Q Thought for the day The World’s Biggest Economy America or China? Last updated: 10 January 2025 There is some dispute over which of the two undisputed superpowers is the biggest. https://www.worldeconomics.com/Thoughts/The-Worlds-Biggest-Economy.aspx An alternative measure of country wealth is based on Purchasing Power Parity (PPP), and is widely believed to be more reliable as a measure of relative GDP between countries than simple dollar values. In 2022, the IMF judged the Chinese economy in PPP terms to be 23% larger than America. At the same time, using PPP data the World Bank estimated the Chinese economy to be 18.8% larger than America. And even the CIA considered the differential in favour of China at 16%. Chinese vs. United States GDP Growth 2004-2024 GDP PPP, Int$, Trillions (2004-2024) UQ
回复 11楼 EvenOdd 的帖子 我认为,最好以世界人均 PPP (World PPP per capita ) 为目标。集中精力贡献资源和技术,帮助南方国家。 而其他所有衡量标准,如传统 GDP 或人均 GDP 都只是参考!(也许是一个需要避免的陷阱!) ? Q https://www.worldometers.info/gdp/gdp-per-capita/ Country PPP per capita (2022) GDP (nominal) per capita (2022) vs. World PPP per capita ($20,645) United States $76,399 $74,554 370% China $21,476 $12,604 104% UQ
Q https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/奧班·維克多
政治生涯 1988年参与创建青年民主主义者联盟(青民盟),當時他領導反共產主義的青年民主運動,並作為東歐劇變的參與者之一。1990年匈牙利結束一黨制後,他進入匈牙利國會。1993年任青年民主主义者联盟-匈牙利公民党主席,曾任匈牙利国会代表和国会欧洲一体化事务委员会主席,當時青民盟仍為中間派的自由主義政黨,尚未轉為民族保守主義政黨。 ... ... 外交政策 自2010年欧尔班再度就任總理以来,在國際關係上歐爾班政府與中華人民共和國、俄羅斯和白俄羅斯等國家關係緊密[22]。 UQ
Q Thought for the day The World’s Biggest Economy America or China?
Last updated: 10 January 2025
There is some dispute over which of the two undisputed superpowers is the biggest.
An alternative measure of country wealth is based on Purchasing Power Parity (PPP), and is widely believed to be more reliable as a measure of relative GDP between countries than simple dollar values. In 2022, the IMF judged the Chinese economy in PPP terms to be 23% larger than America. At the same time, using PPP data the World Bank estimated the Chinese economy to be 18.8% larger than America. And even the CIA considered the differential in favour of China at 16%.
Chinese vs. United States GDP Growth 2004-2024 GDP PPP, Int$, Trillions (2004-2024)
首先教育,这是国家的根本 新中国从超过98.5%人口未受过小学教育的文盲半文盲国家起步,到70年代中期,已经发展到开始普及高中教育。而矬子上台后,不仅高中入学比例大幅下降至今未回复,甚至出现大量的青壮年文盲
我认为,最好以世界人均 PPP (World PPP per capita ) 为目标。集中精力贡献资源和技术,帮助南方国家。
而其他所有衡量标准,如传统 GDP 或人均 GDP 都只是参考!(也许是一个需要避免的陷阱!)
Q https://www.worldometers.info/gdp/gdp-per-capita/
Country PPP per capita (2022) GDP (nominal) per capita (2022) vs. World PPP per capita ($20,645) United States $76,399 $74,554 370% China $21,476 $12,604 104% UQ