Robert F. Kennedy Jr.''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''s "Make America Healthy Again" (MAHA) initiative includes several strategies aimed at reducing medical costs in the United States. Here are the key components of his plan: 1. Preventive Care and Chronic Disease Management Kennedy emphasizes shifting the focus from disease treatment to prevention, which can significantly reduce long-term healthcare costs. His plan promotes community-based initiatives to encourage healthy eating, regular exercise, and routine screenings to prevent chronic illnesses like diabetes and heart disease 12. By addressing the root causes of chronic diseases, such as poor diet and environmental toxins, MAHA aims to lower the incidence of costly conditions that consume a large portion of healthcare expenditures 113. 2. Health Care Cost Transparency MAHA proposes requiring hospitals and clinics to publicly list the costs of common procedures. This transparency is intended to increase competition among providers and help patients make more informed decisions, potentially driving down prices 18. 3. Reducing Prescription Drug Prices Kennedy advocates for stricter negotiation power between the federal government and pharmaceutical companies to lower prescription drug costs. This includes granting Medicare greater authority in drug price negotiations, which could make life-saving medications more affordable 15. He also supports capping drug prices to align them with costs in other countries, such as Europe, where prices are often lower 515. 4. Addressing the Opioid Crisis The opioid epidemic is a significant driver of healthcare costs. MAHA proposes expanding access to addiction treatment, bolstering mental health services, and promoting non-opioid pain management strategies to reduce the economic burden of the crisis 12. 5. Support for Rural Health Care Rural areas often face higher healthcare costs due to limited access to providers. MAHA aims to increase the number of healthcare providers in these regions through student loan forgiveness programs and investments in telehealth. Upgrading medical facilities and technology in rural areas is also part of the plan 13. 6. Integrative and Holistic Medicine Kennedy’s plan includes integrating evidence-based complementary therapies, such as acupuncture and dietary supplements, with conventional treatments. This approach could reduce reliance on expensive pharmaceuticals and invasive procedures 14. 7. Reforming Medicare Payment Systems Kennedy is exploring changes to how Medicare pays doctors, potentially reducing the role of the American Medical Association (AMA) in setting payment rates. This could lead to a more equitable distribution of funds, particularly favoring primary care over specialized procedures, which are often more costly 812. 8. Environmental Health and Pollution Reduction By tightening regulations on air and water contaminants linked to chronic diseases, MAHA aims to reduce healthcare costs associated with conditions like asthma and cancer. Cleaner environments can lead to healthier populations and lower medical expenses 113. 9. Reducing Administrative Costs Kennedy has criticized the inefficiencies and high administrative costs in the healthcare system. His plan includes measures to streamline operations and reduce bureaucratic overhead, which could lower overall healthcare expenditures 813. 10. Promoting Healthy Lifestyles and Nutrition MAHA focuses on improving nutrition and reducing the consumption of ultra-processed foods, which are linked to obesity and other chronic conditions. By promoting healthier diets, the plan aims to reduce the prevalence of costly diet-related diseases 215. Conclusion RFK Jr.''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''s MAHA initiative seeks to reduce medical costs through a combination of preventive care, cost transparency, drug price negotiations, and systemic reforms. While some aspects of his plan, such as vaccine transparency and holistic medicine, have sparked debate, the overall focus on prevention and cost reduction aligns with broader efforts to address the U.S. healthcare system''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''s inefficiencies 1213.