川普上台后,川粉纷纷 进入FAFO 状态= fuck around and find out , 包括宾州钢铁工会组织、包括密西根州阿拉伯人(搞笑的是他们终于把 Arabs for Trump 改名为 Arabs for peace), 包括佛州的拉丁裔、包括加州中部的农产主,包括联邦政府里的川粉(前两天这里还有个焦虑的公务员,还遮遮掩掩的,就是一个川粉,现在被川普一堆大帮子打的焦虑了,活该!)
随手查了一下 Because its primary purpose is flood control, Lake Kaweah is maintained at a very low level or empty for most of the year, and generally only fills between May and June. Due to the limited capacity of the reservoir, large spills of floodwater often occur after large rain storms. In the winter, water is released as quickly as possible to ensure room for floodwater which can then be released at a controlled rate. Lake Kaweah水位: 2025/02/07: 625.7 2024/02/07: 622.7 2023/02/07: 607.9 2022/02/07: 615.5 http://kaweah.lakesonline.com/Level/Calendar/2025/02/ 也就是说,这水库主要功能是抗洪,冬季本来就是低水位 即使在这次放水之后,其水位依然是过去几年的最高点。。。
随手查了一下 Because its primary purpose is flood control, Lake Kaweah is maintained at a very low level or empty for most of the year, and generally only fills between May and June. Due to the limited capacity of the reservoir, large spills of floodwater often occur after large rain storms. In the winter, water is released as quickly as possible to ensure room for floodwater which can then be released at a controlled rate. Lake Kaweah水位: 2025/02/07: 625.7 2024/02/07: 622.7 2023/02/07: 607.9 2022/02/07: 615.5 http://kaweah.lakesonline.com/Level/Calendar/2025/02/ 也就是说,这水库主要功能是抗洪,冬季本来就是低水位 即使在这次放水之后,其水位依然是过去几年的最高点。。。
Namama 发表于 2025-02-07 18:14 呵呵。。你不住加州吧? 1)这些高山上的水库,雨季一直都是低水位, 一直要到夏季,雪山融水下来,才是他们储水/高水位的时候。。。 现在水库水位600出头,但夏季六月七月高水位的时候能达到700以上 2)过去10年都是drought? "Mar 15, 2023 — 677 inches of snow: California breaks a 40-year snowfall record" 过去连续好几年都是破纪录的降水/降雪好不好
别转移话题,为啥你不查查Lake Success 的水位? 你要抬杠,那也行,那我就把2023单独拿出来,central valley 的drought 期,Historic Drought (2012–2017), Recent Drought (2020–2022),从这里可以看出来drought期仍然是常态。 你也好意思问我在不在加州,这一冬天几乎都没有怎么下雨,也就这几天才有雨。 从统计数据上看2025 As of early 2025, the Central Valley of California is experiencing varying drought conditions. 你还想说啥
别转移话题,为啥你不查查Lake Success 的水位? 你要抬杠,那也行,那我就把2023单独拿出来,central valley 的drought 期,Historic Drought (2012–2017), Recent Drought (2020–2022),从这里可以看出来drought期仍然是常态。 你也好意思问我在不在加州,这一冬天几乎都没有怎么下雨,也就这几天才有雨。 从统计数据上看2025 As of early 2025, the Central Valley of California is experiencing varying drought conditions. 你还想说啥 找密码2025 发表于 2025-02-07 18:20
From nyt: State and federal officials do release some water from dams before storms to make room for incoming flows, and moderate precipitation is expected in the region over the next 72 hours. But it is a delicately choreographed effort, and water managers usually try to release as little water as possible to ensure there will be enough supplies for farmers and residents later in the year. They also need to ensure that communities below the dams are not overwhelmed by water. “I’ve never seen them do this, other than in a major flood,” said Robert Thayer, a supervisor in Kings County, which is downstream of the Tulare County dams.
