今天的事 Trump officials fired nuclear staff not realizing they oversee the country’s weapons stockpile, sources say By Rene Marsh and Ella Nilsen, CNN Updated 8:41 PM EST, Fri February 14, 2025 Trump administration officials fired more than 300 staffers Thursday night at the National Nuclear Security Administration — the agency tasked with managing the nation’s nuclear stockpile — as part of broader Energy Department layoffs, according to four people with knowledge of the matter. Sources told CNN the officials did not seem to know this agency oversees America’s nuclear weapons.
落地无声 发表于 2025-02-14 23:28 今天的事 Trump officials fired nuclear staff not realizing they oversee the country’s weapons stockpile, sources say By Rene Marsh and Ella Nilsen, CNN Updated 8:41 PM EST, Fri February 14, 2025 Trump administration officials fired more than 300 staffers Thursday night at the National Nuclear Security Administration — the agency tasked with managing the nation’s nuclear stockpile — as part of broader Energy Department layoffs, according to four people with knowledge of the matter. Sources told CNN the officials did not seem to know this agency oversees America’s nuclear weapons.
落地无声 发表于 2025-02-14 23:28 今天的事 Trump officials fired nuclear staff not realizing they oversee the country’s weapons stockpile, sources say By Rene Marsh and Ella Nilsen, CNN Updated 8:41 PM EST, Fri February 14, 2025 Trump administration officials fired more than 300 staffers Thursday night at the National Nuclear Security Administration — the agency tasked with managing the nation’s nuclear stockpile — as part of broader Energy Department layoffs, according to four people with knowledge of the matter. Sources told CNN the officials did not seem to know this agency oversees America’s nuclear weapons.
Trump Officials Fire, Swiftly Rehire, Overseers of U.S. Nuclear Stockpile Trump administration officials on Friday began rescinding termination notices given just 24 hours earlier to more than 300 staffers at the National Nuclear Security Administration, according to CNN, with sources telling the outlet that those in charge apparently were unaware that the NNSA manages the U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile. “No one has taken any time to understand what we do and the importance of our work to the nation’s national security,” one source said. Another source said, “The nuclear deterrent is the backbone of American security and stability—period. For there to be any even very small holes poked even in the maintenance of that deterrent should be extremely frightening to people.” NNSA employs 1,800 people. Acting administrator Teresa Robbins said Friday she had been instructed to rescind the terminations of probationary employees, and that their access to internal networks and IT services would be restored. Energy Department officials stipulated that listed reasons for firings were to be poor performance, though two HR administrators resigned in protest on Friday.
At NIH, many of those fired were junior employees. But the vast cull also took out senior employees who had been recently converted to staff positions after years as contractors—as well as division directors at NIH who were new to their positions. In some cases, the directors had to call junior staff to inform them of their impending firings while knowing they, too, were about to be terminated.
落地无声 发表于 2025-02-14 23:28 今天的事 Trump officials fired nuclear staff not realizing they oversee the country’s weapons stockpile, sources say By Rene Marsh and Ella Nilsen, CNN Updated 8:41 PM EST, Fri February 14, 2025 Trump administration officials fired more than 300 staffers Thursday night at the National Nuclear Security Administration — the agency tasked with managing the nation’s nuclear stockpile — as part of broader Energy Department layoffs, according to four people with knowledge of the matter. Sources told CNN the officials did not seem to know this agency oversees America’s nuclear weapons.
以irs 为例子,irs 现在据报导有18% 岁数已经可以退休,未来几年内额外35% 左右进入退休年龄。这些加起来多于一半了,到时候还不又得花力气招人进来重新培训又花一次钱。技术进步会让系统更有效率但是irs 很多是面对面的工作。
要裁也要看performance 裁,退休的就去退休了,然后政府的那些简化手续。那些曝光出来的不当花费,如果是真的查到底看问题出在哪里,裁掉上面腐败的,才有作用。
可惜现在做事情不是按照make sense 来的。只要有轰动效应,普通大众就以为得到的是想要的结果。
现在就已经应用AI了。AI 更好的话应该会少一些人。但是取代不了那么多
新招那些没啥pension。说pension 好的那些是80/90 年代开始在政府工作的。这一批人裁不到的,快要退休了要付高pension 给他们。新招进来的这些才是效率更高,pension 更少的
50多% 退休快退休的了… 就算心有余也力不足 政府和公司不一样。政府工资低多了
这是Elon 的习惯套路,他上次莫名其妙把特斯拉管supercharger 的团队全部裁了,然后又悄悄招回去了。 这些人要得就是king 的感觉,浪不浪费钱不在他们的考虑范围。
不是所有的人都是新招的,升职换新位置的人也在probationary 上,Reddit 有好一些工作了好多年的,我不知道这种情况是不是他们也不给遣散费,这也太倒霉了。
Exactly, 其实裁掉这帮入职一两年的人根本省不了多少钱,就是因为裁他们容易所以裁,刚开始还假模假样让领导写justification, 意思是表现好的能留下,结果呢一刀切,全部都裁掉,真是特别愚蠢的做法
Trump Officials Fire, Swiftly Rehire, Overseers of U.S. Nuclear Stockpile
Trump administration officials on Friday began rescinding termination notices given just 24 hours earlier to more than 300 staffers at the National Nuclear Security Administration, according to CNN, with sources telling the outlet that those in charge apparently were unaware that the NNSA manages the U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile. “No one has taken any time to understand what we do and the importance of our work to the nation’s national security,” one source said. Another source said, “The nuclear deterrent is the backbone of American security and stability—period. For there to be any even very small holes poked even in the maintenance of that deterrent should be extremely frightening to people.” NNSA employs 1,800 people. Acting administrator Teresa Robbins said Friday she had been instructed to rescind the terminations of probationary employees, and that their access to internal networks and IT services would be restored. Energy Department officials stipulated that listed reasons for firings were to be poor performance, though two HR administrators resigned in protest on Friday.
At NIH, many of those fired were junior employees. But the vast cull also took out senior employees who had been recently converted to staff positions after years as contractors—as well as division directors at NIH who were new to their positions. In some cases, the directors had to call junior staff to inform them of their impending firings while knowing they, too, were about to be terminated.
你不知道trump和富人最恨的是irs吗?irs退休了不补充新人那是最好了,de facto gutted,没有人对富人查税追税了
是的啊. 对偷税漏税的富人/公司是大好。但是大部分普通人不清楚,是以为对他们好了
哪天等民主党上台了,又重新招人,倒查n年。 来回瞎折腾吧,倒霉的都是普通人。
可惜老川没有那么大的魄力…当时不是说要废除income tax 吗?只靠关税吗? 全裁完也算了,但是现在裁的以后税还得多交…
咱旁人不能指望这个。。。认清一个事实就好:美国人民里,喜欢回复白人荣光的不少,对中国反感以及对中国来的移民反感的也不少。而且他们绝不属于可以忽视的力量 - 这次选举的结果就是证明。
我们当然没必要因为有这样的美国人,就自个儿逃离啥的 - 犯不着那么怂。但如果还觉得自个儿要融入这样的人民,要MAGA。。。那。。。也算是他们个人选择吧,人各有志嘛。。。
新招的用来提高AI 查税效率的看新闻就要被裁了…
川粉screwed us all
反正没什么万能马川搞不定的 再不行转手都卖给俄罗斯还是赢得麻麻的 MAGA!
5 years for vesting pension in Federal government.