Breaking news:Supreme Court rules Trump must pay foreign aid WASHINGTON (AP) — A sharply divided Supreme Court on Wednesday rejected a Trump administration push to rebuke a federal judge who imposed a quick deadline to release billions of dollars in foreign aid. By a 5-4 vote, the court told U.S. District Judge Amir Ali to clarify his earlier order that required the Republican administration to release nearly $2 billion in aid for work that had already been done. Although the outcome is a short-term loss for President Donald Trump''''''''''''''''s administration, the nonprofit groups and businesses that sued are still waiting for the money they say they are owed. One of the organizations last week was forced to lay off 110 employees as a result, according to court papers. Google翻译: 华盛顿(美联社)——周三,最高法院意见分歧严重,驳回了特朗普政府要求谴责联邦法官的请求,该法官要求迅速发放数十亿美元的对外援助。 最高法院以 5 比 4 的投票结果要求美国地区法官阿米尔·阿里澄清他早先的命令,该命令要求共和党政府为已经完成的工作发放近 20 亿美元的援助。 虽然这一结果对唐纳德·特朗普总统的政府来说是短期损失,但提起诉讼的非营利组织和企业仍在等待他们声称欠他们的钱。据法庭文件显示,其中一个组织上周被迫解雇 110 名员工。
WASHINGTON (AP) — A sharply divided Supreme Court on Wednesday rejected a Trump administration push to rebuke a federal judge who imposed a quick deadline to release billions of dollars in foreign aid. By a 5-4 vote, the court told U.S. District Judge Amir Ali to clarify his earlier order that required the Republican administration to release nearly $2 billion in aid for work that had already been done. Although the outcome is a short-term loss for President Donald Trump''''''''''''''''s administration, the nonprofit groups and businesses that sued are still waiting for the money they say they are owed. One of the organizations last week was forced to lay off 110 employees as a result, according to court papers.
最高法院以 5 比 4 的投票结果要求美国地区法官阿米尔·阿里澄清他早先的命令,该命令要求共和党政府为已经完成的工作发放近 20 亿美元的援助。
虽然这一结果对唐纳德·特朗普总统的政府来说是短期损失,但提起诉讼的非营利组织和企业仍在等待他们声称欠他们的钱。据法庭文件显示,其中一个组织上周被迫解雇 110 名员工。
不是必须外援, 而是川普终止外援的方式违法。
你家川普现在是连完工的都不付人家钱, 一律停掉,有啥可误导的?
你家会付别人order的账单吗? 那你去付就好了,反正我不会给别人买单! 或者一直赖账,推给下一届当选的民主党政府就好,替对手还债才是真疯了
“而不是说明年要继续支持这些programs ” - 说人家文不对题,拿这个当理由?
还“英文明明说的是。。。” 人家英文的题目是“Supreme Court rules Trump must pay foreign aid",和楼主中文的题目有啥不同?难不成您要说,是用的语言不同?
您从人家的题目里能读出“明年要继续支持这些programs ” 这个意思?这是阅读能力有问题呢,还是自个儿喜欢臆想呢?
呃, 欠债还钱都不需要了, 那以后还要什么协议啊.
刚看了下投票, 九个人, 5:4. 4个女法官赞成, 4个男法官反对, chief Roberts 赞成.
当然有用,拒不执行法院裁定,法院会派 US MARSHAL 把川普直接架到厕所去。