我刚刚查了一下,现在也是combined呀 Have or open a U.S. Bank Smartly® Savings account with a minimum opening deposit of $25; and Have “Combined Qualifying Balances” with U.S. Bank in open consumer checking account(s), money market savings account(s), savings account(s), CDs and/or IRAs, U.S. Bancorp Investments and personal trust account(s) (business accounts, commercial accounts, and the Trustee only (IFI) client relationship do not qualify). The Smartly Earning Bonus tiers are: Between $5,000 to $49,999.99, to earn a total of 2.5 Points per $1 (a base of 2 Points plus the Smartly Earning Bonus of 0.5 Points), Between $50,000 to $99,999.99, to earn a total of 3 Points per $1 (a base of 2 Points plus the Smartly Earning Bonus of 1 Point), or $100,000 or more to earn a total of 4 Points per $1 (a base of 2 Points plus the Smartly Earning Bonus of 2 Points). The Combined Qualifying Balance is determined as
Aspire annual fee 550 will get you one free hilton night, 200 airline statement credit, 400 hilton resort credit (200 every 6 months?)+ sign up bonus (160K). of course you decide if the above is worth $1000+
于是申请了一张us bank smartly,存10万在smartly saving才能拿到4% cash back, 然后savings account rate 是3.5%, 这样比放在fidelity market少 0.5%还多,10万就是一年少500,fidelity的信用卡本来就有2% cash back, 所以一年要花 $25,000 以上才划算对吗? 感觉不是很好的deal啊。
有人回复说可以用savings account买t bill, 但是这样钱就不在smartly saving里面了,那还能拿到信用卡4% cash back吗?求解惑
再分享下信用卡,最好的卡就是年抛卡,每年拿开卡奖励,比4%多得多得多 比如amex商业白金卡,花2万拿250k点数(点数价值保底有4000刀),等于这2万刀都有20%的cashback
更多分享请见https://huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=2964281 很久没更新了,不过大部分内容还valid
你确定10万全用来买t bill还可以拿到4% cash back吗?是你自己试过?我打电话问说钱拿去买t bill 就不算在savings account里了
多谢多谢,但是我申请的时候上面写着要开smartly savings account呀,你开卡时候写了吗
t bill 应该是只能在brokerage account 里买而不是在savings account里?
这个卡一定要个us bank saving account但是并不需要checking account
所以定cruise,机票,租车之类的还是要慎用,用别的白送travel insurance的卡好些。
看人的,举个例子比如 one free night 在波拉波拉,马尔代夫一夜就要$2500。当然不是每个人都会去住Waldorf Astoria
太感谢了 ,是开那个Bancorp investment吧?