查了一下这个价位: To paint a 2,000 square foot house, you can expect to pay between $6,000 and $14,000 for the interior painting, with the average falling around $6,000 - $8,000 depending on factors like location, paint quality, and prep work required. Key points to consider: Cost per square foot: Generally, painting a house costs between $1.50 and $3.50 per square foot. Exterior painting: Painting the exterior of a 2,000 sq ft house typically costs between $5,000 and $13,000. Factors affecting price: Paint quality: Higher quality paint will cost more. Prep work: Extensive repairs or surface preparation can significantly increase the cost. Complexity of design: Detailed trim or intricate designs may require additional labor. Location: Labor costs can vary depending on your area.
支持一龙! 希望ELON和TRUMP好好活着。 我说过, 他们做好这一件, 顶10件错事。 不要道德绑架做大事的人了。左派右派联合起来, 支持清算政府腐败吧。 这个利益是长远的, 不管谁当政。这么大的工程, 不可能对每个人, 每个PROJECT公平。 只要大方向对了, 就没问题。不要揪着每个细节不放了。 只要交税的,只要不是既得利益的DEM大佬。 没理由不支持他们。 我跟老板前两天还说呢, VERY EXCITED TO SEE WHAT IS HAPPENING!!!
马斯克核心团队成员之一,19岁的小将爱德华 克利斯汀在实习时候因盗取公司机密卖给对手而被实习单位开除 BREAKING: Edward Coristine, a 19-year-old member of Elon Musk’s DOGE who gained access to the highly sensitive federal payment system, was fired from an internship for allegedly leaking information to a competitor, Bloomberg reports “Edward has been terminated for leaking internal information to the competitors,” a Path Network executive wrote in a June 2022 message seen by Bloomberg. “This is unacceptable, and there is zero tolerance for this.” 看好小将们 https://www.yahoo.com/news/musk-doge-teen-fired-cybersecurity-194133008.html https://fortune.com/2025/02/07/musks-doge-teen-edward-coristine-fired-cybersecurity-internship-leaking-company-secrets/
Latest on Trump’s presidency as federal judge temporarily blocks putting USAID workers on leave By Shania Shelton, Elise Hammond and Tori B. Powell, CNN Updated 7:56 PM EST, Fri February 7, 2025
Latest on Trump’s presidency as federal judge temporarily blocks putting USAID workers on leave By Shania Shelton, Elise Hammond and Tori B. Powell, CNN Updated 7:56 PM EST, Fri February 7, 2025
落地无声 发表于 2025-02-07 19:59 马斯克核心团队成员之一,19岁的小将爱德华 克利斯汀在实习时候因盗取公司机密卖给对手而被实习单位开除 BREAKING: Edward Coristine, a 19-year-old member of Elon Musk’s DOGE who gained access to the highly sensitive federal payment system, was fired from an internship for allegedly leaking information to a competitor, Bloomberg reports “Edward has been terminated for leaking internal information to the competitors,” a Path Network executive wrote in a June 2022 message seen by Bloomberg. “This is unacceptable, and there is zero tolerance for this.” 看好小将们 https://www.yahoo.com/news/musk-doge-teen-fired-cybersecurity-194133008.html https://fortune.com/2025/02/07/musks-doge-teen-edward-coristine-fired-cybersecurity-internship-leaking-company-secrets/
落地无声 发表于 2025-02-07 19:59 马斯克核心团队成员之一,19岁的小将爱德华 克利斯汀在实习时候因盗取公司机密卖给对手而被实习单位开除 BREAKING: Edward Coristine, a 19-year-old member of Elon Musk’s DOGE who gained access to the highly sensitive federal payment system, was fired from an internship for allegedly leaking information to a competitor, Bloomberg reports “Edward has been terminated for leaking internal information to the competitors,” a Path Network executive wrote in a June 2022 message seen by Bloomberg. “This is unacceptable, and there is zero tolerance for this.” 看好小将们 https://www.yahoo.com/news/musk-doge-teen-fired-cybersecurity-194133008.html https://fortune.com/2025/02/07/musks-doge-teen-edward-coristine-fired-cybersecurity-internship-leaking-company-secrets/
