The Trump administration is maintaining a funding freeze at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in defiance of two federal court orders. The ongoing freeze was confirmed by an NIH official and internal correspondence reviewed by Popular Information.
President Biden did not disobey the Supreme Court's ruling against student loan relief. Here are the details: Supreme Court Ruling On June 30, 2023, the Supreme Court invalidated Biden's student loan forgiveness plan in a 6-3 decision . The court ruled that federal law, specifically the HEROES Act, did not authorize the program to wipe out nearly half-a-trillion dollars in student loan debt . Biden's Response After the ruling, Biden announced that his administration would pursue debt relief through other means, such as the Higher Education Act . He also created a temporary "on-ramp" period, during which borrowers would not be considered in default for late or missed payments. These programs are separate from the rejected forgiveness plan and are authorized by Congress . Legal Challenges to New Plans The Biden administration introduced the Saving on a Valuable Education (SAVE) plan in July 2023, which aimed to lower monthly loan payments and speed up loan forgiveness for borrowers . However, this plan faced legal challenges from several states, which argued that it also exceeded the administration's authority . Conclusion President Biden and his administration have not disobeyed the Supreme Court's ruling. Instead, they have pursued debt relief through other legally authorized programs and faced additional legal challenges in the process. . The ruling was based on the argument that the Biden administration had exceeded its authority by attempting to forgive student loan debt without explicit congressional authorization . The Biden administration continued to grant student loan forgiveness through existing federal programs, such as the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program and the Borrower Defense to Repayment program . In August 2024, the Supreme Court declined to lift a block on the SAVE plan, keeping it on hold while legal challenges proceed
Mediterranean 发表于 2025-02-11 12:21 一点不奇怪,都是之前说好了要干的。奇怪的是民主党居然毫无动作,他们的工作就是反川啊。就不能一天一个弹劾案往speaker Johnson 脸上拍吗?
我在隔壁回的贴: 两院和高院都是共和党的,三权合一,都是trump的同伙和同党,现在的一通burn the house down不就是他们要的么。这就是49%参加大选的选民要看到的结果。 民主党一个在野党你能要求他们干嘛,现在不是还说执法机构不能管行政机构,总统职权大过天么? 等着吧,这才刚开始。 计划书都在那里可以看着如何走,大选前又不是不知道。
无法无天就是说的这个 lon Musk is mad about Judge McConnell’s decision to unfreeze federal grants… So he posted a picture of his daughter, her full name, her position of where she works, and a page of a signed tax statement she filed. The judge’s daughter. 😯
supersleeper 发表于 2025-02-11 15:38 无法无天就是说的这个 lon Musk is mad about Judge McConnell’s decision to unfreeze federal grants… So he posted a picture of his daughter, her full name, her position of where she works, and a page of a signed tax statement she filed. The judge’s daughter. 😯
改变 - 唯一永远不会改变的事情就是改变! 也许一个人已经经常变得复杂,可能时不时地改变观点。 对于许多不同的人群来说,群体之间的复杂程度会更高,而且不同群体之间的观点也会有所不同, 更加复杂。 一个国家是一个复杂的系统,由不同的人和群体思想者组成,具有动态的经济、生计和社会方面。 如果说一个普通人能够正确地投票选出一个合适的领导人,能够在面对国内和国际动态关系时领导一个复杂的国家,那么从概率上讲,这种可能性并不高。 ? Q奧班·維克多 政治生涯 1988年参与创建青年民主主义者联盟(青民盟),當時他領導反共產主義的青年民主運動,並作為東歐劇變的參與者之一。1990年匈牙利結束一黨制後,他進入匈牙利國會。1993年任青年民主主义者联盟-匈牙利公民党主席,曾任匈牙利国会代表和国会欧洲一体化事务委员会主席,當時青民盟仍為中間派的自由主義政黨,尚未轉為民族保守主義政黨。 ... ... 外交政策 自2010年欧尔班再度就任總理以来,在國際關係上歐爾班政府與中華人民共和國、俄羅斯和白俄羅斯等國家關係緊密[22]。 UQ Q ‘In a real sense, US democracy has died’: how Trump is emulating Hungary’s Orbán Trump has moved to gut the federal government, fire critics and reward allies – a path similar to ‘would-be dictators’ like Orbán, experts say
Orbán poses with Trump at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida on 11 July 2024. Photograph: Zoltán Fischer/X account Hungary''''''''s prime minister, Viktor Orbán/AFP/Getty Images UQ
supersleeper 发表于 2025-02-11 15:38 无法无天就是说的这个 lon Musk is mad about Judge McConnell’s decision to unfreeze federal grants… So he posted a picture of his daughter, her full name, her position of where she works, and a page of a signed tax statement she filed. The judge’s daughter. 😯
可是,musk因为直接命令红小将改了treasury付款系统程序,它就拒不执行法庭命令。同时musk 和vance还公开叫嚣联邦法院对MAGA政权没有管辖权。
The Trump administration is maintaining a funding freeze at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in defiance of two federal court orders.
The ongoing freeze was confirmed by an NIH official and internal correspondence reviewed by Popular Information.
