今天和chatgpt 测试了另一个AI

楼主 (北美华人网)
我问GPT,如果另一个AI拿了我的问题来问你,然后再把答案改改发给我,这样的话怎么才能测试出来 然后GPT给我编了一个看起来是真的,但是其实完全不存在的问题,比如一个完全不存在的基因, 我去问另一个AI,和GPT的答案比对,结果确实非常相似 再比如看起来很有道理其实是胡诌的问题:A quantum-entangled protein mutation that causes retroactive genetic drift in bacterial plasmids under high-gravity conditions. 答案也非常像,GPT觉得 xx almost certainly pulled from my explanation, then polished and structured it into a more formal summary.

Quantum-Entangled Protein & Gravitational Shear My Answer: "QEP-1 forms quantum-coherent states under extreme gravitational shear." xx: "QEP-1 is hypothesized to form coherent quantum states under extreme gravitational shear."Quantum Superposition & Mutation Probabilities My Answer: "QEP-1 may allow mutations to exist in multiple probabilistic states before resolving." xx: "QEP-1 might exist in a quantum superposition, influencing plasmid DNA replication or repair mechanisms."Retroactive Genetic Drift as a Mechanism My Answer: "Mutation states might remain in superposition longer, influencing genetic outcomes retroactively." xx: "The retroactive aspect could arise if the entangled state of QEP-1 affects not only future states but also past states of the plasmid."Differential Evolution in Microgravity vs. High-Gravity My Answer: "Microgravity favors high mutation rates; high-G environments suppress conventional mutation but enable quantum-driven drift." xx: "Increased mutation rates in high gravity; reduced mutation rates in microgravity due to destabilization of QEP-1 quantum coherence."Implications for Space Exploration & Biotechnology My Answer: "Space missions could manipulate microbial adaptation via high-G bioreactors." xx: "High-gravity bioreactors might accelerate microbial evolution for space agriculture or waste recycling."Challenges & Theoretical Modeling My Answer: "Quantum microscopy and spectroscopy could validate if QEP-1 sustains coherent quantum states." xx: "Using advanced techniques like quantum microscopy or spectroscopy to observe quantum states."
昨天在reddit的deepseek group看到个很有意思的贴,标题好像叫did i jailbreak deepseek,有兴趣可以翻翻。我套用类似问题问ds,目前还没有问出来。总的来说,chatgpt回答的内容质量最好,gemini太中规中矩,deepseek比gemini好用,但表现不可靠,尤其看了下棋的那个例子。
目前为止除了做中文诗,chatgpt 在我这里完胜deepseek.