对 Ontario's Doug Ford says he could cut electricity to US over tariffs https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c3d81pdmnm8o.amp 纽约上州不少trump supporters,然后马上就要有个特别选举了。
今天cnbc上的和(United States Secretary of Commerce) Howard Lutnick的对话 )主持人Kernen是偏共和党的) KERNEN: How much inflation pain are we gonna be willing to take if China hits us back with tariffs? LUTNICK: Inflation comes from the government printing money. KERNEN: You don’t think tariffs contribute to inflation? LUTNICK: No. Tariffs do not, do not, do not create inflation! This concept is just people whining and complaining. KERNEN: So, when businesses pay more for imported goods, and they pass those costs on to consumers… that’s not inflation? LUTNICK: No, no, no. That’s just the market adjusting. KERNEN: Adjusting? Like when the U.S. slapped tariffs on steel, and American manufacturers had to raise prices, lay off workers, and shut down plants? LUTNICK: That’s different. KERNEN: How? You’re saying businesses can absorb extra costs without raising prices? That’s… not how markets work. LUTNICK: It’s about being strong against China. KERNEN: So you admit consumers will pay for it, but you''re okay with that because it "looks tough"? LUTNICK: I think Americans should be willing to pay a little more to beat China. KERNEN: A little more? So far, every tariff war has raised prices, lost jobs, and hurt small businesses more than it’s hurt China. How much are you personally willing to pay? LUTNICK: Well, it’s about principles. KERNEN: Right. Because it’s always regular Americans paying the price—never the billionaires pushing the policy.
落地无声 发表于 2025-03-04 17:40 今天cnbc上的和(United States Secretary of Commerce) Howard Lutnick的对话 )主持人Kernen是偏共和党的) KERNEN: How much inflation pain are we gonna be willing to take if China hits us back with tariffs? LUTNICK: Inflation comes from the government printing money. KERNEN: You don’t think tariffs contribute to inflation? LUTNICK: No. Tariffs do not, do not, do not create inflation! This concept is just people whining and complaining. KERNEN: So, when businesses pay more for imported goods, and they pass those costs on to consumers… that’s not inflation? LUTNICK: No, no, no. That’s just the market adjusting. KERNEN: Adjusting? Like when the U.S. slapped tariffs on steel, and American manufacturers had to raise prices, lay off workers, and shut down plants? LUTNICK: That’s different. KERNEN: How? You’re saying businesses can absorb extra costs without raising prices? That’s… not how markets work. LUTNICK: It’s about being strong against China. KERNEN: So you admit consumers will pay for it, but you''re okay with that because it "looks tough"? LUTNICK: I think Americans should be willing to pay a little more to beat China. KERNEN: A little more? So far, every tariff war has raised prices, lost jobs, and hurt small businesses more than it’s hurt China. How much are you personally willing to pay? LUTNICK: Well, it’s about principles. KERNEN: Right. Because it’s always regular Americans paying the price—never the billionaires pushing the policy.
VIN number 2 字头的汽车,加拿大产的。
不过要哭😭的是通用和福特,而不是丰田 ,,,
因为通用和福特很多车是在加拿大和墨西哥产的 ,,,
丰田大部分反而是美产丰田,VIN number 1, 4, 5 开头的都是美制丰田 ,,, 只有高端车型配置才有 J 字头日制丰田 ,,,
北美洲自贸协议NAFTA是克林顿搞的。 川普第一任上台后取消了NAFTA,重新签了一个北美自贸协议USMCA,实际性质是一样的。第二任上台后,又把他自己搞的东西取消了。。。
这个必须改叫America Dry 吧。
而且汽车零件又不是 Intel inside ,品牌话语权也太不一样。核心部分的零件另说。
关税降低到0也不行。 转口贸易的钱赚爽了几年了吧? 和美国对某些国家同步关税吧。 既然不愿意放弃那边的利益,那么就放弃这边的利益。 所有可能的转口地点都是贸易打击对象。
如果你认为川普这顿操作下来东大现在还能双赢,那么基本上就是东升西降了。 二战日本说皇国兴废在此一役 那么这次贸易战 美利坚兴废再此一役。 加拿大如果是下个总理还是特鲁多的政策 那么这次选择就代表了是他们人民的选择。 之后生死有命富贵在天了
买nike,哥伦比亚,美国的运动服装挺多质量又好 那个lulu瑜伽服有啥好的。
因为加拿大把川普要求引渡的人放走了 小土豆还装j可怜。 这次贸易战每个国家包括美国都不无辜。
经济车型 camera 和 RAV4 大部分是美制丰田就好了。
但通用和福特把海量经济车型放在加拿大个墨西哥造,RAV4 的对手车型 Chevy Equinox 就没有美制的 ,,, 加墨通用真的要哭 😭 ,,,
喜看广大窈窕美女买不起露露长裤,都穿超短热裤 ,,,
先倒下的已经是加鹅和默默,俄罗斯可能也要快了,外加一批小国 ,,,
也是刚需 ,,,
三汽现在是加墨三汽 ,,,丰田反而大把的美制丰田 ,,,
倒下的可能是铁锈带工会 ,,, 不一定是美国汽车工业 ,,,
汽车制造方面 美加已经有机并高度整合几十年了 川普的意图是用关税压力迫使加拿大那边的零件组装厂 搬进美国 但这可是耗资巨大 再加上汇率因素造成的工资成本基本翻倍 根本就是赔本买卖
川总的art of deal 根本就是反资本和市场运作 比中国以前的计划经济还蠢
对 Ontario's Doug Ford says he could cut electricity to US over tariffs https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c3d81pdmnm8o.amp
纽约上州不少trump supporters,然后马上就要有个特别选举了。
LUTNICK: Inflation comes from the government printing money.
