这是以前小老师及其家长的反馈。应家长要求,小老师是正经contractor,收入年终要报税。 From A Past Student Teacher “I really enjoyed my time teaching the students and being able to grow as a person myself and it was all thanks to you and your amazing guidance. This experience has truly taught me a lot of useful skills and lessons that will help me throughout my future and I am incredibly grateful for that.” From A Student Teacher’s Mom “It is a privilege for my child to work with you.”
更新: 补充一下,需要的是成熟,随和,乐于助人,负责任,做事注重细节,有主见梦想的高中生。有没有进过AIME,USAJMO,USAMO,不是那么重要,数学好的可以教难一点儿的课程,一般的可以从初等课教起。为人师表,领导力,影响力,个人魅力,更重要。
小老师是有resource teacher辅导的。不考虑本科生。真正优秀的本科生其他实习机会很多,不会考虑教AMC。高中生选择少,反而可以找到很好的。
我们学区的学生比较卷,要给non-profit leader的credit,能弯道超车才肯教。我们想找的是踏踏实实,真正想积累人生经验,喜欢教书,不以名利为出发点的。宁缺毋滥。而且找人教网课,所以先在网上找找看。
说起专业竞赛老师,很多表面很光鲜,个个教出来无数个AIME,AMO,IMO。可是偶尔出来一道新竞赛题,他们也解不出来,错误的解法第一时间往youtube上一放,吸引眼球。其实还不如学生们想法多。他们多的是经验,创造力很难说。水平高的数学家不会天天盯着AMC 8,MATHCOUNTS,顶多玩儿个一两年就忙别的去了。
你打算出多少钱 的价位?
看看CMU 的Dr. Loh Po-shen 办的Live吧,都是厉害的高中生教中学生,https://live.poshenloh.com。完全符合楼主需求!
From A Past Student Teacher “I really enjoyed my time teaching the students and being able to grow as a person myself and it was all thanks to you and your amazing guidance. This experience has truly taught me a lot of useful skills and lessons that will help me throughout my future and I am incredibly grateful for that.”
From A Student Teacher’s Mom “It is a privilege for my child to work with you.”
Flexible,比AoPS,Kumon 高一点儿。有孩子给他钱,可他嫌麻烦,不要。
还有,申请成功率平均50%。以前有MATHCOUNTS National的孩子申请,没收,不只看数学成绩。