Fees for trades placed online Stocks, exchange-traded funds (ETF) and closed-end funds: $4.95 per trade 100 free online stock or ETF trades per year3 with a U.S. Bancorp Investments Self-Directed Brokerage Account enrolled in paperless document delivery and a U.S. Bank SmartlyTM Checking4 account offered by our affiliate U.S. Bank. Options: $4.95 per trade plus $1 per contract Mutual funds: No load, no transaction fee funds5: $0 No load, transaction fee funds: $25 per transaction Sales charges per the applicable fund prospectus
" Have or open a U.S. Bank Smartly® Savings account with a minimum opening deposit of $25; and Have “Combined Qualifying Balances” with U.S. Bank in open consumer checking account(s), money market savings account(s), savings account(s), CDs and/or IRAs, U.S. Bancorp Investments and personal trust account(s) (business accounts, commercial accounts, and the Trustee only (IFI) client relationship do not qualify)."
申请两周了卡已经到了,股票账户已开好,准备转100k中。 打算补税给娃交学费这种全用它了还能薅一笔。
我准备把BoA的premier reward关了,BoA这张卡毕竟95刀的年费呢 US bank这张卡感觉不太好的地方是没说免foreign transaction fee, 旅行时不太方便。 各位说说这张卡还有什么别的catch?
准备就放股票帐户啊 放saving太傻X了 股票帐户是可以的
try to charge 100K the first month and let us know how it works out 😄
thank you.
你必须开smarty saving account里面存十万才是4%,要不就是2%。
我特意去查了一下,的确需要开smarty saving account ,但是不需要10万存在saving里,可以开一个investment account, 然后放10万在那儿也算。
但是investment account是有几十块钱年费的,除非你放25万才可以免年费。然后他家股票交易是有手续费的,除非你钱多过某个数额就可以免几次交易手续费。反正坑还是挺多的。
我娃学校是可以的 交手续费就好了 手续费一般不到3% 所以还能拿回来1%
" Have or open a U.S. Bank Smartly® Savings account with a minimum opening deposit of $25; and Have “Combined Qualifying Balances” with U.S. Bank in open consumer checking account(s), money market savings account(s), savings account(s), CDs and/or IRAs, U.S. Bancorp Investments and personal trust account(s) (business accounts, commercial accounts, and the Trustee only (IFI) client relationship do not qualify)."
都说这卡背后的发行方WELLS FARGO有内鬼, 经常动不动就莫名其妙的人在家中坐, 卡被人盗刷。