1)他的律师最近认可大家继续捐款 https://www.newsweek.com/luigi-mangione-suspect-unitedhealth-ceo-murder-donations-jail-2025909 "Luigi is aware of the fund and very much appreciates the outpouring of support. My client plans on utilizing it to fight all three of the unprecedented cases against him," Karen Friedman Agnifilo, an attorney for Mangione, told Newsweek in a statement on Tuesday.
2) Luigi 最近给网友回信说安慰外面的人说他的生活需求很低。而且 humans are born resilient. 泪目一下这么好的孩子 “Please don''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''t worry about my circumstances It''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''s fine here I am very low maintenance and most importantly humans are born resilient“ https://www.xiaohongshu.com/explore/67a7910f000000002900c13d?xsec_token=ABgrBAVlDOz0rEh1uacGYoY_oXLPkfyj6ny1rqtZCCfcI=&xsec_source=pc_feed 3) 他的律师团队新增加一人担任死刑辩护。 好像政府给指拍的, 因为 FEDERAL 的 CHARGE 会导致 DEATH PENALTY
接下来的开庭日期 1) Federal court date Feb. 17. 2) His next appearance in state court is scheduled for Feb. 21. 3) next court date in Pennsylvania is set for February 24 at 8:00 AM
Update #13 February 10th, 2025 Dear supporters of the Luigi Mangione legal fund, We are excited to announce that we have established contact with Karen Friedman Agnifilo and the rest of Luigi''''''''''''''''s legal team, who will be accepting your donations. In response to hearing about your 10,000+ individual donations, averaging under $30, Karen stated that Luigi "very much appreciates the outpouring of support." We feel honored to provide supporters with a reliable way to continue contributing to his legal fees through any future donations. Yesterday marked the two month anniversary since Luigi Mangione''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''s arrest. Americans watched the media scramble to demonize him as social media comments overflowed with support. The average American understands who the real culprits are, despite the ghoulish display of power during his perp walk or the out of touch coverage most media pundits offer. Nothing can shake their resolve. On the contrary, these attempts to diminish his support have only backfired. Even the Newsweek article that attempted to characterize this fund as stagnant was met with a surge of new donations. Since then (six days ago), the fund has skyrocketed another $64,000, with no signs of slowing down. Prosecutors have responded to this support by levying unprecedented terrorism charges against Luigi,which would make him eligible for the death penalty. This is fundamentally unacceptable. We are thrilled that the money raised by this campaign will go toward building the strongest possible defense against these insulting charges. Alongside this update, we''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''d like to share a special message from the Party Girls podcast and D4LC spokespeople. The December 4 Legal Committee will continue raising funds for Luigi’s legal defense for the duration of the trial. We encourage his millions of supporters to find creative and public ways to advocate for him during his time behind bars in whatever ways seem right. You can also donate, spread the word, and definitely send him mail. We can verify that even though some of it gets rejected in the process, Luigi loves the many letters, memes, and books that get through. We remain committed to a world where our survival and wellbeing are no longer sacrificed for another''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''s wealth. Thank you again for your continued support. -The December 4 Legal Committee
1) Federal court date Feb. 17. 2) His next appearance in state court is scheduled for Feb. 21. 3) next court date in Pennsylvania is set for February 24 at 8:00 AM
Update #13 February 10th, 2025 Dear supporters of the Luigi Mangione legal fund,
We are excited to announce that we have established contact with Karen Friedman Agnifilo and the rest of Luigi's legal team, who will be accepting your donations. In response to hearing about your 10,000+ individual donations, averaging under $30, Karen stated that Luigi "very much appreciates the outpouring of support." We feel honored to provide supporters with a reliable way to continue contributing to his legal fees through any future donations.