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''s "Make America Healthy Again" (MAHA) initiative includes several strategies aimed at reducing medical costs in the United States. Here are the key components of his plan: 1. Preventive Care and Chronic Disease Management Kennedy emphasizes shifting the focus from disease treatment to prevention, which can significantly reduce long-term healthcare costs. His plan promotes community-based initiatives to encourage healthy eating, regular exercise, and routine screenings to prevent chronic illnesses like diabetes and heart disease 12. By addressing the root causes of chronic diseases, such as poor diet and environmental toxins, MAHA aims to lower the incidence of costly conditions that consume a large portion of healthcare expenditures 113. 2. Health Care Cost Transparency MAHA proposes requiring hospitals and clinics to publicly list the costs of common procedures. This transparency is intended to increase competition among providers and help patients make more informed decisions, potentially driving down prices 18. 3. Reducing Prescription Drug Prices Kennedy advocates for stricter negotiation power between the federal government and pharmaceutical companies to lower prescription drug costs. This includes granting Medicare greater authority in drug price negotiations, which could make life-saving medications more affordable 15. He also supports capping drug prices to align them with costs in other countries, such as Europe, where prices are often lower 515. 4. Addressing the Opioid Crisis The opioid epidemic is a significant driver of healthcare costs. MAHA proposes expanding access to addiction treatment, bolstering mental health services, and promoting non-opioid pain management strategies to reduce the economic burden of the crisis 12. 5. Support for Rural Health Care Rural areas often face higher healthcare costs due to limited access to providers. MAHA aims to increase the number of healthcare providers in these regions through student loan forgiveness programs and investments in telehealth. Upgrading medical facilities and technology in rural areas is also part of the plan 13. 6. Integrative and Holistic Medicine Kennedy’s plan includes integrating evidence-based complementary therapies, such as acupuncture and dietary supplements, with conventional treatments. This approach could reduce reliance on expensive pharmaceuticals and invasive procedures 14. 7. Reforming Medicare Payment Systems Kennedy is exploring changes to how Medicare pays doctors, potentially reducing the role of the American Medical Association (AMA) in setting payment rates. This could lead to a more equitable distribution of funds, particularly favoring primary care over specialized procedures, which are often more costly 812. 8. Environmental Health and Pollution Reduction By tightening regulations on air and water contaminants linked to chronic diseases, MAHA aims to reduce healthcare costs associated with conditions like asthma and cancer. Cleaner environments can lead to healthier populations and lower medical expenses 113. 9. Reducing Administrative Costs Kennedy has criticized the inefficiencies and high administrative costs in the healthcare system. His plan includes measures to streamline operations and reduce bureaucratic overhead, which could lower overall healthcare expenditures 813. 10. Promoting Healthy Lifestyles and Nutrition MAHA focuses on improving nutrition and reducing the consumption of ultra-processed foods, which are linked to obesity and other chronic conditions. By promoting healthier diets, the plan aims to reduce the prevalence of costly diet-related diseases 215. Conclusion RFK Jr.''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''s MAHA initiative seeks to reduce medical costs through a combination of preventive care, cost transparency, drug price negotiations, and systemic reforms. While some aspects of his plan, such as vaccine transparency and holistic medicine, have sparked debate, the overall focus on prevention and cost reduction aligns with broader efforts to address the U.S. healthcare system''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''s inefficiencies 1213.
