焱焱 发表于 2025-02-26 17:50 川普刚过的法案,no tax on overtime
还早着呢 But despite claims on social media that it included Trump’s campaign pledges to cut taxes on overtime and tips, the framework that passed on Tuesday is only a budget resolution meant to guide Congress on related legislation for the year. It does not provide funding for federal programs or change tax law.
川普刚过的法案,no tax on overtime
问题是我们单位把BASE HOUR 加了啊。我现在才明白过来为啥加BASE HOUR.
But despite claims on social media that it included Trump’s campaign pledges to cut taxes on overtime and tips, the framework that passed on Tuesday is only a budget resolution meant to guide Congress on related legislation for the year. It does not provide funding for federal programs or change tax law.
我每年都提前算好自己的税, 然后据此做各种安排, 结果没想到老板一竿子给我加了不少钱, 把我的计划打乱了, 钱多了当然是好事, 但是我之前可以报的很多credit因为收入过线了就不能报了, 很郁闷。