可以的,提交绿卡更新申请后,自动延长36个月, 旅游的时候带上过期绿卡和amended receipt就可以了。不过mm最好联系下uscis确认下,以防万一。 https://www.uscis.gov/i-90 On Sept. 10, 2024, we began automatically extending the validity of permanent resident cards (also known as Green Cards) to 36 months from the expiration date on the face of the current Green Card for lawful permanent residents (LPR) who file Form I-90 to renew an expiring or expired Green Card. We are in the process of sending out amended receipt notices for individuals with a pending Form I-90. You can present a receipt notice with an expired Green Card as evidence of LPR. Your amended receipt notice with your expired Green Card provides proof of employment and travel authorization for 36 months from the expiration date on the front of your expired Green Card. It will take some time to send out all the amended receipt notices. If you are in urgent need of evidence of status and employment eligibility while you wait for your amended receipt notice or your replacement Green Card, or if you need another in-person service, you may call the USCIS Contact Center to request an appointment. We encourage you to wait for your amended receipt notice instead of scheduling an appointment that you may not need.
好的,谢谢。这样的话,如果绿卡过期了,新的也没下来,renew receipt 也可以当作绿卡用吗。这都不知道得等多久才能拿到。
去local office 在护照上盖个章,相当于”interium”绿卡,有效期一年
可以的,提交绿卡更新申请后,自动延长36个月, 旅游的时候带上过期绿卡和amended receipt就可以了。不过mm最好联系下uscis确认下,以防万一。
On Sept. 10, 2024, we began automatically extending the validity of permanent resident cards (also known as Green Cards) to 36 months from the expiration date on the face of the current Green Card for lawful permanent residents (LPR) who file Form I-90 to renew an expiring or expired Green Card. We are in the process of sending out amended receipt notices for individuals with a pending Form I-90. You can present a receipt notice with an expired Green Card as evidence of LPR. Your amended receipt notice with your expired Green Card provides proof of employment and travel authorization for 36 months from the expiration date on the front of your expired Green Card.
It will take some time to send out all the amended receipt notices. If you are in urgent need of evidence of status and employment eligibility while you wait for your amended receipt notice or your replacement Green Card, or if you need another in-person service, you may call the USCIS Contact Center to request an appointment. We encourage you to wait for your amended receipt notice instead of scheduling an appointment that you may not need.