华人诈骗团体曝光 (后续)

楼主 (北美华人网)

Release Number 8987-24 CFTC Charges Fake Commodity Trading Platform with Fraud and Misappropriation in an Online Scam Targeting Asian Americans September 27, 2024
Washington, D.C. — The Commodity Futures Trading Commission today filed a civil enforcement action in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington against Aipu Limited, Qian Bai, and Lan Bai, together with Fidefx Investments Limited and Chao Li. The complaint alleges from approximately Feb. 6, 2023 to the present, Bai and Lan Bai, individually and as controlling persons of Aipu, with Fidefx and Li, acting as a common enterprise, fraudulently solicited and misappropriated at least $3.6 million from at least 32 customers as part of a fraudulent investment scheme. The defendants have and continue to solicit and accept assets – fiat currency and digital assets – from customers for the sale of agreements; contracts or transactions in commodities on a leveraged or margined basis or financed by the offeror counterparty or a person acting in concert with the offeror or counterparty on a similar basis; off-exchange retail foreign currency contracts and commodity futures contracts. The CFTC seeks restitution to defrauded customers, disgorgement of ill-gotten gains, civil monetary penalties, trading bans, and a permanent injunction against further violations of the Commodity Exchange Act (CEA) and CFTC regulations. Case Background As alleged in the complaint, the fraudulent common enterprise follows a similar pattern with customers either directly funding a purported “trading account” with Aipu or Fidefx via their respective websites, or agreeing to trade commodity interests via Aipu and/or Fidefx after being contacted by individuals (solicitors) acting on behalf of the defendants. The websites are identical but operating under different names. Aipu and Fidefx operated similar schemes where solicitors contact the customers via computer and cell phone applications such as WeChat, WhatsApp, and Line, or other social media platforms. The solicitors claim to have knowledge or inside information that earns them 10% to 30% profits per trade trading in commodity interests such as leveraged or margined retail commodity transactions, retail forex, and/or commodity futures contracts. The solicitors offer to share their knowledge or inside information with customers and to help them trade by providing particularized trading advice. After an account is funded, customers are provided access to online account statements that show purported deposits into their trading accounts and profitable trading at Aipu or Fidefx. These account statements are false. Neither Aipu nor Fidefx have any trading accounts in the United States to which customer funds are sent. No trading takes place on behalf of customers at either Aipu or Fidefx. The defendants do not have any commodity interest trading accounts; fail to use customer assets to margin, guarantee or secure trades on behalf of defrauded customers; and misappropriate all assets they accepted and continue to accept from customers. They immediately transfer assets to offshore entities with no connection to commodity trading.  Throughout the relevant period, to fund customers' purported commodity trading accounts, the defendants worked with solicitors as a common enterprise. They directed customers to transfer their fiat and digital assets through a series of bank accounts and private digital wallets affiliated with the defendants. None of these accounts are held or controlled by a CFTC-registered futures commission merchant or retail foreign currency dealer. Rather than using these assets to trade commodity interests on behalf of customers, the defendants immediately misappropriate customers' assets by transferring them offshore to non-trading accounts controlled by persons located outside of the U.S. Division of Enforcement staff responsible for this case are George H. Malas, Michael Amakor, Chrystal Gonnella, Karen Kenmotsu, Timothy J. Mulreany, and Paul Hayeck.
回复 2楼 sleepykittie 的帖子
不会吧?撤销了, 诈骗不是更猖倔?
回复 3楼 Oregon_Farmer 的帖子
CFTC 起诉多个虚假交易平台从至少 32 名客户处骗取约 360 万美元 2024.09.29 - 2024年09月29日 19:47  分享至分享Twitter分享至微信分享至微信分享文章链接分享图文海报
深潮 TechFlow 消息,9 月 29 日,据 Bitcoin.comNews 报道,美国商品期货交易委员会(CFTC)宣布已在华盛顿西区联邦地区法院对 Aipu Ltd.、Qian Bai、Lan Bai、Fidefx Investments Ltd. 和 Chao Li 等被告提起民事诉讼。CFTC 指控这些被告通过虚假交易平台,以欺诈手段从至少 32 名客户处骗取约 360 万美元,主要针对亚裔美国人。该骗局涉及法定货币和数字资产,虚假承诺进行商品期货和外汇合约交易,实则将资金转移至海外。CFTC 正寻求追回赔偿、没收非法所得、征收民事罚款,并对进一步违规行为实施永久禁令。
回复 3楼 Oregon_Farmer 的帖子
回复 7楼 sleepykittie 的帖子
有三被告, Qian Bai, and Lan Bai, and Chao Li. Lan Bai 在 Tulsa, Oklahoma。