Yesterday marked the two month anniversary since Luigi Mangione's arrest. Americans watched the media scramble to demonize him as social media comments overflowed with support. The average American understands who the real culprits are, despite the ghoulish display of power during his perp walk or the out of touch coverage most media pundits offer. Nothing can shake their resolve. On the contrary, these attempts to diminish his support have only backfired. Even the Newsweek article that attempted to characterize this fund as stagnant was met with a surge of new donations. Since then (six days ago), the fund has skyrocketed another $64,000, with no signs of slowing down. Prosecutors have responded to this support by levying unprecedented terrorism charges against Luigi,which would make him eligible for the death penalty. This is fundamentally unacceptable. We are thrilled that the money raised by this campaign will go toward building the strongest possible defense against these insulting charges. Alongside this update, we'd like to share a special message from the Party Girls podcast and D4LC spokespeople. The December 4 Legal Committee will continue raising funds for Luigi’s legal defense for the duration of the trial. We encourage his millions of supporters to find creative and public ways to advocate for him during his time behind bars in whatever ways seem right. You can also donate, spread the word, and definitely send him mail. We can verify that even though some of it gets rejected in the process, Luigi loves the many letters, memes, and books that get through. We remain committed to a world where our survival and wellbeing are no longer sacrificed for another's wealth. Thank you again for your continued support. -The December 4 Legal Committee
关键字, billions lobbying so those companies avoid to pay trillion dollars tax oversea Corporate Lobbying – Big tech companies spend billions lobbying Congress to maintain favorable tax policies. Politicians who receive donations from these companies may be reluctant to push for stricter regulations.
再过一周 Lugui的就要开始各种开庭。Luigi 的消息最近不多, 捐款也就停留在20多万, 这点远不够三场旷日持久的官司的诉讼费。 他家虽然家境不错,但这种官司没有上千万的资金不容易赢。
https://www.newsweek.com/luigi-mangione-suspect-unitedhealth-ceo-murder-donations-jail-2025909 "Luigi is aware of the fund and very much appreciates the outpouring of support. My client plans on utilizing it to fight all three of the unprecedented cases against him," Karen Friedman Agnifilo, an attorney for Mangione, told Newsweek in a statement on Tuesday.
2) Luigi 最近给网友回信说安慰外面的人说他的生活需求很低。而且 humans are born resilient. 泪目一下这么好的孩子
“Please don''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''t worry about my circumstances It''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''s fine here I am very low maintenance and most importantly humans are born resilient“
3) 他的律师团队新增加一人担任死刑辩护。 好像政府给指拍的, 因为 FEDERAL 的 CHARGE 会导致 DEATH PENALTY
1) Federal court date Feb. 17. 2) His next appearance in state court is scheduled for Feb. 21. 3) next court date in Pennsylvania is set for February 24 at 8:00 AM
4)关于捐款更新, 以前很多人捐的少, 不敢捐,因为不确认捐款。 现在LUIGI 律师已近确认这个捐款方式, 这是一个可靠的捐款,而且 所有人的捐款会全部用到他和三个政府的诉讼中去。 大家放心大胆的捐。 这是我的第三次捐, 还会一直继续捐下去
大家加油, 最近几天律师确认后,已近迅速涨到快30万了。今天就有望突破30大关
Update #13 February 10th, 2025 Dear supporters of the Luigi Mangione legal fund,
We are excited to announce that we have established contact with Karen Friedman Agnifilo and the rest of Luigi''''''''''''''''s legal team, who will be accepting your donations. In response to hearing about your 10,000+ individual donations, averaging under $30, Karen stated that Luigi "very much appreciates the outpouring of support." We feel honored to provide supporters with a reliable way to continue contributing to his legal fees through any future donations.
Yesterday marked the two month anniversary since Luigi Mangione''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''s arrest. Americans watched the media scramble to demonize him as social media comments overflowed with support. The average American understands who the real culprits are, despite the ghoulish display of power during his perp walk or the out of touch coverage most media pundits offer. Nothing can shake their resolve. On the contrary, these attempts to diminish his support have only backfired. Even the Newsweek article that attempted to characterize this fund as stagnant was met with a surge of new donations. Since then (six days ago), the fund has skyrocketed another $64,000, with no signs of slowing down.