7. Reforming Medicare Payment Systems Kennedy is exploring changes to how Medicare pays doctors, potentially reducing the role of the American Medical Association (AMA) in setting payment rates. This could lead to a more equitable distribution of funds, particularly favoring primary care over specialized procedures, which are often more costly 这个看着有意思,看看能做到多少吧,能把毒瘤保险公司制度改革一下
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''s "Make America Healthy Again" (MAHA) initiative includes several strategies aimed at reducing medical costs in the United States. Here are the key components of his plan: 1. Preventive Care and Chronic Disease Management Kennedy emphasizes shifting the focus from disease treatment to prevention, which can significantly reduce long-term healthcare costs. His plan promotes community-based initiatives to encourage healthy eating, regular exercise, and routine screenings to prevent chronic illnesses like diabetes and heart disease 12. By addressing the root causes of chronic diseases, such as poor diet and environmental toxins, MAHA aims to lower the incidence of costly conditions that consume a large portion of healthcare expenditures 113. 2. Health Care Cost Transparency MAHA proposes requiring hospitals and clinics to publicly list the costs of common procedures. This transparency is intended to increase competition among providers and help patients make more informed decisions, potentially driving down prices 18. 3. Reducing Prescription Drug Prices Kennedy advocates for stricter negotiation power between the federal government and pharmaceutical companies to lower prescription drug costs. This includes granting Medicare greater authority in drug price negotiations, which could make life-saving medications more affordable 15. He also supports capping drug prices to align them with costs in other countries, such as Europe, where prices are often lower 515. 4. Addressing the Opioid Crisis The opioid epidemic is a significant driver of healthcare costs. MAHA proposes expanding access to addiction treatment, bolstering mental health services, and promoting non-opioid pain management strategies to reduce the economic burden of the crisis 12. 5. Support for Rural Health Care Rural areas often face higher healthcare costs due to limited access to providers. MAHA aims to increase the number of healthcare providers in these regions through student loan forgiveness programs and investments in telehealth. Upgrading medical facilities and technology in rural areas is also part of the plan 13. 6. Integrative and Holistic Medicine Kennedy’s plan includes integrating evidence-based complementary therapies, such as acupuncture and dietary supplements, with conventional treatments. This approach could reduce reliance on expensive pharmaceuticals and invasive procedures 14. 7. Reforming Medicare Payment Systems Kennedy is exploring changes to how Medicare pays doctors, potentially reducing the role of the American Medical Association (AMA) in setting payment rates. This could lead to a more equitable distribution of funds, particularly favoring primary care over specialized procedures, which are often more costly 812. 8. Environmental Health and Pollution Reduction By tightening regulations on air and water contaminants linked to chronic diseases, MAHA aims to reduce healthcare costs associated with conditions like asthma and cancer. Cleaner environments can lead to healthier populations and lower medical expenses 113. 9. Reducing Administrative Costs Kennedy has criticized the inefficiencies and high administrative costs in the healthcare system. His plan includes measures to streamline operations and reduce bureaucratic overhead, which could lower overall healthcare expenditures 813. 10. Promoting Healthy Lifestyles and Nutrition MAHA focuses on improving nutrition and reducing the consumption of ultra-processed foods, which are linked to obesity and other chronic conditions. By promoting healthier diets, the plan aims to reduce the prevalence of costly diet-related diseases 215. Conclusion RFK Jr.''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''s MAHA initiative seeks to reduce medical costs through a combination of preventive care, cost transparency, drug price negotiations, and systemic reforms. While some aspects of his plan, such as vaccine transparency and holistic medicine, have sparked debate, the overall focus on prevention and cost reduction aligns with broader efforts to address the U.S. healthcare system''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''s inefficiencies 1213.
他做的这些不会让看病更容易,第一条就有问题,提倡养生而非治病,前排叫好的是看不懂吗 Kennedy emphasizes shifting the focus from disease treatment to prevention, which can significantly reduce long-term healthcare costs.
川普tax法案里最不要脸的是取消inpatient only list,将迫使更多的手术变为day surgery,还有一个是取消养老院minimum staffing,众所周知美国养老院现在都已经人手不够,这样一来,没钱请私人护理的,动完手术当天就滚回家自己护理,术后疼痛感染并发症就自认倒霉吧,养老院老人请不起私人看护的就等着尿布干结都没人换,一天都没人喂上几口饭,速速自绝。
xiaohaot 发表于 2025-02-16 18:26 如果医生短缺严重,确实应该降低培养成本。很多医生开个小诊所,一辈子只看一些简单的病症,真没必要培训那么长的时间. UCLA医学院学生考试通过率只有0%,我对美国的医生培养制度还真没什么信心,不如让外国医生干 UCLA med students alarmingly sub-standard, as school ''cuts corners'', admits applicants based on race Over 50% of UCLA med students failed standardized tests on family medicine, internal medicine, emergency medicine, and pediatrics.
