最近几年因为DEI学生质量急剧下降,教授非常恼火。希望能拨乱反正。 Faculty petition January 16, 2024 Dear faculty colleagues: Over the past few years, faculty colleagues across campus have noticed and commented on a sharp decline in the quantitative skills of our undergraduate students. In particular, although many of our undergraduates are of the same caliber as in the past, there has been a concerning drop in preparedness at the low end of the distribution. This decline has worsened with recent changes in our admissions practices, and is particularly acute for the current sophomore class. An inordinate number of students are failing courses, honor code violations are on the rise, and requests for tutors and extensions have substantially increased. Some faculty report having to adjust grading practices, as well as course content, to the change in student population. We fear that this decline will have disastrous consequences for our students’ training and career outcomes, for Caltech’s educational mission, and for Caltech’s reputation at large. ... Decline of Caltech’s performance in prestigious student competitions Historically, our students have had an outsized presence at the Putnam math competition, with multiple Putnam Fellows (top 6 finishers), and topping the competition more than any school other than Harvard and MIT. But since 2010 there has been a steady decline in Caltech’s showing. Over the past few years, Caltech’s performance fell precipitously: since 2019 we have had zero students in the top 100. This is distressing for a school that touts itself on being a destination for top STEM talent. MIT, on the other hand, is sweeping the top spots. A similar decline relative to other universities has been seen in coding competitions, such as the ACM-ICPC, where in the past few years Caltech has even failed to qualify for the international competition (before that it was a contender for the top spots). ... https://tech.caltech.edu/2024/04/26/letter-sat-reinstatement/
nakamoto 发表于 2025-02-08 01:52 最近几年因为DEI学生质量急剧下降,教授非常恼火。希望能拨乱反正。 Faculty petition January 16, 2024 Dear faculty colleagues: Over the past few years, faculty colleagues across campus have noticed and commented on a sharp decline in the quantitative skills of our undergraduate students. In particular, although many of our undergraduates are of the same caliber as in the past, there has been a concerning drop in preparedness at the low end of the distribution. This decline has worsened with recent changes in our admissions practices, and is particularly acute for the current sophomore class. An inordinate number of students are failing courses, honor code violations are on the rise, and requests for tutors and extensions have substantially increased. Some faculty report having to adjust grading practices, as well as course content, to the change in student population. We fear that this decline will have disastrous consequences for our students’ training and career outcomes, for Caltech’s educational mission, and for Caltech’s reputation at large. ... Decline of Caltech’s performance in prestigious student competitions Historically, our students have had an outsized presence at the Putnam math competition, with multiple Putnam Fellows (top 6 finishers), and topping the competition more than any school other than Harvard and MIT. But since 2010 there has been a steady decline in Caltech’s showing. Over the past few years, Caltech’s performance fell precipitously: since 2019 we have had zero students in the top 100. This is distressing for a school that touts itself on being a destination for top STEM talent. MIT, on the other hand, is sweeping the top spots. A similar decline relative to other universities has been seen in coding competitions, such as the ACM-ICPC, where in the past few years Caltech has even failed to qualify for the international competition (before that it was a contender for the top spots). ... https://tech.caltech.edu/2024/04/26/letter-sat-reinstatement/
Why the Weight of Athletics Was Reduced for Undergraduate Admissions October 08, 2024 News Emily Yu In an email to the Caltech community on September 5, 2024, Professors Kevin Gilmartin and Gil Refael announced two changes to the Institute’s undergraduate admissions process—reinstating standardized testing and reducing the weight of athletics. These changes “reaffirm Caltech’s commitment to academic merit and excellence, and are crucial to fulfilling the Institute’s Mission: ‘to expand human knowledge and benefit society through research integrated with education.’ ” Regarding athletics, the email stated that “the admissions process will reduce the weight that has been placed on athletics participation, and assign athletics participation and any other extracurricular activities a comparable weight.” The Tech learned more about this change in a conversation with Professor Omer Tamuz, faculty chair of the First-Year Admissions and Financial Aid Committee. Over the last ten years, Caltech’s sports teams have drastically improved. During this time, athletics became more involved in admissions and the teams became composed of considerably more recruited athletes. Professor Tamuz stated that this shift towards athletics happened slowly through changes made organically within the system, and the faculty were not really aware of it.
