有趣的理论, 最大的裁员,是民主党的克林顿政府 Over 377,000 federal positions were cut, primarily from defense, transportation, and administrative agencies. This was the largest reduction of federal jobs in U.S. history, affecting various agencies such as the General Services Administration (GSA), Department of Agriculture, and Department of Energy. 是因为他们没给克林顿投票吗?90%都是投民主党的,克林顿疯了吗?
大青椒 发表于 2025-02-19 09:39 有趣的理论, 最大的裁员,是民主党的克林顿政府 Over 377,000 federal positions were cut, primarily from defense, transportation, and administrative agencies. This was the largest reduction of federal jobs in U.S. history, affecting various agencies such as the General Services Administration (GSA), Department of Agriculture, and Department of Energy. 是因为他们没给克林顿投票吗?90%都是投民主党的,克林顿疯了吗?
Where are federal workers based geographically? Only about 7% of federal workers are located in Washington, D.C., proper, according to a 2024 Congressional Research Service report. But when adding the federal workers located in Virginia and Maryland, the larger Washington, D.C., metro area represents about 20% of the entire government workforce. Roughly 80% of federal workers are located outside the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area, and civil service employees are employed in every U.S. state, the CRS report noted. While Washington, D.C., proper has the largest number of federal workers, at about 162,000, other states aren't far behind: California employs about 147,000 federal workers, while Texas has about 130,000. Additional states with sizable federal workforces include Florida, at about 94,000, and Georgia, with almost 80,000 federal workers, the analysis found. https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/trump-federal-workforce-job-cuts-executive-order-doge-elon-musk/
联邦政府里1/3是退伍军人,这是gop的基本盘。 这1/3里有一半是残疾人士。
呵呵呵, 就你们这点水平还批评Elon 这个人精?
你们知道不知道federal 雇员大部分不住在DC周围, 的同时, DC 及周边有百分之四十多居民是政府雇员? 知道这两句话的逻辑关系么?
另外说一句, 百分之四十多的居民是政府雇员,再加上其(非政府雇员)家庭成员,就知道为啥Trump 只能得到个位数得投票了。。。。
Where are federal workers based geographically? Only about 7% of federal workers are located in Washington, D.C., proper, according to a 2024 Congressional Research Service report. But when adding the federal workers located in Virginia and Maryland, the larger Washington, D.C., metro area represents about 20% of the entire government workforce. Roughly 80% of federal workers are located outside the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area, and civil service employees are employed in every U.S. state, the CRS report noted. While Washington, D.C., proper has the largest number of federal workers, at about 162,000, other states aren't far behind: California employs about 147,000 federal workers, while Texas has about 130,000. Additional states with sizable federal workforces include Florida, at about 94,000, and Georgia, with almost 80,000 federal workers, the analysis found. https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/trump-federal-workforce-job-cuts-executive-order-doge-elon-musk/
审neuralink的人都一窝端了, 可能你们也要直接上市了。
你们知道不知道federal 雇员大部分不住在DC周围, 的同时, DC 及周边有百分之四十多居民是政府雇员
你知道这有多可笑吗?DMV地区有6.3 million的人口。6.3*0.4=2.52, 都超过全部联邦雇员人数了!!
他应该是说dc, 68万人口, 16万联邦雇员,考虑到这68万人口包括小孩老人,工作的人大概40万不到。40%是政府雇员没问题。