- Require that all outgoing government payments have a payment categorization code, which is necessary in order to pass financial audits. This is frequently left blank, making audits almost impossible. - All payments must also include a rationale for the payment in the comment field, which is currently left blank. Importantly, we are not yet applying ANY judgment to this rationale, but simply requiring that SOME attempt be made to explain the payment more than NOTHING! - The DO-NOT-PAY list of entities known to be fraudulent or people who are dead or are probable fronts for terrorist organizations or do not match Congressional appropriations must actually be implemented and not ignored. Also, it can currently take up to a year to get on this list, which is far too long. This list should be updated at least weekly, if not daily.
真是槽多无口。让AI总结一下这个所谓policy的漏洞吧: The policy requires payment categorization codes and rationale explanations but lacks enforcement or validation, enabling incomplete or unhelpful entries. The absence of judgment on rationale quality weakens accountability. Weekly updates to the DO-NOT-PAY list leads to substantial increase in cost and bureaucracy.
Bridgette 发表于 2025-02-10 12:15 真是槽多无口。让AI总结一下这个所谓policy的漏洞吧: The policy requires payment categorization codes and rationale explanations but lacks enforcement or validation, enabling incomplete or unhelpful entries. The absence of judgment on rationale quality weakens accountability. Weekly updates to the DO-NOT-PAY list leads to substantial increase in cost and bureaucracy.
- All payments must also include a rationale for the payment in the comment field, which is currently left blank. Importantly, we are not yet applying ANY judgment to this rationale, but simply requiring that SOME attempt be made to explain the payment more than NOTHING!
- The DO-NOT-PAY list of entities known to be fraudulent or people who are dead or are probable fronts for terrorist organizations or do not match Congressional appropriations must actually be implemented and not ignored. Also, it can currently take up to a year to get on this list, which is far too long. This list should be updated at least weekly, if not daily.
基本上跟我前几天预测的思路差不多, 数据先行 https://huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=3084054
只不过没想到原来的数据这么拉垮,所以先要做出纳元数据的补齐, 比如 确保每项支出有分类码 确保每项支出有事由 有了这两个数据,后面拿来做一些大数据分析应该可以找到不少异常 第三个确保 DO-NOT-PAY 就是基本的fraud protection的操作了
如果跟上市公司比起来,就是基本的财务纪律不合格,基本的fraud protection不到位,先补上
当然,这个真正实施起来估计还会碰钉子 因为DOGE只是提需求,真正实施还是 treasure system的人,这些的人难保有意无意的在这个过程中让一些关键的支出没法完成(比如可以说不小心把人加到 DO-NOT-PAY, 谁让你催着 move fast 呢。。。),从而实现甩锅的目的
那 你怎么不说川普起诉CBS,要求赔偿200亿美元,要是赢了,不是一下子发了
而且你去查查过往treasury audit纪录,大部分时间,treasury department 的报表都能通过audit。
Elon从treasury dept那里不是去找什么大瓜,也找不出来什么惊天大案。他们过去就是偷数据而已,拷贝用户信息。就这么简单。
The absence of judgment on rationale quality weakens accountability.
Weekly updates to the DO-NOT-PAY list leads to substantial increase in cost and bureaucracy.
1) 国会审批的是整体的预算,但具体怎么花钱,给哪些机构打钱,这权力在具体部门。。
原本是部门发个PO,财政部就直接打钱。。 现在要求这个PO上面好歹多填点信息
2) treasury 报表audit的仅仅是财政部每年收入多少,支出多少,
3)几万亿美元的支出,根本不可能人工审查, 必然只能根据大数据+AI快速筛选,
现在这个code完全不填,也没有comments 今后哪怕只有一半的payment填了这些内容,比起今天的情况来,依然是极大的进步。。
美国金融制裁了全球多少万家机构,do-not-pay list根本不可能是人工输入的。。 需要的无非就是和其他政府部门的数据库对接,每周自动下载更新一次这个名单而已。。
这怎么可能substantial increase in cost and bureaucracy??
川普不缺钱?法官罚了他三四亿美元,他到处借钱交罚款都借不到,他的律师告诉法庭借不到钱交不上,他不缺钱?? 马斯克不缺钱?买一个推特都赔了他十几亿,他不缺钱??