发现大多数人没意识到,这是chatgpt 的回答: 问: What percent of undergraduate students in USA pay full tuition? 答: In the United States, a significant portion of undergraduate students do not pay the full (sticker) price of tuition due to financial aid and other assistance. Approximately 40% of students at public universities and 25% at private universities pay the full tuition amount. 大学不停的涨sticker price, 但实际上多数学生不付全额学费,被狠狠收割的是能付得起的。
As Republicans in Congress look for ways to slash spending, some legislators are floating new taxes on college scholarships, an end to student loan repayment plans and a big hike in taxes on university endowments. The ideas affecting higher education are among many in circulation among House committees that are exploring ways to cover the cost of extending and expanding tax cuts passed in President Donald Trump’s first term. The recommendations are still evolving, and it’s unclear how close any of them will get to being implemented. Regardless, advocates across higher education say they are alarmed to see such proposals gain traction at all with Republicans. https://apnews.com/article/trump-administration-education-college-loans-532d52c2ccac8b4be459f7797fb63a73
luoyuwei 发表于 2025-02-10 16:46 发现大多数人没意识到,这是chatgpt 的回答: 问: What percent of undergraduate students in USA pay full tuition? 答: In the United States, a significant portion of undergraduate students do not pay the full (sticker) price of tuition due to financial aid and other assistance. Approximately 40% of students at public universities and 25% at private universities pay the full tuition amount. 大学不停的涨sticker price, 但实际上多数学生不付全额学费,被狠狠收割的是能付得起的。
问: What percent of undergraduate students in USA pay full tuition? 答: In the United States, a significant portion of undergraduate students do not pay the full (sticker) price of tuition due to financial aid and other assistance. Approximately 40% of students at public universities and 25% at private universities pay the full tuition amount.
大学不停的涨sticker price, 但实际上多数学生不付全额学费,被狠狠收割的是能付得起的。
Good for you. 能拿本科奖学金的估计是牛娃。我以前以为至少有一半的学生付全额学费吧,查了才知道原来是少数。
是的,很幸运拿到一个大的scholarship, 要不有aid也去不了,付不起
当然是了,不好的私校自己付全额学费去上还不如上本州大呢,所以只能狂打折。 顶私里面听说最大方的普林斯顿,超过60%的拿资助,其它的一般就是50%上下
UC不爱给外州学生发钱,我们这儿录了Top UC的都很少有人去,嫌贵
州立大学不会给。一般的Top 20也别太指望,会给一点,几千块钱这样的,然后你还要付9万多。这样你也算在没付全额学费的那一类里面。
你这么一说我舒服些了,我家今年上学,一个子都拿不到。不是有钱,是没规划好 :(
有可能,没问过。 知道有另外一个今年QB进了斯坦福,全免。这两个都是墨裔。