想捂住covid,play down失败后股市跌停板了几次 The Dow fell 1,335, or 6.3%, to close at 19,903. Earlier in the day, stocks tumbled more than 10%, triggering the market's "circuit breaker" that halts trading for 15 minutes. Trading is stopped when stocks decline by 7%, 13% or 20% in a single session. The broad-based S&P 500 fell 5.2%, while the tech-heavy Nasdaq slumped 4.7%. https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/stocks-down-coronavirus-dow-below-20000-first-time-in-three-years-2020-03-18/
请问: 大家的股票还好吗? 401还好吗? 几时才能impeach 现在这个总统阿!?
抱抱,我们这也马上要全面freeze 了
想捂住covid,play down失败后股市跌停板了几次
The Dow fell 1,335, or 6.3%, to close at 19,903. Earlier in the day, stocks tumbled more than 10%, triggering the market's "circuit breaker" that halts trading for 15 minutes. Trading is stopped when stocks decline by 7%, 13% or 20% in a single session. The broad-based S&P 500 fell 5.2%, while the tech-heavy Nasdaq slumped 4.7%. https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/stocks-down-coronavirus-dow-below-20000-first-time-in-three-years-2020-03-18/