UCLA医学院学生考试通过率只有50%,我对美国的医生培养制度还真没什么信心,不如让外国医生干 UCLA med students alarmingly sub-standard, as school ''''cuts corners'''', admits applicants based on race Over 50% of UCLA med students failed standardized tests on family medicine, internal medicine, emergency medicine, and pediatrics.
xiaohaot 发表于 2025-02-16 18:31 UCLA医学院学生考试通过率只有50%,我对美国的医生培养制度还真没什么信心,不如让外国医生干 UCLA med students alarmingly sub-standard, as school ''''cuts corners'''', admits applicants based on race Over 50% of UCLA med students failed standardized tests on family medicine, internal medicine, emergency medicine, and pediatrics.
xiaohaot 发表于 2025-02-16 18:31 UCLA医学院学生考试通过率只有50%,我对美国的医生培养制度还真没什么信心,不如让外国医生干 UCLA med students alarmingly sub-standard, as school ''''cuts corners'''', admits applicants based on race Over 50% of UCLA med students failed standardized tests on family medicine, internal medicine, emergency medicine, and pediatrics.
多培养医生和麻醉师呗 现在那么多人找不到工作 医疗行业还这个病人不看 那个病人预约要等半年 纯粹是人为制造的短缺
医学院免费,政府掏学费, 扩招学生数量
就是啊。现在Urgent care都是RN和PA在看。收费跟以前一样。以前可是医生看的。我现在能尽量约我的家庭医生就尽量不去UC了。因为基本上看了等于没看。
这不是胡扯吗?医生工资那么高 难道不是从病人口袋里拿出来的?
+1. 很多有名的医生都是印度人直接来的。国内的我也见过几个。都是高中毕业直接上。
你了解一下CPT code 和与之对应的rvu再来喷也不迟。我比较了解放射科就以这个为例。
比如CT/MRI,你知道看一个片有多少能进医生口袋吗?一个腹部增强CT的professional reimbursement 才四十块左右。放射科医生工资够高了吧,但那是大量volume才堆积起来的,一年平均9000-10000 rvu,每个rvu几十块,这才有的几十万收入。private practice的partner可以拿technical fee,在这基础上收入还能多些,但是平均下来看一个CT/MRI不会有超过7,80给医生,出去做个头发吃个饭都不止吧?可是这是关乎人命的活。
中国每年的医学院毕业生大量无法就业 美国是垄断集团控制每一个招生额度
账单写一个CT5000刀,实际保险公司只付给医院100刀,医院再拿出70刀给医生 然后患者拿到账单,5000刀的CT自付只需要200刀,感叹还好自己有保险
干不了保险公司,医院,dialysis center, urgent care, 养老院,就知道拿处于弱势地位的个体医生开刀
我感觉你们都没明白他的policy 文盲太多,看不懂政策?
高不高,自由市场就是合理的 垄断的就是一定不合理的
Kennedy emphasizes shifting the focus from disease treatment to prevention, which can significantly reduce long-term healthcare costs.
re 真正的毒瘤是保险公司 只有O8碰了 然而论坛上的大妈却对O8咬牙切齿真是可笑
说得好 这些杂种都是说一套做一套
完全同意 然而论坛上这么多没文化的大妈还捧他,吐
小肯尼迪的方案和川普的tax方案都看到打压医院医生这些打工人,都没看到砍保险机构,是背后的主事大金主不能动啊,川普的方案更离谱,一方面拼命砍Medicare,medicaid这些老弱病残的福利,一方面要取消death tax不舍得让富人交一分税
是的 论坛上的文盲看不懂政策就拍手就好 毒瘤在保险公司那儿Kennedy怎么不敢碰呐 估计这些人都是投川普的煞/笔
像这种非紧急情况的医疗服务,只要价格透明,病人完全可以选择不使用保险,直接付现金给医生。保险保紧急情况和大病就可以了。什么小病非急病都要报保险,做一堆paper work,真的非常浪费资源
保险公司什么时候敢用价格高的理由拒保了? 一般都是医生说要手术,保险公司觉得要保守治疗,两边都有理论实践支持。 病人心里倾向医生的方案,就会觉得保险公司拒保。 病人心里倾向保险公司的方案,就会觉得医生贪婪过度医疗。 不管怎样,等病人好了那天都会得到一个结论,美国医生或者保险公司太黑心了,不改不行。 病人要是恶化了,那就是医生保险公司都是坏人,又骗钱又要命。 Either way,医疗利益集团害死人!
