哈哈哈,谁让川普这么喜欢用推特,都是他自己说过的话。 By simply taking the 45th President of the United States' tweets and transcripts, cutting them up and reordering them, Sears unearthed a trove of beautiful verse that was just waiting to be discovered.
Haters gotta hate losers gotta lose not a penny will be spent on their lousy books liars gotta lie fakers gotta fake not a moment will be lost in missing their miserable existence
strawberrykiwi 发表于 2025-02-20 20:06 Haters gotta hate losers gotta lose not a penny will be spent on their lousy books liars gotta lie fakers gotta fake not a moment will be lost in missing their miserable existence
回复 1楼 trytdf 的帖子 https://www.amazon.com/Beautiful-Poetry-Donald-Trump-Canons/dp/1786892278 What if there's a hidden dimension to Donald Trump; a sensitive, poetic side? Driven by this question, Rob Sears began combing Trump's words for signs of poetry. What he found was a revelation. By simply taking the 45th President of the United States' tweets and transcripts, cutting them up and reordering them, Sears unearthed a trove of beautiful verse that was just waiting to be discovered. This groundbreaking collection will give readers a glimpse of Trump's innermost thoughts and feelings on everything from the nature of truth, to what he hates about Lord Sugar. And it will reveal a hitherto hidden Donald, who may surprise and delight both students and critics alike. This timely publication also includes Sears' scholarly footnotes and introduction, in which he excavates new critical angles and insights into the President's poetry which the casual reader might initially overlook.
真的分不清 真假呀。
JD Vance 长的可不怎么样,除了个子高以外,真的是乏善可陈。可能老床评判颜值的第一条就是身高。
活久见. 所以JD被否了...
哈哈哈,谁让川普这么喜欢用推特,都是他自己说过的话。 By simply taking the 45th President of the United States' tweets and transcripts, cutting them up and reordering them, Sears unearthed a trove of beautiful verse that was just waiting to be discovered.
“Strictly unauthorized”
肯定是别人写的 但话是川说的
OMG, crack me up.
liars gotta lie fakers gotta fake not a moment will be lost in missing their miserable existence
it's yuuuuge
笑死我了 这是反讽达人啊 亚麻还能上架 真没有版权啥影响啊
这明明是献给hater的诗 你们好无聊,一天到晚 nothing better to do
What if there's a hidden dimension to Donald Trump; a sensitive, poetic side? Driven by this question, Rob Sears began combing Trump's words for signs of poetry. What he found was a revelation. By simply taking the 45th President of the United States' tweets and transcripts, cutting them up and reordering them, Sears unearthed a trove of beautiful verse that was just waiting to be discovered. This groundbreaking collection will give readers a glimpse of Trump's innermost thoughts and feelings on everything from the nature of truth, to what he hates about Lord Sugar. And it will reveal a hitherto hidden Donald, who may surprise and delight both students and critics alike. This timely publication also includes Sears' scholarly footnotes and introduction, in which he excavates new critical angles and insights into the President's poetry which the casual reader might initially overlook.
huge. tremendous.