你说的好像美国军事封锁(blockade)古巴的船运一样。Blockade is an act of war. 美国只有在古巴导弹危机的时候实施了blockade against Russian ships with military cargo. 其它时间只有经济制裁。而且美国以外的绝大多数国家没有参与对古巴的制裁。美国只是用长臂管辖权说如果你和古巴做生意那你就别和美国做生意,所以大多数国家的私企选择不趟古巴这滩浑水。举例古巴路上都是四五十年代的老爷车,无法更新换代,因为美国不卖他们新车。那买日本和欧洲车不香吗?不行,因为日欧车商想在美国卖车就不能在古巴卖车。这和小学生吵架一样:我和孙某某不对付,你和他玩就别和我玩。 Most countries do not have trade restrictions on Cuba, as the U.S. embargo is unilateral and not widely supported internationally. However, Cuba still faces some trade limitations due to political and financial pressures. Here are some key points: 1. U.S. Secondary Sanctions Impact Other Countries While the U.S. embargo directly applies only to American companies, the Helms-Burton Act (1996) punishes foreign companies that do business with Cuba. Many international banks and firms avoid Cuban trade to prevent penalties or losing access to U.S. markets. Some foreign ships that dock in Cuba are banned from U.S. ports for 180 days, discouraging maritime trade. 2. European Union (EU) The EU does NOT impose trade restrictions on Cuba and opposes the U.S. embargo. In 2016, the EU and Cuba signed a Political Dialogue and Cooperation Agreement (PDCA) to strengthen economic ties. However, some European banks limit Cuban transactions due to fear of U.S. sanctions. 3. Canada Canada does not restrict trade or investment in Cuba. The Foreign Extraterritorial Measures Act (FEMA) protects Canadian firms from U.S. sanctions, meaning they can legally do business with Cuba. Canada is one of Cuba’s largest trading partners and a key source of tourists. 4. Latin American Countries Most Latin American nations trade freely with Cuba, but Venezuela is Cuba’s most critical economic partner, supplying subsidized oil. Brazil, Mexico, and Argentina engage in trade, though economic issues have sometimes affected relations. 5. Russia & ChinaRussia and China actively trade with and invest in Cuba, providing loans, technology, and infrastructure support. China is Cuba’s largest trading partner, supplying goods and investing in telecommunications and energy. Russia has increased trade and military cooperation, especially after tensions with the West over Ukraine. 6. United Nations Stance Since 1992, the UN General Assembly has annually passed resolutions condemning the U.S. embargo. Nearly all countries, including U.S. allies (e.g., Canada, UK, France, Germany, Japan), vote against it. The U.S. and Israel have been the main dissenting votes, with occasional abstentions from some countries. Conclusion While most of the world does not restrict trade with Cuba, many foreign businesses self-censor due to fear of U.S. secondary sanctions. Cuba still struggles with access to global banking and foreign investment due to these indirect pressures.
你这个群体的话术就是硬掰,找个所谓的数据点就暗示明示某个答案。 那么好怎么没人偷渡去古巴移民啊?是好是坏人都是用脚投票的。
油管上前些天看了个大橙子游古巴, 你去看看就知道了,那个地方没法呆
古巴一直投入自己研发药物以及生化技术 一些癌症药物甚至领先 古巴是个让人尊敬的国家
从美国去古巴不能以旅游的理由去 需要满足13个理由之一,比如学术交流,农业交流,支持古巴人民,etc. 或者你从墨西哥去,古巴不在护照上盖戳子
你自己查一查呗 cuba travel card
电影教父2 里面有些戏剧化的历史,古巴当时站在经济腾飞的前沿,但是革命了,选择了社会主义阵营。
这些意识形态挂帅的共产党都是个弱智,当年老毛也是挥挥手别了司徒雷灯。。。。。 尼玛当年完全有可能跟美国保持个良好关系的。。。。
古巴是的岛国,被世界第一海军封锁,那是个正常人都知道结果 人家北朝鲜起码还背靠中国。。。
你说的好像美国军事封锁(blockade)古巴的船运一样。Blockade is an act of war. 美国只有在古巴导弹危机的时候实施了blockade against Russian ships with military cargo. 其它时间只有经济制裁。而且美国以外的绝大多数国家没有参与对古巴的制裁。美国只是用长臂管辖权说如果你和古巴做生意那你就别和美国做生意,所以大多数国家的私企选择不趟古巴这滩浑水。举例古巴路上都是四五十年代的老爷车,无法更新换代,因为美国不卖他们新车。那买日本和欧洲车不香吗?不行,因为日欧车商想在美国卖车就不能在古巴卖车。这和小学生吵架一样:我和孙某某不对付,你和他玩就别和我玩。
Most countries do not have trade restrictions on Cuba, as the U.S. embargo is unilateral and not widely supported internationally. However, Cuba still faces some trade limitations due to political and financial pressures. Here are some key points: 1. U.S. Secondary Sanctions Impact Other Countries While the U.S. embargo directly applies only to American companies, the Helms-Burton Act (1996) punishes foreign companies that do business with Cuba. Many international banks and firms avoid Cuban trade to prevent penalties or losing access to U.S. markets. Some foreign ships that dock in Cuba are banned from U.S. ports for 180 days, discouraging maritime trade. 2. European Union (EU) The EU does NOT impose trade restrictions on Cuba and opposes the U.S. embargo. In 2016, the EU and Cuba signed a Political Dialogue and Cooperation Agreement (PDCA) to strengthen economic ties. However, some European banks limit Cuban transactions due to fear of U.S. sanctions. 3. Canada Canada does not restrict trade or investment in Cuba. The Foreign Extraterritorial Measures Act (FEMA) protects Canadian firms from U.S. sanctions, meaning they can legally do business with Cuba. Canada is one of Cuba’s largest trading partners and a key source of tourists. 4. Latin American Countries Most Latin American nations trade freely with Cuba, but Venezuela is Cuba’s most critical economic partner, supplying subsidized oil. Brazil, Mexico, and Argentina engage in trade, though economic issues have sometimes affected relations. 5. Russia & China Russia and China actively trade with and invest in Cuba, providing loans, technology, and infrastructure support. China is Cuba’s largest trading partner, supplying goods and investing in telecommunications and energy. Russia has increased trade and military cooperation, especially after tensions with the West over Ukraine. 6. United Nations Stance Since 1992, the UN General Assembly has annually passed resolutions condemning the U.S. embargo. Nearly all countries, including U.S. allies (e.g., Canada, UK, France, Germany, Japan), vote against it. The U.S. and Israel have been the main dissenting votes, with occasional abstentions from some countries. Conclusion While most of the world does not restrict trade with Cuba, many foreign businesses self-censor due to fear of U.S. secondary sanctions. Cuba still struggles with access to global banking and foreign investment due to these indirect pressures.