回复 1楼 Livewell 的帖子 Lots of Americans identify with Trump because they are hardcore libertarians. Especially the tech riches, like Musk, Zak and Bezos... They resent any form of ideological control.
Livewell 发表于 2025-02-11 20:36 回复 9楼 HermesMsg 的帖子 They resent any form of ideological control. Musk 要得不就是control? 我不觉得选trump 大多数都支持Elon/Thiel, 你觉得洪波和这些nerd有什么相同?
Of course they want the control, though they haven't got a better control structure to replace the one they deeply resent. The techies are just hackers Trump and the political force are using to dismantle the establishment, which is why Trump has been issuing EOs like a lunitic. Just to use a technology anatomy, those EOs are like virus attacks on the existing infrastructure. They are stressing the political system to find a breaking point. And to answer your question, albeit they are all libertarians, who deeply distrust of the government, the rednecks dont have the nuisance to understand the potential damage of the political hacking. They may not even like Elon alike. But when Musk is being constantly portrayed as Capitan America, a cult trust is being planted into the mass crowd.
我也觉得Jan. 6算击穿美国的底线了。但从结果看美国人也确实不在乎。那就随他们去吧。
渔民太多了。 好多人打渔为生。
不是一半, 没投票的1/3. 投票中的一半也就是30%? 但是trump竞选的时候都不承认他会用 project2025, 代表着并不是受大多数人欢迎的, 那些人是被忽悠了. 还有一些人觉得两个人都不合意就不投. 这都是政府的问题, 拿不出像样的候选人.
Lots of Americans identify with Trump because they are hardcore libertarians. Especially the tech riches, like Musk, Zak and Bezos... They resent any form of ideological control.
They resent any form of ideological control.
Musk 要得不就是control? 我不觉得选trump 大多数都支持Elon/Thiel, 你觉得洪波和这些nerd有什么相同?
这乱世 如川粉所愿
Of course they want the control, though they haven't got a better control structure to replace the one they deeply resent.
The techies are just hackers Trump and the political force are using to dismantle the establishment, which is why Trump has been issuing EOs like a lunitic. Just to use a technology anatomy, those EOs are like virus attacks on the existing infrastructure. They are stressing the political system to find a breaking point.
And to answer your question, albeit they are all libertarians, who deeply distrust of the government, the rednecks dont have the nuisance to understand the potential damage of the political hacking. They may not even like Elon alike. But when Musk is being constantly portrayed as Capitan America, a cult trust is being planted into the mass crowd.
说句被人当作川分的话 1/6那些人就是被政治迫害的,大多数都是随大流跟着走进去的,在美国这个国家是不可能靠一般人冲击国会就取得政权的。