看看老外对中国FSD的评测吧 甚至喊出了 The Best FSD System In China ❌ The Best FSD System In The World ✅ Traffic in China is way more complex than in the US cause there are scooters and pedestrians everywhere, it's very impressive to see that the driving assist is able to adapt to it. I just want to let my Western friends know how serious our information barriers are through this video. This kind of advanced stuff can't be made overnight. It takes a long time of research and development, practice and testing. It's not something that suddenly falls from the sky one day. Sometimes when we are talking about some problems, this is why the worlds we know each other are completely different.
市值是20% 车,80%是AI
哈哈哈,讲真,中国人真的看不上特斯拉的智驾。 就说一点,你觉得特斯拉走纯视觉方案的,能在美国能训练出针对国内那种高密度小电驴和行人的模型和方案吗?
澄清下,海鸥只有天神之眼C,最多只能高速智驾、自动停车、AEB这些相对基础的,local路的智驾还不行。 要local也能自动驾驶的,需要买20万左右带激光雷达的车。
在国内开高速,天神之眼A和B应该跟tesla的FSD差不多,开local,天神之眼A和B肯定比tesla好。 天神之眼C硬件上比较简陋,只能实现相对基础的智驾,但比没有的强多了。
看看老外对中国FSD的评测吧 甚至喊出了 The Best FSD System In China ❌ The Best FSD System In The World ✅
Traffic in China is way more complex than in the US cause there are scooters and pedestrians everywhere, it's very impressive to see that the driving assist is able to adapt to it.
I just want to let my Western friends know how serious our information barriers are through this video. This kind of advanced stuff can't be made overnight. It takes a long time of research and development, practice and testing. It's not something that suddenly falls from the sky one day. Sometimes when we are talking about some problems, this is why the worlds we know each other are completely different.
应该跟车销量也没啥关系, 特斯拉是个妖股,没有太多的基本面支持,信心很容易塌房, 也很容易再拔地而起。