PENTAGON还没有PASS 过AUDIT. As of November 2024, the Pentagon has not yet passed a full financial audit. Since legally mandated audits began in 2018, the Department of Defense (DoD) has conducted seven annual audits, each resulting in a disclaimer of opinion, indicating that auditors were unable to provide a complete assessment due to insufficient data. thehill.com 我N年前在一个巨大的DEFENSE CONTRACTOR下一个小公司做了一年。 有幸看到冰山一角怎么坑政府的。 基本就是明目张胆。 一个椅子1000刀根本不奇怪。
Apple20 发表于 2025-02-07 20:16 PENTAGON还没有PASS 过AUDIT. As of November 2024, the Pentagon has not yet passed a full financial audit. Since legally mandated audits began in 2018, the Department of Defense (DoD) has conducted seven annual audits, each resulting in a disclaimer of opinion, indicating that auditors were unable to provide a complete assessment due to insufficient data. thehill.com 我N年前在一个巨大的DEFENSE CONTRACTOR下一个小公司做了一年。 有幸看到冰山一角怎么坑政府的。 基本就是明目张胆。 一个椅子1000刀根本不奇怪。
你这么气愤填膺,为什么当时不举报?过后跑这里发牢骚?既然在政府做过,就应知道 anti waste 的法律。
新闻说audit pentagon over next 4 years,到时候老川都走人了,到底是不是真的audit,静观其变 https://www.c-span.org/clip/public-affairs-event/defense-secretary-hegseth-pledges-pentagon-audit-over-next-four-years/5152820
Apple20 发表于 2025-02-07 20:16 PENTAGON还没有PASS 过AUDIT. As of November 2024, the Pentagon has not yet passed a full financial audit. Since legally mandated audits began in 2018, the Department of Defense (DoD) has conducted seven annual audits, each resulting in a disclaimer of opinion, indicating that auditors were unable to provide a complete assessment due to insufficient data. thehill.com 我N年前在一个巨大的DEFENSE CONTRACTOR下一个小公司做了一年。 有幸看到冰山一角怎么坑政府的。 基本就是明目张胆。 一个椅子1000刀根本不奇怪。
川马为什么这么疯? 一龙原话: This is the one shot the American people have to defeat BUREAUcracy, rule of the bureaucrats, and restore DEMOcracy, rule of the people. We’re never going to get another chance like this. It’s now or never. Copilot 的翻译: 这是美国人民击败官僚主义、恢复民主唯一的一次机会。我们再也不会有这样的机会了。要么现在,要么永远不再。
川普的新任国防部长要求国会特批给他13万多作为修房子费用,包括5万用于刷油漆! Hegseth Wants $50,000 for 'Emergency' Paint Job to Move into Military Family Housing, Lawmakers Say Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth is looking to live in military family housing and requested to use $137,000 in taxpayer funding for repairs -- including nearly $50,000 for an "emergency" paint job -- a pair of top Democratic lawmakers said in a letter Friday demanding more details. While it is not unprecedented for a defense secretary to live in military housing, it is far more common for them to find private housing. And the reported price tag to fix up Hegseth's military house comes as rank-and-file service members continue to struggle with crumbling, unsafe living conditions and as the Trump administration has been looking to slash government spending elsewhere.
🔥 最新回帖
🛋️ 沙发板凳
这才叫真爱国。 要不是老川搞种族主义马噶,真希望他和小马多干几年。
不要道德绑架做大事的人了。左派右派联合起来, 支持清算政府腐败吧。 这个利益是长远的, 不管谁当政。这么大的工程, 不可能对每个人, 每个PROJECT公平。 只要大方向对了, 就没问题。不要揪着每个细节不放了。
只要交税的,只要不是既得利益的DEM大佬。 没理由不支持他们。
川搞种族主义?这是媒体告诉你的吧 现在知道这些媒体从哪里拿钱了吧?不知道建议你去补补课
干成了再说! 川普的墨西哥墙也干了,大概几米?