如果judicial check and balance被破坏,那就会彻底走向竞争极权体制。
MAGA运动现在就在不断冲击这个 founding principle, 理由是选民意愿要被贯彻,法官的命令不须理会。
President Biden did not disobey the Supreme Court's ruling against student loan relief. Here are the details: Supreme Court Ruling On June 30, 2023, the Supreme Court invalidated Biden's student loan forgiveness plan in a 6-3 decision
. The court ruled that federal law, specifically the HEROES Act, did not authorize the program to wipe out nearly half-a-trillion dollars in student loan debt . Biden's Response After the ruling, Biden announced that his administration would pursue debt relief through other means, such as the Higher Education Act
. He also created a temporary "on-ramp" period, during which borrowers would not be considered in default for late or missed payments. These programs are separate from the rejected forgiveness plan and are authorized by Congress . Legal Challenges to New Plans The Biden administration introduced the Saving on a Valuable Education (SAVE) plan in July 2023, which aimed to lower monthly loan payments and speed up loan forgiveness for borrowers
. However, this plan faced legal challenges from several states, which argued that it also exceeded the administration's authority . Conclusion President Biden and his administration have not disobeyed the Supreme Court's ruling. Instead, they have pursued debt relief through other legally authorized programs and faced additional legal challenges in the process. . The ruling was based on the argument that the Biden administration had exceeded its authority by attempting to forgive student loan debt without explicit congressional authorization . The Biden administration continued to grant student loan forgiveness through existing federal programs, such as the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program and the Borrower Defense to Repayment program . In August 2024, the Supreme Court declined to lift a block on the SAVE plan, keeping it on hold while legal challenges proceed
轻易被煽动的人,是因为intelligently lazy不会主动去考察事情的全象。
我在隔壁回的贴: 两院和高院都是共和党的,三权合一,都是trump的同伙和同党,现在的一通burn the house down不就是他们要的么。这就是49%参加大选的选民要看到的结果。 民主党一个在野党你能要求他们干嘛,现在不是还说执法机构不能管行政机构,总统职权大过天么? 等着吧,这才刚开始。 计划书都在那里可以看着如何走,大选前又不是不知道。
反川是他们的工作啊!09年的共和党可比他们少数多了,一个个蹦跶得多欢哪。民主党现在就应该好好演戏,演好自己反对党的角色,拿着工资呢。每天house整个弹劾案,每天senate filibuster,当然不指望他们通过什么法案,捣乱总可以吧?
Remember culture revolution? Same kind of thing.
感觉现在美国正在滑回几百年前资本原始积累的弱肉强食模式,完全不是发达国家模式。我在工作中都感受到了变化。原本比较respectful的组最近变得toxic, 稍微请个假带家人玩,活就被抢了。感觉大家都有危机感,都在抢活。
这个2nd amendment 出来的时候大家的武器都差不多, 现在普通人得武器对政府有什么用?
民主党为什么要反川啊?不做得挺好的吗?求仁得仁,American people deserve it!
美国人民deserve不deserve是一回事(49%deserve),民主党本职工作就两件:赢得选举搞立法,输了选举搞"破坏"。作为职业政客干不好就让贤,哈大姐走了、拜登走了、希婆走了。剩下的chuck Schumer 天天干什么乱七八糟的?AOC能不能把这老头primary掉?更不要说Fetterman 这种首鼠两端的。一帮占着什么不什么的。
就是这样的blatant illegal activity 你能怎样?
这年代 颠倒黑白的洗脑 恶人举着正义的大旗横着走 好人有口说不清 一下被打成DEI砸烂
到头来只能指望神灵开眼了 这个是个什么样的国家 lol
lon Musk is mad about Judge McConnell’s decision to unfreeze federal grants…
So he posted a picture of his daughter, her full name, her position of where she works, and a page of a signed tax statement she filed. The judge’s daughter. 😯
他现在所有人的资料都有, 都可以用来威胁
现在maga还说law and order么? 不是吾王万碎万碎万万碎么?
又来了。 别人喊trump段经费让癌症病人没法继续临床试验治疗,你来喊biden不顾高院阻拦非要给学生减免学费… 你真的不是高级黑吗?
改变 - 唯一永远不会改变的事情就是改变!
对于许多不同的人群来说,群体之间的复杂程度会更高,而且不同群体之间的观点也会有所不同, 更加复杂。
政治生涯 1988年参与创建青年民主主义者联盟(青民盟),當時他領導反共產主義的青年民主運動,並作為東歐劇變的參與者之一。1990年匈牙利結束一黨制後,他進入匈牙利國會。1993年任青年民主主义者联盟-匈牙利公民党主席,曾任匈牙利国会代表和国会欧洲一体化事务委员会主席,當時青民盟仍為中間派的自由主義政黨,尚未轉為民族保守主義政黨。 ... ... 外交政策 自2010年欧尔班再度就任總理以来,在國際關係上歐爾班政府與中華人民共和國、俄羅斯和白俄羅斯等國家關係緊密[22]。 UQ
Q ‘In a real sense, US democracy has died’: how Trump is emulating Hungary’s Orbán Trump has moved to gut the federal government, fire critics and reward allies – a path similar to ‘would-be dictators’ like Orbán, experts say
Orbán poses with Trump at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida on 11 July 2024. Photograph: Zoltán Fischer/X account Hungary''''''''s prime minister, Viktor Orbán/AFP/Getty Images UQ
要求fact check,这是真的假的?太不可思议了,是都疯了吗?看着这么无法无天的事情发生?
是的, 而且我非常不喜欢这种话术 “一个未经选举,没有提名参议院任命的。。。” 很多行政权力都是总统直接任命,历来如此 不论哪个党, 你经常看到某个党全体投反对票给某一个法案: 这听上去多么荒谬,因为该法案旨在保护人民利益。 可是它不告诉你:该法案其实捆绑了很多乱七八糟的东西,导致另一个党全体反对 作为看客,尤其是你们很多从不follow政治和新闻的人, 不看主流媒体不看草根twitter, 只从华人媒体接受新闻的人 , 尤其小心“让千万个晚期癌症患者和家庭陷入死亡的绝望”这种煽动性的东西,
嗯嗯 疮粉现在特别的客观冷静
Give me a break dude