你是说田纳西要引进那种没考过board, 没做过住院医的医生?
就是因为行业壁垒,搞的医生人为的短缺,不得已招外国医生。田纳西州法律通过可以招外国医生,医生行会不是还在百般阻挠吗?另外以前也因为护士短缺,大招菲律宾护士,后来护士工会强烈反对,不让招外国护士了,才保证了护士的高工资, 这不都是行业壁垒吗?
不要对自己不知道的事物大放厥词。 什么时候美国不招外国护士了?曾经在护士最缺的时候,外国护士可以直接拿绿卡,不占EB3名额。现在要护士和别人一起排队,EB3没有排期的国家,护士还是可以直接来美国上班。有排期的,排到了一样可以来。
在美国待久了容易教条化。 中国医生都没有过美国的board不是照样看病比美国医生快准狠。
田纳西直接招外国医生。如果这些医生没考美国board, 没做过住院医,却可以在田纳西行医,那么美国医学院的毕业生是不是也应该可以在田纳西行医,而且不限专科?
印度巴基斯坦孟加拉的医生也是如此。 1.你如何确定简历是真的? 2.谁来review简历?你不能刨医生祖坟,还让医生自己挖坑吧? 3.美国医学院的医生是不是也不用考board了?
re 刚出台的系列方案全都是这个思路
UCLA med students alarmingly sub-standard, as school ''''cuts corners'''', admits applicants based on race Over 50% of UCLA med students failed standardized tests on family medicine, internal medicine, emergency medicine, and pediatrics.
你是外国移民自然open to外国医生,但是这些maga们,即使是本国医生,黑白黄棕站一排,他肯定选白啊。
就算不是maga, 一个乌干达的医生,一个喀麦隆的医生,你准备选哪个?只要开放了,总不能厚此薄彼吧。
not true, there are many tricky ways for them to get into us system
是的。 我这次看痘痘。 医生开涂的外用药, 居然自己要付$530一支药膏。 已经叫医生换了类似药三次了, 还是不低于$380,我都怀疑是不是医生和保险串通了
match 这事情是这样的,当年的国会法案中, 给每年出几万个名额的津贴 (每人好像五万多还是六七万), 这个就是住院医的“工资” , 你match去的医院并不给住院医出工资, 所以实际上每年能match的名额就事实上变成了国会法案通过多少多少份工资,就有多少match名额。 医院是不会给出的(因为据说住院医所作的治疗,赚不回他的工资---- 俺个人对此存疑, 当牲口使用的住院医的服务不值五六七万美元?)