The 20 Most Stressful Colleges 基本等于 T20,头2名还有些让人意外 1. Stanford University (Stanford, CA) 2. Columbia University (New York, NY) 3. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, MA) 4. University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA) 5. Harvard University (Cambridge, MA) 6. Princeton University (Princeton, NJ) 7. Vanderbilt University (Nashville, TN) 8. Carnegie Mellon University (Pittsburgh, PA) 9. California Institute of Technology (Pasadena, CA) 10. Northwestern University (Evanston, IL) 11. University of Chicago (Chicago, IL) 12. Yale University (New Haven, CT) 13. Washington University in St. Louis (St. Louis, MO) 14. Dartmouth College (Hanover, NH) 15. Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore, MD) 16. Duke University (Durham, NC) 17. Cornell University (Ithaca, NY) 18. University of Southern California (Los Angeles, CA) 19. Georgetown University (Washington, DC) 20. Brown University (Providence, RI)
itmm 发表于 2025-02-08 15:07 The 20 Most Stressful Colleges 基本等于 T20,头2名还有些让人意外 1. Stanford University (Stanford, CA) 2. Columbia University (New York, NY) 3. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, MA) 4. University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA) 5. Harvard University (Cambridge, MA) 6. Princeton University (Princeton, NJ) 7. Vanderbilt University (Nashville, TN) 8. Carnegie Mellon University (Pittsburgh, PA) 9. California Institute of Technology (Pasadena, CA) 10. Northwestern University (Evanston, IL) 11. University of Chicago (Chicago, IL) 12. Yale University (New Haven, CT) 13. Washington University in St. Louis (St. Louis, MO) 14. Dartmouth College (Hanover, NH) 15. Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore, MD) 16. Duke University (Durham, NC) 17. Cornell University (Ithaca, NY) 18. University of Southern California (Los Angeles, CA) 19. Georgetown University (Washington, DC) 20. Brown University (Providence, RI)
🔥 最新回帖
Caltech, MIT现在都搞gender DEI, 男女生对半分
MIT不是一个单一的工科学校 男女比例均衡 规模大得多 有文科社会科学也有商学院 而且还有周边哈佛可以社交可以选一些课 对于本科通识教育来说是比Caltech更好的选择 Caltech也知道自己在这方面竞争力弱很多 从研究生院的研究实力来说 Caltech在传统领域还是有自己的优势 背后还有一个JPL
🛋️ 沙发板凳
好的理工学校都这样吧。 Caltech的缺点是本科生太少。
CIT 对女性很不友好的学校
这学校和MIT一样,都没有体育特招生。教练没有决定权,只能报名单,admission office 还要按照academic 标准再审一遍
问过里面的运动队队员 教练推荐的话 录取概率提高多少。回答提高 1% 从 5% 提高到 5.05%
不是的, 藤校虽然都是 D1,但除了 Yale,好像都是教练说了算。
它根本就不是一个正常的大学。不但能开出来的课太少,而且SOCIAL CYCLE选择即有限又同质。
严格的说, 它就是一个为期四年的学术研讨班 (semilar)
不是的,我认识两个进了caltech 的孩子,都是体育背景很强,虽然学习也好,但是学习好的太多了,都说是体育有很大助力
Faculty petition
January 16, 2024
Dear faculty colleagues:
Over the past few years, faculty colleagues across campus have noticed and commented on a sharp decline in the quantitative skills of our undergraduate students. In particular, although many of our undergraduates are of the same caliber as in the past, there has been a concerning drop in preparedness at the low end of the distribution. This decline has worsened with recent changes in our admissions practices, and is particularly acute for the current sophomore class. An inordinate number of students are failing courses, honor code violations are on the rise, and requests for tutors and extensions have substantially increased. Some faculty report having to adjust grading practices, as well as course content, to the change in student population.
We fear that this decline will have disastrous consequences for our students’ training and career outcomes, for Caltech’s educational mission, and for Caltech’s reputation at large. ...
Decline of Caltech’s performance in prestigious student competitions
Historically, our students have had an outsized presence at the Putnam math competition, with multiple Putnam Fellows (top 6 finishers), and topping the competition more than any school other than Harvard and MIT. But since 2010 there has been a steady decline in Caltech’s showing. Over the past few years, Caltech’s performance fell precipitously: since 2019 we have had zero students in the top 100. This is distressing for a school that touts itself on being a destination for top STEM talent. MIT, on the other hand, is sweeping the top spots.
A similar decline relative to other universities has been seen in coding competitions, such as the ACM-ICPC, where in the past few years Caltech has even failed to qualify for the international competition (before that it was a contender for the top spots).
没错,我们学校进去的是踢足球的孩子,学习好但不是top 前几月cit的好几个教授在校报上公开呼吁招生应该降低体育比重
不喜欢这边的体育爬藤风气 喜欢搞体育的应该搞个体校去
造谣真厉害👍 谁告诉你是学生质量是因为del急剧下降的?你引用的信里面说了吗?
