Gerstle Cove. Being new to California and knowing very little English, he had no idea that there had been a high surf warning issued for that area during that weekend. The last video he ever took would be at 10:25am, filming a scenic view of the location before he sent it to his wife, telling her it was beautiful. It wouldn't even be 20 minutes later when a wave struck him and carried him out to sea, where he tragically lost his life.
事发时10:45am,也就是说他至少8am 从家里出发 钓鱼比带孩子更重要吗? 他老婆承担所有家务包括带孩子吗? 新闻报道和采访
钓鱼佬的世界 常人很难懂 他们可能有耐心盯着鱼竿看一下午,却可能没耐心多跟你说一句话
原来钓鱼也可以飙多巴胺, 之前一直想不明白为啥会有人喜欢钓鱼。
索诺玛县警察局称,上午10点45分左右,他们接到水上救援请求赶往格斯特尔湾(Gerstle Cove)。在那里,一名站在海边礁石上的男子被海浪卷入了大海。该男子被从水中救起后通过直升机转运至陆地,救援人员随即对其实施心肺复苏。但警方表示,上午11点30分左右,该男子被宣布不治身亡,其身份当时尚未公布。
格斯特尔湾位于旧金山以北约100英里处,地处盐角州立公园(Salt Point State Park)1号公路旁。
周一,索诺玛县警察局确认,遇难者为沙加缅度43岁居民唐尚龙(Shanglong Tang,音译)。
RIP 挺可怜的。
人寿保险确实要买, 尤其是有了小孩子之后。 不怕一万就怕万一。 买了个 100万的保险还是很值得的。 美国除了保险公司, 没有靠谱的。
海上钓鱼确实危险系数太高, 要船大一些才行。
钓鱼还可以理解,实在不理解打猎的,在林子猫整夜的,又危险又残忍, 打死的鹿忍心吃么
哈, 不是赌, 各种爱好还是尊重人家好了。 子非鱼焉知鱼之乐
这种不懂英文的移民,不是留学来的。亲属移民,最爱GoFundMe. 因为很多人没工作。工作会自带一些人寿保险。
不缺食少穿 还要打猎,就是满足骨子里嗜杀的爱好。
其实也可以带孩子去camping,带小朋友接触大自然,也是亲子互动。 钓鱼也可以带娃,只不过只能去平坦安全的地方休闲钓。
多半是,或者是超市的owner, co-owner之类的。