回复 4楼 Riverss 的帖子 基本上没影响,Lake Kaweah和Lake Success的主要作用都是防洪,冬天把水库放空,夏天蓄水防止洪灾,是常规操作。 Lake Kaweah的wiki页面 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake_Kaweah “Because its primary purpose is flood control, Lake Kaweah is maintained at a very low level or empty for most of the year, and generally only fills between May and June.” Lake Success的wiki页面 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake_Success_(California) “While its primary purpose is flood control, the lake also serves irrigation and recreation purposes” Lake Kaweah和Lake Success的水位图,http://kaweah.lakesonline.com/Level/,http://lakesucess.lakesonline.com/Level/ 可以看到Lake Kaweah现在的水位是2020年以来同期最高的。Lake Success的水位也高于2020,2021,2022年同期水位。 只是现在川普和媒体都把这个行为政治化了
ecaeca 发表于 2025-02-09 15:26 回复 4楼 Riverss 的帖子 基本上没影响,Lake Kaweah和Lake Success的主要作用都是防洪,冬天把水库放空,夏天蓄水防止洪灾,是常规操作。 Lake Kaweah的wiki页面 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake_Kaweah “Because its primary purpose is flood control, Lake Kaweah is maintained at a very low level or empty for most of the year, and generally only fills between May and June.” Lake Success的wiki页面 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake_Success_(California) “While its primary purpose is flood control, the lake also serves irrigation and recreation purposes” Lake Kaweah和Lake Success的水位图,http://kaweah.lakesonline.com/Level/,http://lakesucess.lakesonline.com/Level/ 可以看到Lake Kaweah现在的水位是2020年以来同期最高的。Lake Success的水位也高于2020,2021,2022年同期水位。 只是现在川普和媒体都把这个行为政治化了
一龙打个 超级碗 广告 40 MM
无所谓,反正他们怎样都支持trump, 像上一届trump给大豆卖不出去的农民补贴,川皇会用中产的钱给他们发福利的。Trump是巨富和底层穷白人的党,倒霉的是中产,不管票数还是金钱都被outnumbered,我看美国是没救了
基本上没影响,Lake Kaweah和Lake Success的主要作用都是防洪,冬天把水库放空,夏天蓄水防止洪灾,是常规操作。
Lake Kaweah的wiki页面 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake_Kaweah “Because its primary purpose is flood control, Lake Kaweah is maintained at a very low level or empty for most of the year, and generally only fills between May and June.”
Lake Success的wiki页面 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake_Success_(California) “While its primary purpose is flood control, the lake also serves irrigation and recreation purposes”