CNN有人正在写一本书, 关于Biden健康的极速下滑和他周围的人怎么cover up的 五月份出版 New book on Biden by Jake Tapper and Alex Thompson reports a ‘cover up’ about his decline | CNN Business The day after Donald Trump won the 2024 election, CNN anchor Jake Tapper and Axios correspondent Alex Thompson decided to co-author a book about what had led the Democratic party to defeat, with a focus on former President Joe Biden. The deeply sourced reporters found what they call a “cover-up” of the former president’s “serious decline.” The resulting book, titled “Original Sin: President Biden’s Decline, Its Cover-up, and His Disastrous Choice to Run Again,” is coming out on May 20.
Reunited with the best of the best on my favorite line. Thanks for the ride, @Amtrak
公司开会,一个人很隐晦的说,it's just a month, but feel like a decade. 大家纷纷点头
一月份新奥尔良Superbowl 恐袭枪击, 多条人命,还有人记得吗?
New book on Biden by Jake Tapper and Alex Thompson reports a ‘cover up’ about his decline | CNN Business
The day after Donald Trump won the 2024 election, CNN anchor Jake Tapper and Axios correspondent Alex Thompson decided to co-author a book about what had led the Democratic party to defeat, with a focus on former President Joe Biden. The deeply sourced reporters found what they call a “cover-up” of the former president’s “serious decline.” The resulting book, titled “Original Sin: President Biden’s Decline, Its Cover-up, and His Disastrous Choice to Run Again,” is coming out on May 20.
一个体面的人无论如何不会支持一个霸凌 一个有头脑的人无论如何不会支持一个疯子
更不用说 自由主义者不会支持极右的project 2025
就他痴痴呆呆或者kamala光傻笑不做事的执政态度,美国还能安安稳稳蹦跶个上百年。 现在不好说,说不定哪天突然就……
老实说, 他和哈哈姐也不行, 美国日益没落 但是, 肥川是总加速师, 现在是一片混乱
能直接下令炸了北溪,能在背后一刀捅了法国,截胡澳洲搞AUKUS的人, 和软弱无能可没啥关系。。
拜登其实下手比川普黑的多。。 川普是纯粹瞎咋呼,都是嘴炮。。
经济学界现在公认,就是拜登上台后的那次大规模发钱,彻底造成通胀失控的。。 当时美国经济已经强劲复苏,完全没必要再印钱
额, 没有吧! 通货膨胀跟发钱关系很大 通货膨胀和非法移民, 都没法洗, 大家又不是7秒记忆 还有后来的恋栈导致民主党惨败, 赦免亲儿子, 对民主党伤害深远 他的 exit poll 支持率直逼卡特, 历史第二低