itmm 发表于 2025-02-23 11:33 “超过一半的本科生拿FA” 要看给 FA 的平均值或中位数,如果很大比例给个几千块 FA 有啥用; 小样本里 T20 给 FA 真比较给力的只有 T5, 像布朗,油盆这些藤给 FA 实际很扣索,家庭收入“坎儿”也挺低就是收入没太高就要付全额或只有少量FA了
“超过一半的本科生拿FA” 要看给 FA 的平均值或中位数,如果很大比例给个几千块 FA 有啥用; 小样本里 T20 给 FA 真比较给力的只有 T5, 像布朗,油盆这些藤给 FA 实际很扣索,家庭收入“坎儿”也挺低就是收入没太高就要付全额或只有少量FA了 itmm 发表于 2025-02-23 11:33
以下是哥大官网上说的: About half of Columbia''s incoming first-year students receive grants from Columbia and the average amount awarded is $76,265. 给的FA平均值$76,265已经超出了哥大学费了,你觉得这不多? 以下是宾大官网上说的: 46% of undergraduate students received need-based financial aid in 2023-2024, with an average package of $66,222--more than the cost of tuition.
公用马甲3 发表于 2025-02-23 11:58 以下是哥大官网上说的: About half of Columbia''s incoming first-year students receive grants from Columbia and the average amount awarded is $76,265. 给的FA平均值$76,265已经超出了哥大学费了,你觉得这不多? 以下是宾大官网上说的: 46% of undergraduate students received need-based financial aid in 2023-2024, with an average package of $66,222--more than the cost of tuition.
肯定会受影响,但原因不止是砍联邦经费,主要原因是联邦很可能要对大学学生资助收税了。 为富人减税是非常有挑战性的任务,减得少了对富人来说有什么意义,得从各个角落里抠钱出来。 House Republicans mull taxes on scholarships and changes to student loan programs Updated 12:51 PM GMT+8, February 9, 2025 As Republicans in Congress look for ways to slash spending, some legislators are floating new taxes on college scholarships, an end to student loan repayment plans and a big hike in taxes on university endowments. The ideas affecting higher education are among many in circulation among House committees that are exploring ways to cover the cost of extending and expanding tax cuts passed in President Donald Trump’s first term. The recommendations are still evolving, and it’s unclear how close any of them will get to being implemented. Regardless, advocates across higher education say they are alarmed to see such proposals gain traction at all with Republicans.
但我知道的川粉还真大多数是付不起学费,指望能拿need based的(大概属于家庭收入十万出头,两三个娃的那种) 但同时他们又特别痛恨非移黑人啥的拿福利,我不说对错但你得统一自己的看法吧。。。 仅个人观察
“超过一半的本科生拿FA” 要看给 FA 的平均值或中位数,如果很大比例给个几千块 FA 有啥用; 小样本里 T20 给 FA 真比较给力的只有 T5, 像布朗,油盆这些藤给 FA 实际很扣索,家庭收入“坎儿”也挺低就是收入没太高就要付全额或只有少量FA了
没关系。FA 都是校友捐的钱
也不都是校友捐的钱,还有相当一部分是付全额学费的学生cover 了,要不学费这么贵还年年涨呢
是啊,但两件事本质上不都是因为自己的弱势所以接受别人的资助么。。。为什么自己能拿,穷人就不能拿呢。。。 当然如果你统一观点,穷人不拿,我也不拿,有多大能力办多大事就上州大,我也觉得你是统一观点没任何问题
以下是哥大官网上说的: About half of Columbia''s incoming first-year students receive grants from Columbia and the average amount awarded is $76,265. 给的FA平均值$76,265已经超出了哥大学费了,你觉得这不多? 以下是宾大官网上说的: 46% of undergraduate students received need-based financial aid in 2023-2024, with an average package of $66,222--more than the cost of tuition.
needbased 奖学金是靠实力拿的,不是靠弱势群体。意思是尽管学校要倒贴钱给你,但是因为你太优秀所以发了offer。 需要比不申请FA的学生优秀一大截才能拿到offer
这标题不写着“need blind”招生么,你怎么又need要比不需要的优秀呢? 而且就我认识的几个人还真不一定。。。(同时录取同一个大学的,有need有不用need的)
PS你说的那种叫Merit based。。。
从我身边的样本来看,拿FA的并不比付全款进去的门槛高,甚至恰好相反,低收入弱势家庭孩子进T5, T10更容易录取
真的太疯狂了 有的人要出全额学费 有的人一分不出还有生活费拿 如果不是美国大学可以搞价格歧视 如果只准收一样的学费 学费根本不可能是今天这个价格
House Republicans mull taxes on scholarships and changes to student loan programs Updated 12:51 PM GMT+8, February 9, 2025
As Republicans in Congress look for ways to slash spending, some legislators are floating new taxes on college scholarships, an end to student loan repayment plans and a big hike in taxes on university endowments. The ideas affecting higher education are among many in circulation among House committees that are exploring ways to cover the cost of extending and expanding tax cuts passed in President Donald Trump’s first term. The recommendations are still evolving, and it’s unclear how close any of them will get to being implemented. Regardless, advocates across higher education say they are alarmed to see such proposals gain traction at all with Republicans.
实操是low income, 1st generation 大学生是个大钩子对藤校录取很加分,比中产娃要求低 普林斯顿目标70%学生拿fa, 普通中产估计要掂量掂量,是不是要费钱费力去那里跟真假穷人建立connection, 哈哈哈
我是不太相信完完全全的need blind的招生。现在这种大形势下就less blind点也挺正常