马斯克核心团队成员之一,19岁的小将爱德华 克利斯汀在实习时候因盗取公司机密卖给对手而被实习单位开除 BREAKING: Edward Coristine, a 19-year-old member of Elon Musk’s DOGE who gained access to the highly sensitive federal payment system, was fired from an internship for allegedly leaking information to a competitor, Bloomberg reports “Edward has been terminated for leaking internal information to the competitors,” a Path Network executive wrote in a June 2022 message seen by Bloomberg. “This is unacceptable, and there is zero tolerance for this.” 看好小将们 https://www.yahoo.com/news/musk-doge-teen-fired-cybersecurity-194133008.html
反动势力太强大了。 川普的E O根本发不下去。
Latest on Trump’s presidency as federal judge temporarily blocks putting USAID workers on leave By Shania Shelton, Elise Hammond and Tori B. Powell, CNN Updated 7:56 PM EST, Fri February 7, 2025
天天看? 秃子天天搂着鲶鱼嘴给他看? 哈哈哈哈哈
偷偷去看她的ins 好像还给点赞
As of November 2024, the Pentagon has not yet passed a full financial audit. Since legally mandated audits began in 2018, the Department of Defense (DoD) has conducted seven annual audits, each resulting in a disclaimer of opinion, indicating that auditors were unable to provide a complete assessment due to insufficient data. thehill.com
我N年前在一个巨大的DEFENSE CONTRACTOR下一个小公司做了一年。 有幸看到冰山一角怎么坑政府的。 基本就是明目张胆。 一个椅子1000刀根本不奇怪。
你这么气愤填膺,为什么当时不举报?过后跑这里发牢骚?既然在政府做过,就应知道 anti waste 的法律。
老百姓应该左右联合起来。 上头估计左派右派一起抵制他们。
你们说什么没人信.也不care, 因为你们是工作、就是不懂?为什么在这里?这里的影响力太小了、不值呀.
人修了两百多英里呢。还差1,800英里而且Mexican 到现在还拒付。Art of the deal!
别着急兴奋 先干起来
如果真抓出国防部蛀虫 我绝对给马斯克跪舔
DOD每年的audit 都没通过
你怎么知道?这还没开始呢 你就预知未来了?说来听听你的依据 愿闻其详
me too. 都快成team pink了哈哈
因为你有common sense啊!我们很多人都开始于川黑,在不同的时间转身为川粉,我自己觉得归功于独立思考。
一龙原话: This is the one shot the American people have to defeat BUREAUcracy, rule of the bureaucrats, and restore DEMOcracy, rule of the people. We’re never going to get another chance like this. It’s now or never.
Copilot 的翻译: 这是美国人民击败官僚主义、恢复民主唯一的一次机会。我们再也不会有这样的机会了。要么现在,要么永远不再。
Trump这些都是做给没有智商的老百姓看的。 他和Musk借着目前的地位,挣了那么多钱,也是记得利益者。 当Trump把手伸到你家的时候,你就后悔自己是川粉了。
哈哈,Welcome to Team Pink!
美国人的敌人不是官僚主义,是那1%为富不仁的富人。 转移矛盾而已。这的有多弱智才能看不出来。
光是为了钱不至于这样. 就和医生一样,光是钱的动力,根本没法坚持10几年.
其他不知道,至少确信我的智商比你高!😜 你急啥,如果不是非移的话。
嗯,怎么闻到一股非移腔啊!😂 暴露啦!
Hegseth Wants $50,000 for 'Emergency' Paint Job to Move into Military Family Housing, Lawmakers Say
Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth is looking to live in military family housing and requested to use $137,000 in taxpayer funding for repairs -- including nearly $50,000 for an "emergency" paint job -- a pair of top Democratic lawmakers said in a letter Friday demanding more details. While it is not unprecedented for a defense secretary to live in military housing, it is far more common for them to find private housing. And the reported price tag to fix up Hegseth's military house comes as rank-and-file service members continue to struggle with crumbling, unsafe living conditions and as the Trump administration has been looking to slash government spending elsewhere.