Asking my Princeton interviewer to be my valentine Fluff Js had my Princeton interview and after talking abt Princeton for like 5 minutes I asked him why he didn’t have anything better to do for Valentine’s Day. This started a whole rant and him talking abt his dating life but I naturally eventually told him he could be my valentine if he’s lonely… He laughed a lot but said he’s good but at the end he told me he’s gonna write a good rec for his valentine. Gonna do this for all my interviews now. Upvote 702 702 个点赞,创了新高
zhuanbian 发表于 2025-02-15 11:47 Asking my Princeton interviewer to be my valentine Fluff Js had my Princeton interview and after talking abt Princeton for like 5 minutes I asked him why he didn’t have anything better to do for Valentine’s Day. This started a whole rant and him talking abt his dating life but I naturally eventually told him he could be my valentine if he’s lonely… He laughed a lot but said he’s good but at the end he told me he’s gonna write a good rec for his valentine. Gonna do this for all my interviews now. Upvote 702 702 个点赞,创了新高
zhuanbian 发表于 2025-02-15 11:47 Asking my Princeton interviewer to be my valentine Fluff Js had my Princeton interview and after talking abt Princeton for like 5 minutes I asked him why he didn’t have anything better to do for Valentine’s Day. This started a whole rant and him talking abt his dating life but I naturally eventually told him he could be my valentine if he’s lonely… He laughed a lot but said he’s good but at the end he told me he’s gonna write a good rec for his valentine. Gonna do this for all my interviews now. Upvote 702 702 个点赞,创了新高
zhuanbian 发表于 2025-02-15 11:47 Asking my Princeton interviewer to be my valentine Fluff Js had my Princeton interview and after talking abt Princeton for like 5 minutes I asked him why he didn’t have anything better to do for Valentine’s Day. This started a whole rant and him talking abt his dating life but I naturally eventually told him he could be my valentine if he’s lonely… He laughed a lot but said he’s good but at the end he told me he’s gonna write a good rec for his valentine. Gonna do this for all my interviews now. Upvote 702 702 个点赞,创了新高
Js had my Princeton interview and after talking abt Princeton for like 5 minutes I asked him why he didn’t have anything better to do for Valentine’s Day. This started a whole rant and him talking abt his dating life but I naturally eventually told him he could be my valentine if he’s lonely… He laughed a lot but said he’s good but at the end he told me he’s gonna write a good rec for his valentine. Gonna do this for all my interviews now.
Upvote 702
702 个点赞,创了新高
这叫情商高? 神经病! 情商当然重要,但是社会发展光靠情商,就行了? 总要有人会数学,搞工程,踏踏实实把产品做出来把?不然跟印度有啥区别? 美国这些年的衰败,就是太重视所谓的leadership和EQ,忽视了基础教育。
你为啥不上清华?是不愿意吗? =)
别侮辱牛蛙和数学了!being slutty in interview? 什么三观啊?