这是老川需要树立的典型啊: He was the first mayor in New York City history to be charged with federal crimes while in office.[10] Adams pleaded not guilty to the charges. He alleged that the charges were retaliation for opposing the Biden administration's handling of the migrant crisis.[11]
He was the first mayor in New York City history to be charged with federal crimes while in office.[10] Adams pleaded not guilty to the charges. He alleged that the charges were retaliation for opposing the Biden administration's handling of the migrant crisis.[11]
自打NY把Trump那个没有发生时间的“强奸案” 在民事法庭上办成铁案,以及把玛拉拉个庄园的估值给roll back 好几十年之后, 纽约司法体系的integrity已经完全丧失信用了。 俺也不知道这个市长一定没有贪污,但是纽约市司法压根没有信用, 而根据其之前关于非移的言论,这个市长很有可能是被政治迫害而已。 看了最近几周揭露出来的大范围大规模弊案, 如果这个市长仅仅涉及一张升舱票之类的(甚至X10), 可以说简直是民主党内的好的不得了的市长了
完全同意, 白痴好太差了
哈哈 川普说那都不是个事。