以后万事先ai一下吧。 Yes, the government can garnish wages, Social Security payments, and even veteran benefits if you fail to pay taxes. Here’s how it works: 1. Wage Garnishment – The IRS can garnish a portion of your wages without a court order through a levy. The amount they take depends on your income and exemptions. 2. Social Security Garnishment – The IRS can levy up to 15% of your Social Security benefits (except Supplemental Security Income (SSI), which is protected) for unpaid federal taxes. 3. Veteran Benefits – Generally, the IRS cannot garnish VA disability benefits, but if those benefits are deposited into a bank account, the IRS may still be able to levy funds from that account. Additionally, state and local governments may have their own tax enforcement measures, and unpaid federal taxes can also result in liens on your property. Would you like help understanding how to prevent or resolve a tax garnishment?
你要愿意一贫如洗 吃住行生活圈子朋友圈子跟他一样 你也可以不交税 反正要钱没有要命有一条
楼主是在哪里的啊 如果你所说 在美国退伍军人待遇是非常好的 有些州 他们连购房都不需要交首付的 医疗保险也是非常好 找工作是第一考虑
不要羡慕了 美国人对退伍军人就是很尊重的 因为在他们眼里 是拿命来保护这个国家 小娃最近也是天天在说老兵节 唱各种赞美歌 从小的教育
以后万事先ai一下吧。 Yes, the government can garnish wages, Social Security payments, and even veteran benefits if you fail to pay taxes. Here’s how it works: 1. Wage Garnishment – The IRS can garnish a portion of your wages without a court order through a levy. The amount they take depends on your income and exemptions. 2. Social Security Garnishment – The IRS can levy up to 15% of your Social Security benefits (except Supplemental Security Income (SSI), which is protected) for unpaid federal taxes. 3. Veteran Benefits – Generally, the IRS cannot garnish VA disability benefits, but if those benefits are deposited into a bank account, the IRS may still be able to levy funds from that account.
Additionally, state and local governments may have their own tax enforcement measures, and unpaid federal taxes can also result in liens on your property.
Would you like help understanding how to prevent or resolve a tax garnishment?