I work in administration at UC Berkeley, and I need to say this: something is deeply broken. For years, Berkeley’s Computer Science program was a direct pipeline to top-tier tech jobs. Didn’t matter if you were just "above average"—if you made it through, you'd land a solid job with a great salary. But now? I’m watching some of the most brilliant students, the ones with perfect 4.0 GPAs, prestigious internships, and research experience, graduate with nothing. No offers. No interviews. Just radio silence. Professors are noticing it too. Students who should be drowning in job offers are instead emailing their advisors in a panic: “What do I do now?” “Should I apply for grad school?” “Was this all a waste?” And here’s the part that really scares me—this isn’t just a temporary downturn. The people who should know what’s going on—our faculty, career services, recruiters—have no answers. They just keep telling students to “network more” or “apply to startups.” But those startups? They’re laying people off too. The harsh reality is that a UC Berkeley CS degree is no longer a ticket to job security. The system that promised students a clear path to success is breaking down, and the people in charge are too scared to admit it. I don’t know how this plays out, but I do know this: If you’re a student banking on a Berkeley degree to guarantee your future, you need a backup plan. Because the old rules don’t apply anymore. The question is—what happens when the smartest students in the country realize the system has failed them?
回复 3楼 whatever. 的帖子 If they are the smartest kids, they will find a way. If they can’t find a way, they are not the smartest kids. 当年学生物的多聪明,出来根本没啥对口的好工作,最后这些人大多也混的不错
索楠嘉措 发表于 2025-02-14 20:00 I work in administration at UC Berkeley, and I need to say this: something is deeply broken. For years, Berkeley’s Computer Science program was a direct pipeline to top-tier tech jobs. Didn’t matter if you were just "above average"—if you made it through, you'd land a solid job with a great salary. But now? I’m watching some of the most brilliant students, the ones with perfect 4.0 GPAs, prestigious internships, and research experience, graduate with nothing. No offers. No interviews. Just radio silence. Professors are noticing it too. Students who should be drowning in job offers are instead emailing their advisors in a panic: “What do I do now?” “Should I apply for grad school?” “Was this all a waste?” And here’s the part that really scares me—this isn’t just a temporary downturn. The people who should know what’s going on—our faculty, career services, recruiters—have no answers. They just keep telling students to “network more” or “apply to startups.” But those startups? They’re laying people off too. The harsh reality is that a UC Berkeley CS degree is no longer a ticket to job security. The system that promised students a clear path to success is breaking down, and the people in charge are too scared to admit it. I don’t know how this plays out, but I do know this: If you’re a student banking on a Berkeley degree to guarantee your future, you need a backup plan. Because the old rules don’t apply anymore. The question is—what happens when the smartest students in the country realize the system has failed them?
I work in administration at UC Berkeley, and I need to say this: something is deeply broken. For years, Berkeley’s Computer Science program was a direct pipeline to top-tier tech jobs. Didn’t matter if you were just "above average"—if you made it through, you'd land a solid job with a great salary. But now? I’m watching some of the most brilliant students, the ones with perfect 4.0 GPAs, prestigious internships, and research experience, graduate with nothing. No offers. No interviews. Just radio silence. Professors are noticing it too. Students who should be drowning in job offers are instead emailing their advisors in a panic: “What do I do now?” “Should I apply for grad school?” “Was this all a waste?”
And here’s the part that really scares me—this isn’t just a temporary downturn. The people who should know what’s going on—our faculty, career services, recruiters—have no answers. They just keep telling students to “network more” or “apply to startups.” But those startups? They’re laying people off too. The harsh reality is that a UC Berkeley CS degree is no longer a ticket to job security. The system that promised students a clear path to success is breaking down, and the people in charge are too scared to admit it.
I don’t know how this plays out, but I do know this: If you’re a student banking on a Berkeley degree to guarantee your future, you need a backup plan. Because the old rules don’t apply anymore.
The question is—what happens when the smartest students in the country realize the system has failed them?
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Lie flat and be a full time kid at home
If they are the smartest kids, they will find a way. If they can’t find a way, they are not the smartest kids.
