The Black Hawk crew may have never heard the words "pass behind the" during the transmission from the controller because the helicopter''''s microphone key was depressed right then, Homendy said. The mic key lasted 0.8 seconds, the chair said The crew of the Army Black Hawk helicopter that collided in midair with an American Airlines jet over Washington, D.C., and crashed into the Potomac River might not have heard instructions from an air traffic controller to pass behind the plane, investigators said Friday. National Transportation Safety Board Chairwoman Jennifer Homendy said a recording from the helicopter cockpit suggests the crew may have missed the key instruction just before the Jan. 29 collision, in which all 67 aboard the two aircraft were killed. Seventeen seconds before the collision, a radio transmission from the air traffic control tower at Ronald Reagan National Airport directed the helicopter to pass behind the airliner, Homendy said. The transmission was audible on both aircraft cockpit voice recorders. The Black Hawk crew may have never heard the words "pass behind the" during the transmission from the controller because the helicopter''''s microphone key was depressed right then, Homendy said. The mic key lasted 0.8 seconds, the chair said. The collision likely occurred at an altitude of about 325 feet, investigators have said, which would put the Black Hawk above its 200-foot limit for that location.
that night when the pilot was being tested on the use of night vision goggles and flying by instruments, Homendy said. Investigators believe the crew was wearing night vision goggles throughout the flight. The Army identified the crew as Capt. Rebecca M. Lobach of North Carolina; Staff Sgt. Ryan Austin O''''Hara, 28, of Georgia; and Chief Warrant Officer 2 Andrew Loyd Eaves, 39, of Maryland. O''''Hara was the crew chief and Eaves and Lobach were pilots. The collision was the deadliest plane crash in the U.S. since 2001, when a jet slammed into a New York City neighborhood just after takeoff, killing all 260 people on board and five more on the ground. It will take more than a year to get the final NTSB report on last month''''s collision, and Homendy warned reporters that many issues were still being probed. "We''''re only a couple weeks out," from the crash, she said. "We have a lot of work to do."
黑鹰飞行员的错,在那里直升机的最高允许飞行高度规定是200,黑鹰飞行员怎么可能不知道,飞到300,在空中撞向客机,要是偶然那才是奇葩了,就像空中两炮弹偶然撞一起,差半秒都不行 NTSB Confirms Black Hawk Helicopter Was flying 100 Feet Over Altitude Limit The maximum altitude for a helicopter to fly in the area is 200 feet.
It will take more than a year to get the final NTSB report on last month''''s collision, and Homendy warned reporters that many issues were still being probed. "We''''re only a couple weeks out," from the crash, she said. "We have a lot of work to do." 别的不说了,这效率太令人感叹❕❕❕
yanle 发表于 2025-02-15 18:32 It will take more than a year to get the final NTSB report on last month''''s collision, and Homendy warned reporters that many issues were still being probed. "We''''re only a couple weeks out," from the crash, she said. "We have a lot of work to do." 别的不说了,这效率太令人感叹❕❕❕
你可能不知道任何一个social network 只要他们想在欧洲做生意必须遵守GDPR. GDPR 里有一条The right to be forgiven. 任何一个用户可以在删掉自己的帐号后、 GDOR compliant social network 必须在erase 这个用户所有信息包括帖子。 The crew of the Army Black Hawk helicopter that collided in midair with an American Airlines jet over Washington, D.C., and crashed into the Potomac River might not have heard instructions from an air traffic controller to pass behind the plane, investigators said Friday.
National Transportation Safety Board Chairwoman Jennifer Homendy said a recording from the helicopter cockpit suggests the crew may have missed the key instruction just before the Jan. 29 collision, in which all 67 aboard the two aircraft were killed.
Seventeen seconds before the collision, a radio transmission from the air traffic control tower at Ronald Reagan National Airport directed the helicopter to pass behind the airliner, Homendy said. The transmission was audible on both aircraft cockpit voice recorders.