KERNEN: You don’t think tariffs contribute to inflation?
LUTNICK: No. Tariffs do not, do not, do not create inflation! This concept is just people whining and complaining.
KERNEN: So, when businesses pay more for imported goods, and they pass those costs on to consumers… that’s not inflation?
LUTNICK: No, no, no. That’s just the market adjusting.
KERNEN: Adjusting? Like when the U.S. slapped tariffs on steel, and American manufacturers had to raise prices, lay off workers, and shut down plants?
LUTNICK: That’s different.
KERNEN: How? You’re saying businesses can absorb extra costs without raising prices? That’s… not how markets work.
LUTNICK: It’s about being strong against China.
KERNEN: So you admit consumers will pay for it, but you''re okay with that because it "looks tough"?
LUTNICK: I think Americans should be willing to pay a little more to beat China.
KERNEN: A little more? So far, every tariff war has raised prices, lost jobs, and hurt small businesses more than it’s hurt China. How much are you personally willing to pay?
LUTNICK: Well, it’s about principles.
KERNEN: Right. Because it’s always regular Americans paying the price—never the billionaires pushing the policy.
牛奶:约270%的关税 奶酪:约245%的关税 黄油:约298%的关税 鸡肉:约238%的关税 鸡蛋:约163%的关税 香肠:约69.9%的关税 大麦种子:约57-57.8%的关税 牛肉/肉类产品:某些情况下约26.5%的关税 铜:某些情况下约48%的关税 铝:某些情况下约45%的关税 钢:约25%的关税 软木木材:近年平均约14.5%的关税 汽车:约25-45%的关税 电视机:约45%的关税 暖通空调设备:约45%的关税 小麦:约40-50%的关税 玉米:约35%的关税 大豆:约30%的关税 猪肉:约20-25%的关税 加工牛肉:约30%的关税 葡萄酒:约50-60%的关税 啤酒:约40%的关税 新鲜水果(如苹果、橙子):约15-20%的关税 蔬菜(如土豆、西红柿):约20%的关税 家用电器:约35-45%的关税 鱼类(如三文鱼、鳕鱼):约15-25%的关税 海鲜(如龙虾、螃蟹):约20-30%的关税 奶粉:约200-250%的关税 酸奶:约230%的关税 冰淇淋:约260%的关税 花生:约25-35%的关税 棉花:约20-30%的关税 石油产品:约10-15%的关税 天然气:约5-10%的关税 化学制品(如化肥):约20-25%的关税 塑料制品:约30-40%的关税 家具:约35-45%的关税 服装:约15-20%的关税 鞋类:约20-25%的关税 电子产品(如手机、电脑):约30-40%的关税
加拿大对美国出口商品的关税清单 已经持续几十年了,这公平吗?
加拿大对美国出口商品的关税清单 牛奶:约270%的关税
黄疮又在spin撒谎了,和疮普一样爱扭曲事实造谣。加拿大对美国奶制品有quota,quota内加拿大只对美国加7%税, quota之外加拿大加230%税。 美国正常出口只有7%税。但是倾销会加大税收。
事实上美国每年向加拿大出口3亿刀奶制品,而加拿大只反向出口1.4亿刀 https://www.farmprogress.com/management/does-canada-really-charge-a-270-tariff-on-milk-
美国人民可以跟着川总 drill baby drill, 砍柴烧火 拒绝加拿大的能源产品
其实 Lutnik 并没有说错。通胀的确是印钱导致的,并不是关税导致的。但问题是,川普印钱也是一把好手。
那个是美国产的,只是牌子叫 maple leaf farms. 公司位于Indiana。
costco 的加拿大火锅牛肉卷, 薄薄的,涮一下就可以吃 很润
我不买露露柠檬,但是今年计划到去加拿大旅游两次,一次东岸一次西安。 加拿大的风景还是挺美的,人又nice。