有人试过在券商使用mutual funds exchange吗

楼主 (北美华人网)
在同一个券商平台 把手中的大量个股换成别的mutual funds 好处是不需要买卖股票 交税 但是有啥caveat和隐形的坑吗?
回复 1楼 champagne 的帖子
那是etf 吧 Mutual funds 可以吗?
A mutual fund exchange refers to the process of transferring investments from one mutual fund to another within the same fund family or investment company. This is typically done to reallocate assets, adjust investment strategies, or respond to changes in financial goals or market conditions.
### Key Points about Mutual Fund Exchanges: 1. **Same Fund Family**: Exchanges usually occur within the same fund family, meaning you can switch between funds managed by the same investment company.    2. **No Tax Implications**: In many cases, exchanging funds within the same family does not trigger a taxable event, as it is considered a transfer rather than a sale and repurchase. However, this depends on the tax laws in your country.
3. **Exchange Fees**: Some fund companies may charge a fee for exchanging funds, so it's important to check the terms and conditions.
4. **Reallocation of Assets**: Investors might exchange funds to shift from one asset class to another (e.g., from equity funds to bond funds) based on their risk tolerance or market outlook.
5. **Market Timing**: Exchanges can be used to take advantage of market conditions, such as moving from a growth fund to a value fund if the market outlook changes.
6. **Limitations**: Some mutual funds may have restrictions on how often you can exchange funds to prevent excessive trading, which can disrupt the fund's management.
### How It Works: - **Request an Exchange**: Contact your mutual fund company or use their online platform to request an exchange. - **Select Funds**: Choose the fund you want to sell and the fund you want to buy. - **Execute the Exchange**: The fund company will sell your shares in the first fund and use the proceeds to buy shares in the second fund.
### Example: If you have invested in a large-cap equity fund but want to reduce risk, you might exchange some or all of your investment into a bond fund within the same fund family.
Always consult with a financial advisor or the fund company to understand the specific rules and implications of exchanging mutual funds in your portfolio.
ChatGPT说Some mutual fund companies allow investors to switch (exchange) shares from one fund to another within the same fund family without needing to cash out first.
个股估计是够呛,没有容器,卖了就要缴税,除非你有trading company什么的在壳子里动手脚 个人的话,感觉你说的这种可以倒换股票的Mutual fund类似个容器,可以操作的空间很大
总之,你说的个股卖了换成mutual fund,不交税好像不可行,最好多找几个人问问,最好签个合同,如果缴税,找律师告他