先赞一下fact check,挺不错。 我有兴趣看了一下这两个湖水库的作用,wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terminus_Dam)上说有两个作用:一是泄洪一是灌溉农田。并不是像你说的只是泄洪的作用。按照惯例应该是至少月底到夏初的时候放水灌溉农田,这样既可以减少水量用于泄洪,也可以用来浇灌农作物。今年川普的要求下放水,是比往年早了,那么放掉的这些水就浪费了。不论水位比往年的高低还是持平,这些多放掉的水肯定是没起到任何作用。 CNN新闻中director of research for California water policy organization the Pacific Institute说水放早了,夏初需要的放水的时候就没那么多了,农田有干旱的risk。 另外一个新闻Los Angles Times (https://www.latimes.com/environment/story/2025-02-03/trump-administration-dams-release-water) 里采访的 President of the Lower Tule River Irrigation District 同时也是农场主也是同样的意见,现在放了水,夏天浇地的水肯定要少了。数据显示是两个湖各放掉了2%的储水。 我仔细读了这两篇报道,都没有说会造成严重后果,只说是浪费,有risk。这样的用词我觉得没有问题。洛杉矶时报里还特意引用一个农民说大概这是两三天的浇灌量,大的影响到是不会。我觉得报道是公允的。说会造成严重后果的应该是社交媒体上传来传去的结果。 但川普放水肯定是错的,放水肯定是浪费了的,浇地的水肯定是少了的。是不是会造成严重的干旱后果?大概率不会。总之,我还是相信绝大多数的大的媒体人还是有底线的。
葭月 发表于 2025-02-07 23:35 先赞一下fact check,挺不错。 我有兴趣看了一下这两个湖水库的作用,wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terminus_Dam)上说有两个作用:一是泄洪一是灌溉农田。并不是像你说的只是泄洪的作用。按照惯例应该是至少月底到夏初的时候放水灌溉农田,这样既可以减少水量用于泄洪,也可以用来浇灌农作物。今年川普的要求下放水,是比往年早了,那么放掉的这些水就浪费了。不论水位比往年的高低还是持平,这些多放掉的水肯定是没起到任何作用。 CNN新闻中director of research for California water policy organization the Pacific Institute说水放早了,夏初需要的放水的时候就没那么多了,农田有干旱的risk。 另外一个新闻Los Angles Times (https://www.latimes.com/environment/story/2025-02-03/trump-administration-dams-release-water) 里采访的 President of the Lower Tule River Irrigation District 同时也是农场主也是同样的意见,现在放了水,夏天浇地的水肯定要少了。数据显示是两个湖各放掉了2%的储水。 我仔细读了这两篇报道,都没有说会造成严重后果,只说是浪费,有risk。这样的用词我觉得没有问题。洛杉矶时报里还特意引用一个农民说大概这是两三天的浇灌量,大的影响到是不会。我觉得报道是公允的。说会造成严重后果的应该是社交媒体上传来传去的结果。 但川普放水肯定是错的,放水肯定是浪费了的,浇地的水肯定是少了的。是不是会造成严重的干旱后果?大概率不会。总之,我还是相信绝大多数的大的媒体人还是有底线的。
赞认真讨论 再补充一下 冬天雨季的时候泄洪,所以水库需要保持低水位 夏天旱季的时候灌溉,所以那时候水库是高水位 Because its primary purpose is flood control, Lake Kaweah is maintained at a very low level or empty for most of the year, and generally only fills between May and June. Due to the limited capacity of the reservoir, large spills of floodwater often occur after large rain storms. In the winter, water is released as quickly as possible to ensure room for floodwater which can then be released at a controlled rate. During floods in 1997, the reservoir filled and emptied twice because of this operational regimen. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake_Kaweah
Namama 发表于 2025-02-08 01:59 赞认真讨论 再补充一下 冬天雨季的时候泄洪,所以水库需要保持低水位 夏天旱季的时候灌溉,所以那时候水库是高水位 Because its primary purpose is flood control, Lake Kaweah is maintained at a very low level or empty for most of the year, and generally only fills between May and June. Due to the limited capacity of the reservoir, large spills of floodwater often occur after large rain storms. In the winter, water is released as quickly as possible to ensure room for floodwater which can then be released at a controlled rate. During floods in 1997, the reservoir filled and emptied twice because of this operational regimen. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake_Kaweah
