人家的矿值钱多了 "Volodymyr Landa, senior economist at the Centre for Economic Strategy in Kyiv, told NPR that he led a survey of all mineral resources in Ukraine for Forbes Ukraine in 2023 and estimated their value at $14.8 trillion — an estimate cited by the Ukrainian government as well. (Other estimates have run even higher)."
当年二哈司机觉着俺赶着二哈牲口去流血送命,你们应该给钱, 是给钱,不是借给俺钱!
人家的矿值钱多了 "Volodymyr Landa, senior economist at the Centre for Economic Strategy in Kyiv, told NPR that he led a survey of all mineral resources in Ukraine for Forbes Ukraine in 2023 and estimated their value at $14.8 trillion — an estimate cited by the Ukrainian government as well. (Other estimates have run even higher)."