就知道白宫这些疯狂行为的来源了 系统提示:无法播放请点击下方链接 https://www.youtube.com/embed/y16SZhZJHkI 另外最新:Senate confirms Project 2025 architect Russell Vought to lead powerful White House budget office
解散教育部的计划,教育部代表公立学校,而公立学校一个是帮助教育资源不足的地方与特殊需要的学生,一个是必须政教分离。解散教育部他们的主要目的应该是后者,让宗教进入学校。 Oklahoma 州那个拿school funding 买trump bible 的school superintendent 就是支持解散教育部的川粉。讽刺的是,Oklahoma 议员们现在在质疑他的budget ,包括买圣经放到每一个教室里 As state officials anticipate a smaller budget in the next fiscal year, lawmakers on Tuesday appeared doubtful of requests to spend millions on Bibles for public schools and salary increases at the Oklahoma State Department of Education. The agency’s leader, state Superintendent Ryan Walters, again asked for $3 million to purchase copies of the Bible, the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution to place in every public school classroom. He also requested $2.3 million for a 6% cost-of-living salary bump for Education Department employees, who last saw a pay raise in 2019.
另外最新:Senate confirms Project 2025 architect Russell Vought to lead powerful White House budget office
他都说了,你和dei hire在一起就会影响你的能力。 现在不是dei的只有白直男了,估计她lp也要影响他了。
记得版面上的川粉极力洗地说川普和project2025没有关系 现在有定论了
LGBQ+不是共和党的选票,自然Trump和共和党要把DEI给干掉。根本不是什么所谓make american great again,就是在不断的稳定自己的票仓而已。
对,这个是伤害最大,将来可能(希望)要很大代价才能恢复正常的。本来绝大部分政府机构与工作人员是专业人士,独立于政治,跟哪个党的总统上台无关。。。马一龙与他的doge 就是充当破坏者与打手的角色 打着反腐的幌子 这套是独裁者常用的手段
Oklahoma 州那个拿school funding 买trump bible 的school superintendent 就是支持解散教育部的川粉。讽刺的是,Oklahoma 议员们现在在质疑他的budget ,包括买圣经放到每一个教室里
As state officials anticipate a smaller budget in the next fiscal year, lawmakers on Tuesday appeared doubtful of requests to spend millions on Bibles for public schools and salary increases at the Oklahoma State Department of Education. The agency’s leader, state Superintendent Ryan Walters, again asked for $3 million to purchase copies of the Bible, the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution to place in every public school classroom. He also requested $2.3 million for a 6% cost-of-living salary bump for Education Department employees, who last saw a pay raise in 2019.
那60,000个接受 deferred resignation 的联邦雇员的职位空出来都给他们了。一边砍,一边招。就是做做样子。