Prosecutors have responded to this support by levying unprecedented terrorism charges against Luigi, which would make him eligible for the death penalty. This is fundamentally unacceptable. We are thrilled that the money raised by this campaign will go toward building the strongest possible defense against these insulting charges.
Alongside this update, we''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''d like to share a special message from the Party Girls podcast and D4LC spokespeople.
The December 4 Legal Committee will continue raising funds for Luigi’s legal defense for the duration of the trial. We encourage his millions of supporters to find creative and public ways to advocate for him during his time behind bars in whatever ways seem right. You can also donate, spread the word, and definitely send him mail. We can verify that even though some of it gets rejected in the process, Luigi loves the many letters, memes, and books that get through.
We remain committed to a world where our survival and wellbeing are no longer sacrificed for another''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''s wealth.
Thank you again for your continued support.
-The December 4 Legal Committee
🔥 最新回帖
Happy Valentine's Day! Luigi!
🛋️ 沙发板凳
现代人的attention span太短暂了
现在是 媒体宣传时
马斯克 冒着生命 危险
在 砸烂美国 旧世界
这可比 路易基这个 事情 要大得多,而且 直接 关系很多人的 饭碗
路易基 热度已经没了
但是我觉得有利用的价值,因为 下一锤子 有可能 砸向 医疗保险系统
我的点是 路易基 的媒体热度 快没了
他一开始 热度大增的 一个点是 他很帅很精英,
但是人会 审美疲劳的
1) Federal court date Feb. 17. 2) His next appearance in state court is scheduled for Feb. 21. 3) next court date in Pennsylvania is set for February 24 at 8:00 AM
我是从川皇上任前连发虚拟币 彻底反转他的 一龙我原来也佩服他的科技改革 但是最近一系列的政府操作 外行破坏力实在太大了 我也反转了
这两个先把路易基的问题解决一下不行吗 一个言也不发 你们不是一直嚷嚷要社会医疗改革吗
真的有一种无奈受骗的感觉 恨自己不能做一点点 这个世界还有没有上帝 如果上帝存在 为什么药让我们看见那么多难过的无能为力的事情 觉得自己在苟且
要是真有勇气砸烂旧世界的话,是应该砸烂资本阶级TRILLION DOLLARS怎么巨大贫富不均的,而不是这点社会下层的三瓜俩枣的小钱
那是民运自媒体吧 别听了 我就是听他们没有好好打疫苗 结果 现在每一次得了感冒 比打了疫苗的老公严重多了 我体质可是比他好多了 一直是校排球队的
感觉你脑子不行,看不到现在社会的最根本问题是巨大贫富不均, 等到邪恶贪婪资本彻底控制AI时, 你这种资本家面前连蝼蚁到时都排不上。 不需要了,直接细菌病毒一次消灭99%的人类
路易基的热度 已经不行了
就看 媒体 和 马一龙如何利用他 来 打开 下一个缺口
他 杀人了,
不可能 逃过 法律制裁的
我从来不是川粉 我就是个独立思考者 2020年,我是支持选举法中有任何不透明 需要高等法院插手的 但是具体也不知道怎么了 他的重商政策我还赞成的
但是,川普落选后 他要求平民捐款 然后在任期间重大会议带着女儿 我就开始反感他个人了 一直到近期他又开始发虚拟货币
我没有看清楚这一系列操作 我也不知道结果 但是现在看起来并不乐观
如前期所言,联邦不插手,不支持恐怖袭击判定 这个是重点
好久没有跟了,路易真得是个善良的让我们羞愧的人 让我们看到了人性的美,和对这个世界的希望 至少对那些曾经后悔把孩子带到这个污秽的世界上的妈妈们
握手,我也看走眼。 2016年选了TRUMP。 后面对于他的表演简直是大跌眼镜。缺乏做人基本的 DECENCY 。
你这句话,应该给路易的律师 我觉得很有号召力,而且特别感人,简短 中华的文化,源源绵绵 唉
跟资本对抗, 没有其他任何途径。
gofund 这种大流量的平台LUIGI捐款被撤下来几回了, 资本拦着不让捐, 只有这个小平台的FOUNDER 让捐。 Luigi 对抗的是这个国家真正背后的老板, 资本财团阶层
就是自我牺牲的精神, 明知不可而为之, 去唤起大众的一点点觉醒 和 资本家的一点点未眠的良知。
一直在关注他的捐款页面,眼看着从几乎两天就能增加一万,到突然一下子减少7000、群情激愤(后来平台回应说是有些捐款人要求refund),到二月初的一天只增加几百块钱,总额长时间停留在22万多,直到最近媒体报道luigi’s donors fizzle out,捐款终于又开始加速增加。
您倒是说说musk把保护消费者的监管银行的CFBP关掉算啥? 这是为了elites 更好更快地screw 普罗大众还是砸烂旧世界?
