开始撕了。我觉得作为一个populist,Trump 还是很有common sense. Staying true to his campaign promise. 大家猜猜看,能不能吵出个结果pass 一个tax bill. 会不会cut Medicaid Medicare. Cut 多少。 WASHINGTON—When President Trump locked a group of House Republicans into the Cabinet Room at the White House earlier this month with the directive to emerge with a GOP plan that would help fund his top priorities, he also cautioned the roughly dozen lawmakers about making cuts to Medicaid. Trump made clear he was OK with putting work requirements in place, but he warned against spending cuts that impact the quality of healthcare, recalled Rep. Don Bacon (R., Neb.). But just after Trump left the room, Bacon said, one budget hawk remarked: “We could get $2.5 trillion if we cut Medicaid.” Rep. Steve Scalise of Louisiana, the No. 2 House Republican, shot back: “Did you hear what the president just said?”
social security medicaid/medicare national defense 各砍20% 我敬老川是条汉子 当然 这是不可能 最后一定是和他的第一个任期一样,唯一砍掉的就是富人的稅
啊?他砍其他的是为了砍税。不砍其他的就不能砍税。 1.0的时候他已经默默砍过了一些obcare 的东西了。
… Medicaid Medicare跟保险公司完全没有一毛钱关系啊。 又不是保险公司卖的。咋砍保险公司啊。
现在保险公司成了医疗行业的替罪羊了 lol
砍这些其实没有意义 ,虽然的确钱不少,但还是小钱,而且都解决不了负债问题。
第三就是社会福利的漏洞。比如美国社会救济这块的福利 ,主要花销不是福利领取人,而是各种负责发福利的人。还有,社会救济需要专人,办公室,外加承包商,还有仓库,运送,配送,发放费用。这些管理导致1万块钱的救济,实际到救济人手中,可能不到1千块。如果这些AI化,或者直接发钱,估计能节省至少一半同项目的支出 。
砍social security, medicare, Medicaid, 拿老百姓开刀,恃强凌弱,为什么敬他是条汉子?