历史文化名城Hamburg 3次世界大战令人感动哭泣的瞬间 11 years old China girl Qiqi, Her father wei xin魏新die in brutally way By John lo head John lo cousin hongkong head Teamed with China rat thief troop Crime China John lo Justin Trudeau hooker Revoked expired quebec crime hooker World War 3, over 110,000 innocent victims lose their lives, Most by V2K unseen unknown military weapon, My dear Brian dying while he was sleeping, His last words: water 不管他在哪里,希望他活到100岁,留在爱人身旁. Hamburg space general, very handsome daddy general, Hamburg Berlin 伟大的国际主义精神 Come helping Baby crying Canada - 消失的Canada =China da =chinada? 11 years old China girl Qiqi, her life saved by Hamburg space general But Hamburg general could not save her dignity. 中国政府与John lo 流氓长期合作关系, 暗地操纵child trafficking Human organs trafficking 搞垮加拿大,南美几个小国,与crime Justin Trudeau 余孽勾接,妄图当全球霸主. Local residents struggling for life, Has no way to secure their own life, home, house, property. Hamburg Berlin 民主德国独立 Hamburg still support Mississauga local residents, Spread hope love to crying river Mississauga 6 resident countries of united nations, America, Russian, Swiss, Austria, Spain Royal Family, Dubai Royal family. 6个联合国常任理事国 Don't leave baby crying Mississauga. Staying with us Built support humanity America Michelle town Paris city (downtown Toronto) Russia district Hamburg library Welcome to Canada district Berlin bring hope to Mississauga Mississauga is your home 挣扎中的密西沙加,柏林雪中送温暖 柏林墙记录了特定条件下的历史 二战期间,拉贝先生用自己全部积蓄救了南京25万中国人,铭记历史 Einmal wird die Sonne wieder scheinen Hamburg space general, On November 22,2024 Again, from heaven space sky, a very handsome German daddy general, saved dying wei, jiafa and 11 years old girl in China-China victim wei, xin 'S only daughter Hamburg a great hero nation helped America, and our world defeat the evil greedy bugs. in March, warmly welcomed by hongkong local residents Russian wear big flowers Hamburg German tank Laura bush and her husband wear small flowers 德国Hamburg :Berlin 一直用爱心,行动感化贪婪邪恶,拯救生命 儿时就喜欢的(英俊少年),还想再看一遍。 每一个故事结局都是战胜邪恶,留在爱人身旁。 矢车菊:遇见幸福,爱国诚实守信,简朴,忠贞 独特的蓝紫色高贵无比,传说9岁的威廉王子戴上母亲用矢车菊编的花环,有一天他成了德国国王,依然浪漫的爱着矢车菊
World War 3, over 110,000 innocent victims lose their lives, Most by V2K unseen unknown military weapon, My dear Brian dying while he was sleeping, His last words: water 不管他在哪里,希望他活到100岁,留在爱人身旁. Hamburg space general, very handsome daddy general, Hamburg Berlin 伟大的国际主义精神 Come helping Baby crying Canada - 消失的Canada =China da =chinada? 11 years old China girl Qiqi, her life saved by Hamburg space general But Hamburg general could not save her dignity. 中国政府与John lo 流氓长期合作关系, 暗地操纵child trafficking Human organs trafficking 搞垮加拿大,南美几个小国,与crime Justin Trudeau 余孽勾接,妄图当全球霸主.
Local residents struggling for life, Has no way to secure their own life, home, house, property. Hamburg Berlin 民主德国独立 Hamburg still support Mississauga local residents, Spread hope love to crying river Mississauga
6 resident countries of united nations, America, Russian, Swiss, Austria, Spain Royal Family, Dubai Royal family.
6个联合国常任理事国 Don't leave baby crying Mississauga. Staying with us Built support humanity America Michelle town Paris city (downtown Toronto) Russia district Hamburg library Welcome to Canada district Berlin bring hope to Mississauga Mississauga is your home 挣扎中的密西沙加,柏林雪中送温暖 柏林墙记录了特定条件下的历史 二战期间,拉贝先生用自己全部积蓄救了南京25万中国人,铭记历史 Einmal wird die Sonne wieder scheinen Hamburg space general, On November 22,2024 Again, from heaven space sky, a very handsome German daddy general, saved dying wei, jiafa and 11 years old girl in China-China victim wei, xin 'S only daughter Hamburg a great hero nation helped America, and our world defeat the evil greedy bugs. in March, warmly welcomed by hongkong local residents Russian wear big flowers Hamburg German tank Laura bush and her husband wear small flowers 德国Hamburg :Berlin 一直用爱心,行动感化贪婪邪恶,拯救生命 儿时就喜欢的(英俊少年),还想再看一遍。 每一个故事结局都是战胜邪恶,留在爱人身旁。 矢车菊:遇见幸福,爱国诚实守信,简朴,忠贞 独特的蓝紫色高贵无比,传说9岁的威廉王子戴上母亲用矢车菊编的花环,有一天他成了德国国王,依然浪漫的爱着矢车菊