Elon Musk’s DOGE just posted classified U.S. intelligence data on its website, and officials are scrambling, HuffPost reports. https://t.co/AYdpnUNzQ9 — MeidasTouch (@MeidasTouch) February 14, 2025
数不过来的离谱事件 forei affairs 这篇文章解析的挺好的 The Path to American Authoritarianism https://www.foreignaffairs.com/united-states/path-american-authoritarianism-trump
CDC's disease detectives halved as part of DOGE cuts at health agencies Dropped Eric Admas charges after 7 prosecutors resigned Colorado removes 500,000 people from healthcare plan The Establishment Act: New York congresswoman wants to make Trump's birthday a National Holiday
Wow look who didn’t quit drinking EVEN AFTER BEING PUT IN CHARGE OF THE FUCKING PENTAGON. I’m both shocked and appalled @PeteHegsethpic.twitter.com/Tf2qeTQg6T — Andrew—New YouTube Channel @LiveFromTheResistance (@AmoneyResists) February 14, 2025
珠箔飘灯 发表于 2025-02-14 22:20 CDC's disease detectives halved as part of DOGE cuts at health agencies Dropped Eric Admas charges after 7 prosecutors resigned Colorado removes 500,000 people from healthcare plan The Establishment Act: New York congresswoman wants to make Trump's birthday a National Holiday
Around 12pm today, three men dressed in DOGE shirts and MAGA hats entered various offices at San Francisco City Hall, demanding that employees turn over digital information related to alleged wasteful government spending and fraud. The employees refused their requests, and called… pic.twitter.com/bCtsNlgL7U — SF Sheriff's Office (@SheriffSF) February 14, 2025
Trump fires board members of all military academies The commander-in-chief removed the board members from the Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland, the Military Academy in West Point, New York, the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado, as well as the Coast Guard Academy in New London, Connecticut, the Military Times noted.
珠箔飘灯 发表于 2025-02-15 00:37 Trump fires board members of all military academies The commander-in-chief removed the board members from the Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland, the Military Academy in West Point, New York, the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado, as well as the Coast Guard Academy in New London, Connecticut, the Military Times noted.
珠箔飘灯 发表于 2025-02-14 22:20 CDC's disease detectives halved as part of DOGE cuts at health agencies Dropped Eric Admas charges after 7 prosecutors resigned Colorado removes 500,000 people from healthcare plan The Establishment Act: New York congresswoman wants to make Trump's birthday a National Holiday
2. 自上周第一个飞机把非法移民运往GITMO之后,本周第一次把 non-violent 非法移民也运往GITMO
3. 川普本周针对钢铁、铝进行全球范围征收关税,高达25%
4. 美国航空母舰在地中海区域和货船相撞
5. 自近期在阿拉斯加战斗机坠毁事件以后,本周又有一架战斗机在圣地亚哥坠毁
6. 去往欧洲的国务卿Rubio的飞机因机械故障不得不中途返航,返航后,改乘另一架飞机重新飞往欧洲
7.本周CPI report 新鲜出炉,通货膨胀指标继续攀升,达到3%,为7个月内最高
8. Huntsville阿拉玛巴居民近期收到utility 账单,明确说明因为Trump砍掉补贴,所以加收$100 surcharge
9. 墨西哥湾改名为美国湾正在进行中 德州等各州累计有10万个road sign和各种资料需更新,会浪费纳税人超过10亿美元
10. 川普和普京进行私人通话,越过欧洲和乌克兰
11. 因最新川普在俄乌的状况,德国总理要求国会宣布a state of emergency
12. 美国面临15年来最大规模flu,2400万人感染,31万住院,13000人死亡,目前联邦层面没有具体防疫指导。另Texas 麻疹outbreak,Kansas TB outbreak正在进行中
13. Medicare计划在四月进行消减Telehealth服务,非农村偏远地区会被消减Telehealth 服务
14. state department本周宣布要给Tesla 四亿美元订单,遭质疑后,把订单“armored Tesla”改为“armored EV”
15. 本周一NASA宣布给Elon的SpaceX 一个 三千八百万订单
16。川普签署计划又又又要征收关税,这次是reciprocal tariffs,印度有可能是主要受影响国家
17. CFPB被撤,CFPB比较受消费者欢迎,很多人通过该组织仲裁要回银行和信用卡公司的滥收费
18. 共和党议员提出法案,要总统获取格林兰岛以后改名“红白蓝岛”
19. 川普签署法案解除foreign bribery禁令 (解读:不在追查你对外国官员的行贿受贿)
20. 川普暂停针对bank overdraft fee的监管,预估消费者每年会多支付大约150亿美元给银行
21. 17个州上诉希望 End Protections For Students With Special Needs (section 504)
22. 自上周加沙言论之后,川普改口说美国不是“buy”而是“take”加沙,川普补充说巴勒斯坦人民无权返回加沙
23. 共和党新预算出炉热论中,核心是减税,同时增加军费,裁剪medicaid+SNAP等,这次预要把debt ceiling 再次推高4trillion
24.川普政府正式对多个机构发出通知,recent hire大规模解雇,初步目标超20万联邦雇员
25.川普政府在massive layoff过程中,一不小心把超过300人的核武器部门重要人员解雇,目前正在beg他们重新回来上班
28.川普DOJ和纽约市长操作 quid pro quo,DOJ压迫检察官drop case,已有7个检察官宁可辞职也拒绝执行order,此案有可能是有史以来司法系统最大腐败案
29.Colorado removes 500,000 people from healthcare plan
30.ICE准备在网络和社交媒体上搜集针对他们的负面评论,然后做进一步处理 31 Trump fires board members of all military academies. The purge continues. 欢迎补充
公司员工欢呼:再也不用做anti foreign bribery 的 compliance training了😂
forei affairs 这篇文章解析的挺好的
The Path to American Authoritarianism
musk在推特时就干过啊,那个比利时的专家。 说人家吃干饭不干活,结果发现裁了他要赔大笔钱,赶紧找个梯子自己爬下来。
Dropped Eric Admas charges after 7 prosecutors resigned
Colorado removes 500,000 people from healthcare plan
The Establishment Act: New York congresswoman wants to make Trump's birthday a National Holiday
哈哈哈, 这帮想当奴隶主而不得的maga, 真是..
Utah bill would ban Pride flags in public schools but allow Nazi flags for educational use
持续关注中, 楼主辛苦。
The commander-in-chief removed the board members from the Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland, the Military Academy in West Point, New York, the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado, as well as the Coast Guard Academy in New London, Connecticut, the Military Times noted.
纽约市长这个还有后续,反咬起诉橘皮偷走FEMA的8000万 副总统眼线哥在欧洲狂刷存在感,怒斥欧洲领袖屏蔽“自由”言论 国防部长兼酒鬼性侵犯Hegseth在德国被群嘲