NASA and JPL co-founded by Chinese Nationals/First Boeing plan designed by Chinese engineer ---- Are these even true? cathybefore 发表于 2025-03-02 18:08
JPL应该是的,我看这个访谈里看到了这么一段(pdf的第41页) 古根海姆基金会决定在普林斯顿和加州理工分别建立喷气推进研究中心,钱学森被从MIT聘任回去当加州理工的喷气推进中心的第一任主任。加州理工的这个中心就是后来的JPL的前身。 Well, it turned out that—unbeknownst to me and anybody else at Caltech except Lindvall—the Guggenheim Foundation had decided to finance a couple of Jet PropulsionCenters—one at Princeton and one at Caltech. This was supposed to be a group to develop courses in the propulsion sciences, particularly, since they involved chemistry, gas dynamics and materials. Guggenheim and his group were convinced that a new curriculum of courses was required to address in a unified way all these fields. He was right, and I have reason to believe it was Kármán who convinced him of this. And he had chosen Luigi Crocco, a notable Italian gas dynamicist, to accept the Goddard Chair at Princeton; and he had convinced Tsien to come backto Caltech and accept the Goddard Chair here. So the reason I hadn’t heard from MIT was that Tsien wasn’t going to be there; he was coming here. And he had, in turn, written to Lindvall and said, “By all means, keep Frank Marble there, because I want him to be the first new faculty member at the JP Center.” So Fred Lindvall was a bit over a barrel, and he had to tell me what was happening. So, somewhat sadly in a way, I wrote back to Bill and told him I wasn’t coming—that I was very grateful, but I wasn’t coming— because, as you know, Bill’s personal warmth is something that’s hard to overlook. It was a little less troublesome for me to turn down Johns Hopkins. So that was when Caltech offered me the assistant professorship of jet propulsion and mechanical engineering. So I started off with Tsien here. I wrote to him, we corresponded about the program, and I started teaching the jet propulsion courses, which I developed extensively over the next five or six years.
The claims you mentioned contain a mix of truth and misinformation. Let’s break them down one by one: 1. Was NASA co-founded by Chinese nationals?No, this is false. NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) was founded in 1958 as a successor to the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA). It was established by the U.S. government in response to the Soviet Union's launch of Sputnik. However, JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory), which is managed by NASA today, has historical ties to Qian Xuesen (Tsien Hsue-shen), a Chinese-born scientist. Qian Xuesen was a key figure in American rocketry in the 1940s. He was a co-founder of the Aerojet Corporation, which supplied rockets to JPL. However, in the 1950s, during the Red Scare, he was accused of having Communist sympathies, detained, and eventually deported to China, where he became the "Father of China's Space Program." Bottom line: While a Chinese-born scientist contributed to JPL, he did not co-found NASA. 2. Was the first Boeing plane designed by a Chinese engineer? This claim is partially true but often misunderstood. Wong Tsu, a Chinese-born aeronautical engineer, was hired by Boeing in 1916 as one of its first engineers. He played a crucial role in designing Boeing’s first commercially successful aircraft, the Model C, a seaplane used by the U.S. Navy during World War I. While he did not design Boeing’s first-ever plane (that was the Model 1, designed by William Boeing and Conrad Westervelt), his contributions to Boeing's early aircraft development were significant. Bottom line: Wong Tsu played a major role in Boeing's early success, but the claim that the "first Boeing plane was designed by a Chinese engineer" is an oversimplification. Conclusion: NASA was not co-founded by Chinese nationals, though Qian Xuesen contributed to early American rocketry before being deported to China. A Chinese engineer, Wong Tsu, contributed significantly to Boeing's early aircraft designs, but he was not the sole designer of Boeing’s first plane. Would you like more details or sources for verification?
does it matter now?
DEI 取消了, 涉种族的职场歧视,联邦、劳工部等等,都不再参与调查,不再参与处罚雇主了。
Chinese exclusion act 2025 starting from doe labs
肯定了。有些国家实验室,绿卡连参观都不行,必须得是公民。我不认识一个在这些单位工作的人不是公民的。 这些垃圾!