另一个原因为啥医院不能给出工资呢? 因为资本家能省一分是一分,而且省钱导致医生短缺更加对在职医生有利
第二为啥国会定的那点名额不能增加呢? 因为一直到几年前, 医师协会都在全力以赴的lobby所有议员,绝对不要提出增加match名额的法案 -- 大家都明白最邪恶的就是这一点。 每人每年工资五六万,总共五万人, 才他妈的多点钱!!! 二三十亿元而已, 从他妈的给各种机构浪费挥霍掉的钱里省出来二三十亿元就能给美国人每年增加一倍的新医生! 但这压根就提不到国会, 反而是各种恶心的法案都他妈的在那里现眼
False. 医师协会(如AMA, AAMC等)长期以来一直在倡导增加住院医师培训名额(GME slots),以应对美国医生短缺的问题。他们积极游说国会,推动增加联邦资助的住院医师匹配名额。例如: 1. 支持相关立法 • 他们曾支持《Resident Physician Shortage Reduction Act》等法案,旨在增加Medicare资助的住院医师名额。 2. 推动GME改革 • 医师协会多次呼吁增加GME(Graduate Medical Education)资金,以扩大住院医培训机会,特别是在基层医疗和短缺专业领域。 3. 反对减少资金,但不是反对增加名额 • 他们可能会反对削减现有GME资金或某些对现行系统不利的改革,但总体上,他们的立场是支持增加培训机会,而不是阻止增加match名额。
1. 住院医师的工资 vs. 他们带来的直接收入 • 住院医师(Resident Physicians)平均年薪约为 $60,000-$80,000,但他们每周工作60-80小时,时薪远低于正式执业的医生。 • 由于住院医师不能独立执业(需要主治医师监督),他们的医疗服务通常不能单独计费,导致医院从他们的工作中直接获得的收入较低。
2. 医院的财政补贴 • Medicare GME(Graduate Medical Education)补助 美国联邦政府通过Medicare每年向医院提供每位住院医师约$100,000-$150,000的补贴,用于支付住院医师工资及培训成本。 • 医院利用住院医师降低成本 • 住院医师的工资远低于主治医师,医院可以用他们来承担繁重的医疗工作,从而减少对高薪医生的依赖。 • 住院医师承担夜班、急诊和例行检查等工作,使医院能以更低成本提供24/7的医疗服务。
3. 住院医师的间接经济价值 • 提高主治医师和专科医生的工作效率 • 住院医师处理基础医疗任务,主治医师可以专注于更复杂的病例和高价值手术,从而提高医院整体收入。 • 吸引患者和科研资金 • 教学医院(Teaching Hospitals)因拥有住院医师,可以吸引更多患者、临床试验资金和研究补助,从而提高盈利能力。
4. 住院医师 vs. 医院盈利 • 纯粹从住院医师的个人工作直接创造的收入来看,他们的医疗行为可能无法完全覆盖自己的工资。 • 但从医院整体运营角度来看,住院医师为医院提供低成本劳动力,提高整体效率,并获得政府补助,因此他们仍然是医院的重要资产。
胃镜全麻,美国 医院做2 万多刀, 保险cover 80% 自费 4000 刀。 。 真的美国医疗贵到离谱。 而且我的保险还是PPO的。 国内胃镜200 多人民币, 加个全麻( 700 多人民币) 整个胃镜在国内做, 无医保1000 出头人民币。 二线城市。
客观来说,AMA怎么会推动增加住院医人数?它这对得起医生交的会费吗?AMA要是不在增加住院医的bill加点类似取消全国NP/PA处方权的条款,它自己就该解散了。 AHA倒是真心推动增加住院医。
多做点深入的研究就知道了 医师协会对增加医务人员的立场改变是近年才出现的, 导火索是疫情!!!!
你说的这些都是疫情之后才出现的, 而现在你才去google, 得到的就是这个虚假的信息
你去deep search就知道了,疫情前医师协会一直在反对增加医生名额
直到疫情, 大规模爆发的危机让医生不够成为了公共危机, 医师协会才不得不改变立场
美国大规模关停并转医学院,是从大约80年代开始的, 而现在网上你压根搜不到任何信息
中国医生工资低到不可思议,主治医之前简直是奴隶制,去年就有不少医生因此自杀。 就算做了主治医生,也无法通过白色的工资收入过上体面的生活,依然要依靠灰色收入
作为一个国内三甲ICU2年,美国10年的护士的视角,就算省会三甲医院的国内医疗 都比不上美国我在的小城市的私立医院,和大型医院更是没的比。