The Black Hawk crew may have never heard the words "pass behind the" during the transmission from the controller because the helicopter''''s microphone key was depressed right then, Homendy said. The mic key lasted 0.8 seconds, the chair said.
The collision likely occurred at an altitude of about 325 feet, investigators have said, which would put the Black Hawk above its 200-foot limit for that location.
that night when the pilot was being tested on the use of night vision goggles and flying by instruments, Homendy said. Investigators believe the crew was wearing night vision goggles throughout the flight.
The Army identified the crew as Capt. Rebecca M. Lobach of North Carolina; Staff Sgt. Ryan Austin O''''Hara, 28, of Georgia; and Chief Warrant Officer 2 Andrew Loyd Eaves, 39, of Maryland. O''''Hara was the crew chief and Eaves and Lobach were pilots.
The collision was the deadliest plane crash in the U.S. since 2001, when a jet slammed into a New York City neighborhood just after takeoff, killing all 260 people on board and five more on the ground.
It will take more than a year to get the final NTSB report on last month''''s collision, and Homendy warned reporters that many issues were still being probed.
"We''''re only a couple weeks out," from the crash, she said. "We have a lot of work to do."
pressed 的 反义词。就是一个位置转态
不容易看到 Tunnel vision 和城市灯火混合
NTSB Confirms Black Hawk Helicopter Was flying 100 Feet Over Altitude Limit
The maximum altitude for a helicopter to fly in the area is 200 feet.
你的逻辑好奇葩,如果真像你说的这样后面有高位保护,那岂不是更加证明甩锅DEI 胡扯了吗? 那川普为啥不挖到底呢?干嘛一句DEI 就完事了
总统就是军方最高领导人,你是说川普参与了cover up 还是说他控制不了军方?如如果你坚持认为军方还在cover up 那么川普为什么不介入?
因为事故还弄不清楚下直接说是DEI造成的,这还不叫做胡扯? 你到现在你自己搞明白事故原因了吗?
我们知道的事实就是: 有能量让军方晚两天公布 她社交账号被清空 她之前在拜登的白宫工作过
事故本身的责任 和 这个人是不是dei 直接关系,如果这人是dei,那么就算没出事也是错的
我还可以怀疑你是DEI hire呢。
你问我干嘛,找你家川皇问责啊,他是军方领导人,那么你去质问他为啥军方cover up
x 上的survey 你是要illegal Mexican 还是 legal Indian 结果右派们压倒多数选择 illegal Mexican
反DEI就是 各行各业反对少数族裔任职。就是出错了,先不管你出错原因是什么,你是什么人就是原罪。 这都看不懂?
说是那次飞行的一个任务是测试戴头盔,很可能三个人都是戴头盔的 另外,夜间飞行真不是你想象那么容易看清的,前面和下面都是DC的一片灯海,很多在那里飞行过的军队飞行员都说过
"We''''re only a couple weeks out," from the crash, she said. "We have a lot of work to do." 别的不说了,这效率太令人感叹❕❕❕
你可能不知道任何一个social network 只要他们想在欧洲做生意必须遵守GDPR. GDPR 里有一条The right to be forgiven. 任何一个用户可以在删掉自己的帐号后、 GDOR compliant social network 必须在erase 这个用户所有信息包括帖子。
又不带眼睛又不带耳朵开飞机 得有多careless 在这次事故中想知道他们学到了什么教训引以为戒?
白女钻dei空子已经很多年了,比如西点军校 学生男女比例78:22,但是学生leadership role性别比例50:50,对女性的bar全方位低很多,另外几个军校也一样,黑鹰飞行员选拔也一样,在无关紧要的职位dei也就罢了,飞行员医生这种职业dei就是把生命在开玩笑
merit based society对女性更好吧,不然靠自己实力和努力获得的成绩,也会被人以为是dei上来的
Trump删她的记录?别搞笑了,她一个Biden政府DEI hire,值得Trump删记录?
Who knows?
那个女飞行员是DEI hire?