体育生所谓的学习在他们招的正常学生面前根本就不够看的。所谓好也就是谷那样SAT 培训后拿个过得去的分而已这种水准
那倒不是。他家长期是M 的备胎
藤校,这个说的太一刀切了。这要具体看是什么运动。如果是football, crew 这些,运动成绩突出,大把SAT1200 都没上的照样都进了藤校。至于高中GPA, 不少学校只有unweighted GPA,策略就是选最容易的课保GPA,多花时间在运动上。反之如果是壁球,游泳这些项目,学业运动成绩都要好
Not true
读理工科不是件容易的事情,一定得脑子好智商够才能easy。不然的话就是折磨。MIT Caltech gatech毕业的纯理工科生能读下来的还是厉害的
你自己去看原文吧。一年前拜登还在台上,大家不敢直言。但是字里行间教授们的意思非常明显了,不认为这是COVID 造成的,是CalTech录取标准变化造成了学生素质下降。
十年前CalTech Asian 431人,白人274,总人数983,比例是43.8%和27.9%,
最近的报告Asian 362人,白人204,总人数1023,比例分别降到了35.4%和19.9%,
而且即使在亚裔和白人里录取时academics 的权重也不如以前了
靠啥体育项目呀?我记得当年大家自嘲的一句话就是,we never lost any football game because we don’t have a team.
一本正经地造谣 嘿嘿
说的没错 就是真的 认识牵头petition的faculty 是EE的 起因是Caltech搞了非常激进的test blind 比人家test optional还要激进 造成老师发现教课内容差不多但是学生成绩比起之前的 下降太多 老师抗议很久了 于是Caltech的admission最后只好突然宣布取消了test blind
而且Caltech现在搞REA也是因为在生源竞争上比MIT弱实在是有点多 Caltech的admission头去年被他们的board搞得非常灰头土脸 亚历山大 同行很多都知道 后面终于招了一个data scientist研究admission和enrollment数据
你说的中肯。我知道的也是这样,孩子成绩好体育好,但没有体育的加持,不属于cal tech 会考虑的。孩子最终没有选择cal tech,因为孩子成绩是好,但不是很聪明顶尖的那种,觉得进去后日子会很难过。
1. Stanford University (Stanford, CA) 2. Columbia University (New York, NY) 3. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, MA) 4. University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA) 5. Harvard University (Cambridge, MA) 6. Princeton University (Princeton, NJ) 7. Vanderbilt University (Nashville, TN) 8. Carnegie Mellon University (Pittsburgh, PA) 9. California Institute of Technology (Pasadena, CA) 10. Northwestern University (Evanston, IL) 11. University of Chicago (Chicago, IL) 12. Yale University (New Haven, CT) 13. Washington University in St. Louis (St. Louis, MO) 14. Dartmouth College (Hanover, NH) 15. Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore, MD) 16. Duke University (Durham, NC) 17. Cornell University (Ithaca, NY) 18. University of Southern California (Los Angeles, CA) 19. Georgetown University (Washington, DC) 20. Brown University (Providence, RI)
Top Gpa, top sat这对小中来说是minimum requirement吧。可是对体育生这些已经足够了。
Caltech 跟mit搞ea的那几年好像yield rate 只有30%几。
所以都是自己搞死自己 希望大学能醒悟然后做出改变,让我们这些坚持数理化的孩子有一些希望
学校太小是个问题,去年去 LA 旅游正好住 Pasadena CalTech 旁边, 就去学校转了一圈,真的好小,地盘感觉跟我们村高中差不多,多走几步就走到旁边居民区了; 每年200多本科生平均到各系各专业才几个人
有存在感那些学校,s, h, y 哪个die也不少啊。
2022-2023的common data set写的录取了448 enroll了224 不过其实一般enrollment management是用deposited来算metrics的 这个50%应该是人为控制waitlist move达到的
感觉在美国最popular 的学校就是brown 了。
50%算是相当不错了 耶鲁其实是前五里面最不行的 (相比MIT大概97%上下 他们的admission最担心的是over enrollment然后住房选课资源跟不上被学校其他机构埋怨)耶鲁可能60-70%左右的yield 而且耶鲁强的不是STEM尤其不是engineering 所以接下来估计吸引力还会进一步降低 一个有趣的现象是他们刚刚宣布逐年扩招 下一年多一百个 一直到2029年 每年1650 整体6600本科生的体量 可能也是感觉到了压力
跟专业高度相关吧,如果读文科或偏文的,哪个学校都压力不大; 理工技校之所以压力大,基本都是硬核理工专业不好混,即便有几个文科生也是点缀。
不相上下?参考Big Bang Theory里面的鄙视链,Sheldon鄙视Howard的学校,现实也是这样的
M怎么会没有体育特招生? 只不过他家大部分team是D3 level, 所以在录取过程中,教练的推荐仅供AO参考,没有决定性优势。所谓看成绩, 也是在体育生里比, 和只靠学业进M的孩子完全不是一个水平线。
你想说哪个学校更厉害? Sheldon鄙视Howard,是因为Howard是做实验物理的,本质只是个工程师,另外只有硕士学历。并不是因为学校的原因。Sheldon鄙视所有做工程和实验物理的人。