我知道的这几年上UCB CS 很难的。
问题是别人GPA 4.0啊,UCB CS的4.0这么好拿吗?肯定是好学生吧
没说SAP 陈旧。SAP 需要及时更新的。不是所有的公司都付费更新的。很多是一个版本用好多好多年。
不知道UCB EE。但是EE其实也不好找,我认识有小10年工作经验的EE工程师们绿卡跳槽也是找了1年才找到下家。
这些学生是取消SAT后进去的, 或者说DEI进去的,还有50% 社区大学转进去的。
今年录取还是不要SAT, 那就念吧。
系好安全带吧。 税一加,所有物价都会疯涨。
in the mean time, incompetent India H4 are hired by India managers...
这次和上两次不一样。上两次是tech company valuation and liquidity crunch,穷了所以裁员。现在各个valuation史高,大把cash可以烧,就是严重供大于求了。所以这次比上次麻烦。上次经济好了,就又招人了。现在在经济好着呢,就是不招人。
另: 贡献DP , 前段时间招senior IC , 真的是resumes 多到看不完。 有个top 2 candidates 想玩salary bargain and be fully remote (told this job needs to be onsite ) . 那真是不眨眼的就NEXT。 几年前,可是完全会求爷爷告奶奶让他再想想。
Senior的市场 都这样, 跟何况zero experience entry level junior .
但别放弃哦。 真的喜欢,一定要保持自己继续写程序,在大论坛, gifthub 混。 金子总是会有一天被淘到的。 金子也都是高温高压下产生的。 所以把现在当成你变为💎金子的过程吧。
有一说一,社区大学转进去的是进不了CS的。 Berkeley EECS,CS还是很难进的,4.0 GPA在Berkeley是非常难拿的。如果这样的毕业生都找不到工作,那其他排名靠后学校CS就更难了
gpa没有internship/工作经验重要,我在Airbnb 新招进来的非target校+有经验的挺多
如果读CS期间,又做了三年数学方面的科研呢? 再加上有论文发表和数学系大牛教授的推荐呢?
如果行政命令,一个公司的任何 team 如果不是 diversified, 印度人超过30%,就可以裁掉了。然后公司会被巨额罚款。因为这个被裁的个人别的公司永远不会录用。这样各个公司各个部门招人的时候才会有所顾忌。
朋友小孩Rice金融 毕业在华姐工作,觉得要充电没有去读管理硕士,反而去读了个CS硕士。说后悔本科没有拿经济和CS双学位。
估计你没经历过Dotcom bubble burst。现在这点毛毛雨跟当年完全不是一个量级的。
(不懂就问) 现在EE 也不好找吗?Arizona那儿的芯片厂是不是缺人?还是工资太低了看不上?
我家老留们都是转专业的,当年都是有一定难度的,因为当年中国穷,父母都付不起学费,转专业最大难度就是面临没饭吃。我认为转专业都不是运气,还是靠了一定魄力。 我家ABC二代都算风口上的猪吧,毕业的时候,手上一把工作机会。但是申请好大学的cs还是比申请其它专业难度大一些的,也靠一点读书的能力的 很多人都谈运气,运气真的和性格相关,不是天上掉下来的。一个歪歪唧唧的性格,连买一张彩票都下不了决心的,中彩票的可能都没有
我认识社区大学转进ucb eecs 的,就去年 ucb 每个专业都是留一定名额给cc transfer student 的
你这是啥公司,一个人就能决定收人?现在大公司哪个不是一票否决,你这搞得一个人一句话就能解决了,这只能小公司,而且不重要职位。 当然同意要多交流联系。
你说得都对。 但维护关系很累的,特别是大妈们,家里已经忙得团团转,更年期各种折磨,头发都白了,剩下时间就躺着喘气不想动弹了。 所以本大妈就把维护关系,和开发新关系的事交给老公了。😂
same here.
MIT的大牛娃,初中就编程很牛的,就不需要找人走前门了 大量没那么那么牛的,找个几百人的小公司混过第一年暑假,第二年夏天就非常容易找到很好的实习了。小公司如果有钱,部门头去人事处要个实习生名额很容易,有的临时都能加一个
CMU CS今年要毕业的,很多很多都找到非常棒的大厂工作。