大衣被禁 发表于 2025-02-08 13:39 先不说17 tax cut是不是偏向有钱人的。就说民主党2020-2022 has both the house and senate and didn’t do shit to tax the rich and lower tax on middle class.就知道说还不如Trump.
BKS 发表于 2025-02-08 10:17 President Trump's tax plan that he is presenting to Congress. It includes: 1. No tax on tips. 2. No tax on senior's Social Security. 3. No tax on overtime pay. 4. Renewing Trump's 2017 tax cuts. 5. Adjusting state and local tax (SALT) cap. 6. Eliminating special tax breaks for "billionaire sports team owners." 7. Closing the carried interest loophole. 8. Tax cuts for "Made in America" products.
大衣被禁 发表于 2025-02-08 16:41 你没搞清楚。 国会通过的所有法律,都是通过国会再否决取消。 the democrats had the house and the senate for two years and did nothing. Actions speak louder than words.
it’s a slim majority in the House and 50-50 split in the Senate
找密码2025 发表于 2025-02-08 16:45 it’s a slim majority in the House and 50-50 split in the Senate
harris can break the tie in the senate. so? You cannot do it with a majority? Biden passed so many spending bills and couldn’t pass a tax bill that taxes the rich?
回复 137楼 大衣被禁 的帖子 here is why: Trump's individual tax cuts are designed to expire anyway. democrats have internal divisions. not all fully aligned on this one there are higher priorities for democrats such as healthcare reform, infrastructure development, pandemic relief
找密码2025 发表于 2025-02-08 17:29 回复 137楼 大衣被禁 的帖子 here is why: Trump's individual tax cuts are designed to expire anyway. democrats have internal divisions. not all fully aligned on this one there are higher priorities for democrats such as healthcare reform, infrastructure development, pandemic relief
1.这挺搞笑的。你觉得这件事是错的,不好的,你当了总统赢了国会,不改?那要你干啥啊?everything will expire eventually.你说冤假错案为啥有申诉啊?你做个四年牢自然就出来了呗。 2.这不就完了呗。大部分人(including all republic and some democrats)支持Trump tax啊。 3.i guess democrats’ priorities are spending than tax the rich. You get what you stand for.
大衣被禁 发表于 2025-02-08 17:35 1.这挺搞笑的。你觉得这件事是错的,不好的,你当了总统赢了国会,不改?那要你干啥啊?everything will expire eventually.你说冤假错案为啥有申诉啊?你做个四年牢自然就出来了呗。 2.这不就完了呗。大部分人(including all republic and some democrats)支持Trump tax啊。 3.i guess democrats’ priorities are spending than tax the rich. You get what you stand for.
不给穷人加税就是菩萨心肠了 真以为富人能给穷人免税呀?
握手 我当年就没懂dem为啥在税上啥都不干 说好的tax the rich呢?!
作为中产 我可从来没拿过overtime pay
ssn 不算吗?调整salt cap不算吗?
这里核心就一条renew 2017 tax plan。 川普上次tax cuts就是给企业和富人减税。 给企业减税本质上也是给富人减税。那次减税造就了几个T的财政亏空,本以为经济增长可以慢慢补上窟窿,结果遇上了covid。造成了巨亏,拼死印钱。政府的债务最大一部分 也就是有25%都来自上次川普那四年。川普的比例创了纪录。
carried interest loophole是什麽?
这件事的关键难道不是为什么Biden 2021-2022不 repeal 吗? 这只说明一件事啊,就是两党无论谁上台都想给富人减税。起码Trump现在还象征性的给穷人减点儿给富人加点儿。
肯定有有餐馆钻这个loophole。以后一盘炒面菜单价$10块,但是mandatory 100% tips😀
国会通过的,biden 无权取消。而且上次川普给个人所谓的减税方案也不是永久的,是过期的了
什么玩笑,overtime pay和你有关系? 我怎么不信呢, 而且overtime pay 才占几个钱
你没搞清楚。 国会通过的所有法律,都是通过国会再否决取消。 the democrats had the house and the senate for two years and did nothing. Actions speak louder than words.
it’s a slim majority in the House and 50-50 split in the Senate
harris can break the tie in the senate. so? You cannot do it with a majority? Biden passed so many spending bills and couldn’t pass a tax bill that taxes the rich?
我当年CPT intern的时候遇到大项目,需要加班。一个summer下来,overtime pay挣的钱付了我后来的学费和生活费。
你如果认识几个pay by hour的朋友,你就知道overtim pay的意义了。 很多行业需要小时工,而这些人收入一般不高,需要加班挣多一些。这个提案对他们很有帮助。
Bottom line, 这些都是川普的竞选承诺,现在获胜实施。哈大妈输了,川黑不喜欢就下次大选再试吧! It’s that simple!
here is why: Trump's individual tax cuts are designed to expire anyway. democrats have internal divisions. not all fully aligned on this one there are higher priorities for democrats such as healthcare reform, infrastructure development, pandemic relief
1.这挺搞笑的。你觉得这件事是错的,不好的,你当了总统赢了国会,不改?那要你干啥啊?everything will expire eventually.你说冤假错案为啥有申诉啊?你做个四年牢自然就出来了呗。 2.这不就完了呗。大部分人(including all republic and some democrats)支持Trump tax啊。 3.i guess democrats’ priorities are spending than tax the rich. You get what you stand for.
"还有什么tips, social security, 都是收买最贫困下层人民。"
"social security, 都是收买最贫困下层人民"
领social security都是最贫困下层人民。 看来只有拿政府Pension的是上等人了.