自己查一下或者ChatGPT 聊聊就知道上面这些都是具体指的谁
你要是问好了就share一下呗,反正我问了deepseek 没什么发现
有啥奇怪的,种族主义和精髓,不就是非我族类,其心必异吗。而且,CIVIL WAR电影不是已经演绎了吗?
他这么算的话 美国奥数队的奖牌应该给中国啊
大实话,没啥难听的 美国几十年STEM靠外来移民,各行各业充斥着这种上下两张嘴皮子的,辩论起来靠语速,音量压迫对方的货色
JPL 创始五人组之一:钱学森 波音第一位总工程师:王助
这个傻X又蹦出来了,上次一直问TIKTOK 周是不是中国人的也是他。
当然是真的,见识太少了,自己放狗搜不就知道了,西雅图波音博物馆有层列第一位飞机制造的工程师照片,华裔, mit本科毕业。只能说中国人的平均智商估计真的是全球第一
美国把做ai的中国scientist 全部遣返,靠烙印一张嘴,看看美国ai哪里还能抗衡中国ai
Well, it turned out that—unbeknownst to me and anybody else at Caltech except Lindvall—the Guggenheim Foundation had decided to finance a couple of Jet Propulsion Centers—one at Princeton and one at Caltech. This was supposed to be a group to develop courses in the propulsion sciences, particularly, since they involved chemistry, gas dynamics and materials. Guggenheim and his group were convinced that a new curriculum of courses was required to address in a unified way all these fields. He was right, and I have reason to believe it was Kármán who convinced him of this. And he had chosen Luigi Crocco, a notable Italian gas dynamicist, to accept the Goddard Chair at Princeton; and he had convinced Tsien to come back to Caltech and accept the Goddard Chair here. So the reason I hadn’t heard from MIT was that Tsien wasn’t going to be there; he was coming here. And he had, in turn, written to Lindvall and said, “By all means, keep Frank Marble there, because I want him to be the first new faculty member at the JP Center.” So Fred Lindvall was a bit over a barrel, and he had to tell me what was happening. So, somewhat sadly in a way, I wrote back to Bill and told him I wasn’t coming—that I was very grateful, but I wasn’t coming— because, as you know, Bill’s personal warmth is something that’s hard to overlook. It was a little less troublesome for me to turn down Johns Hopkins. So that was when Caltech offered me the assistant professorship of jet propulsion and mechanical engineering. So I started off with Tsien here. I wrote to him, we corresponded about the program, and I started teaching the jet propulsion courses, which I developed extensively over the next five or six years.
update: 加州理工的网站上是这么写的
The claims you mentioned contain a mix of truth and misinformation. Let’s break them down one by one: 1. Was NASA co-founded by Chinese nationals? No, this is false. NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) was founded in 1958 as a successor to the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA). It was established by the U.S. government in response to the Soviet Union's launch of Sputnik. However, JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory), which is managed by NASA today, has historical ties to Qian Xuesen (Tsien Hsue-shen), a Chinese-born scientist. Qian Xuesen was a key figure in American rocketry in the 1940s. He was a co-founder of the Aerojet Corporation, which supplied rockets to JPL. However, in the 1950s, during the Red Scare, he was accused of having Communist sympathies, detained, and eventually deported to China, where he became the "Father of China's Space Program." Bottom line: While a Chinese-born scientist contributed to JPL, he did not co-found NASA. 2. Was the first Boeing plane designed by a Chinese engineer? This claim is partially true but often misunderstood. Wong Tsu, a Chinese-born aeronautical engineer, was hired by Boeing in 1916 as one of its first engineers. He played a crucial role in designing Boeing’s first commercially successful aircraft, the Model C, a seaplane used by the U.S. Navy during World War I. While he did not design Boeing’s first-ever plane (that was the Model 1, designed by William Boeing and Conrad Westervelt), his contributions to Boeing's early aircraft development were significant. Bottom line: Wong Tsu played a major role in Boeing's early success, but the claim that the "first Boeing plane was designed by a Chinese engineer" is an oversimplification. Conclusion: NASA was not co-founded by Chinese nationals, though Qian Xuesen contributed to early American rocketry before being deported to China. A Chinese engineer, Wong Tsu, contributed significantly to Boeing's early aircraft designs, but he was not the sole designer of Boeing’s first plane. Would you like more details or sources for verification?