这才 几周时间
就这么急着 下结论??
他不可能 ,
walk out free
能不能有一些 常识,
现在是 判轻判重 的区别
爹味太重 把味收一收好吗
一定要变成热帖 这比大小S家的事重要多了
Update #13 February 10th, 2025 Dear supporters of the Luigi Mangione legal fund,
Yesterday marked the two month anniversary since Luigi Mangione's arrest. Americans watched the media scramble to demonize him as social media comments overflowed with support. The average American understands who the real culprits are, despite the ghoulish display of power during his perp walk or the out of touch coverage most media pundits offer. Nothing can shake their resolve. On the contrary, these attempts to diminish his support have only backfired. Even the Newsweek article that attempted to characterize this fund as stagnant was met with a surge of new donations. Since then (six days ago), the fund has skyrocketed another $64,000, with no signs of slowing down.
Prosecutors have responded to this support by levying unprecedented terrorism charges against Luigi, which would make him eligible for the death penalty. This is fundamentally unacceptable. We are thrilled that the money raised by this campaign will go toward building the strongest possible defense against these insulting charges.
Alongside this update, we'd like to share a special message from the Party Girls podcast and D4LC spokespeople.
The December 4 Legal Committee will continue raising funds for Luigi’s legal defense for the duration of the trial. We encourage his millions of supporters to find creative and public ways to advocate for him during his time behind bars in whatever ways seem right. You can also donate, spread the word, and definitely send him mail. We can verify that even though some of it gets rejected in the process, Luigi loves the many letters, memes, and books that get through.
We remain committed to a world where our survival and wellbeing are no longer sacrificed for another's wealth.
Thank you again for your continued support.
-The December 4 Legal Committee
这么好的人 希望能有个好结果
这次只要联邦不插手,不判恐怖袭击,就有希望 但是只要一判,就很难翻案,会很惨。
你说的,这是哪里哪里啊? 缘由是一样的吗,不是的呀。
效仿杀CEO,杀权贵? 这不是对普通民众大好的事?估计大部分人没有这个智商和大爱,执行力完成这样的事情。可惜现实是效仿Luigi的实在太少了,这个国家几十年了才出现一个。
凡是能spin 的当场Spin. 不能的就走着瞧。这都8年过去了, 2017年Donnie 关掉Obama 设置的传染疫情应急机构然后被Covid 打脸如何Spin? 继续走着瞧?
您还不如学学有些MAGA congressperson 直接说川宝是在第四维空间思考问题得了。
关键字, billions lobbying so those companies avoid to pay trillion dollars tax oversea
Corporate Lobbying – Big tech companies spend billions lobbying Congress to maintain favorable tax policies. Politicians who receive donations from these companies may be reluctant to push for stricter regulations.