水库水位下降,自然就是放水了。 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District March 17, 2023 Afternoon UPDATE: Terminus Dam/Lake Kaweah Flows through the spillway at Terminus Dam/Lake Kaweah continue to decline from an overnight peak and are currently 500 cfs. Spillway flow is forecast to end tonight. Current outlet releases remain steady at 5,500 cfs. USACE has coordinated with downstream interests to continue releases at 5,500 cfs to reduce debris flow through the spillway. Confidence with the current models of next week’s incoming storms is still low, so we do not yet have forecasted numbers for possible inflows with those storms. 2022年其实也放了,你可以再仔细看看那条橙色线,时间比较早,在1月初。 只不过放的不多。。
水库水位下降,自然就是放水了。 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District March 17, 2023 Afternoon UPDATE: Terminus Dam/Lake Kaweah Flows through the spillway at Terminus Dam/Lake Kaweah continue to decline from an overnight peak and are currently 500 cfs. Spillway flow is forecast to end tonight. Current outlet releases remain steady at 5,500 cfs. USACE has coordinated with downstream interests to continue releases at 5,500 cfs to reduce debris flow through the spillway. Confidence with the current models of next week’s incoming storms is still low, so we do not yet have forecasted numbers for possible inflows with those storms. 2022年其实也放了,你可以再仔细看看那条橙色线,时间比较早,在1月初。 只不过放的不多。。
反正他们雇佣的非移也跑了,到时也收不上庄稼,这不,trump还真帮忙到点子上了。 没素菜,物价上涨和他们有啥关系。
这就是老年痴呆神经病的领导,手下一批yes men,既不Woke(没睡醒) 也不DEI(不学无术)
放水灭火有什么问题? 问题难道不是怎么放错了???
川粉现眼记…. 唉, 根据DEI, 这种人智商上属于保护群体吧, 我都不忍怼
你喜欢看他被其他国家打脸戏弄? 我都不希望。
随手查了一下 Because its primary purpose is flood control, Lake Kaweah is maintained at a very low level or empty for most of the year, and generally only fills between May and June. Due to the limited capacity of the reservoir, large spills of floodwater often occur after large rain storms. In the winter, water is released as quickly as possible to ensure room for floodwater which can then be released at a controlled rate.
Lake Kaweah水位: 2025/02/07: 625.7 2024/02/07: 622.7 2023/02/07: 607.9 2022/02/07: 615.5 http://kaweah.lakesonline.com/Level/Calendar/2025/02/
也就是说,这水库主要功能是抗洪,冬季本来就是低水位 即使在这次放水之后,其水位依然是过去几年的最高点。。。
总结: 1)这水库原本在雨季就要正常性排水, 但川普为了自我吹嘘,硬说由于是他的命令才排水。。 2)顺着这个话头,左翼媒体就乘机抹黑造谣,让很多人以为川普把原本要储存起来的雨水给白白放掉了。。
又在这混淆视听了Lake Success 你怎么不去查?这个明显低于历史平均就是因为放水。
另外你这里的争论点有个逻辑漏洞,Lake Kaweah 目前水位和前几年平均值差不多,但是问题是过去10年周围地区一直都处于drought状态,也就是哪怕是现在水位在平均值,那么水也是宝贵的,因为过去10年一直缺水。这个逻辑你能否理解?
然鹅,农民们并不怪川贼,说他有他的理由,还是会支持他,刚NPR听到的,what the f ck!
1)这些高山上的水库,冬天雨季一直都是低水位, 一直要到夏季旱季,开始拦截雪山融水了,才是他们储水/高水位的时候。。。
其实想想就知道 在雨季/汛期期间,水库提前排空水,腾出库容,应对洪水/降雨,这才是常规操作
2)过去10年都是drought? "Mar 15, 2023 — 677 inches of snow: California breaks a 40-year snowfall record" 过去连续好几年都是破纪录的降水/降雪好不好
totally, cult!
别转移话题,为啥你不查查Lake Success 的水位? 你要抬杠,那也行,那我就把2023单独拿出来,central valley 的drought 期,Historic Drought (2012–2017), Recent Drought (2020–2022),从这里可以看出来drought期仍然是常态。
你也好意思问我在不在加州,这一冬天几乎都没有怎么下雨,也就这几天才有雨。 从统计数据上看2025 As of early 2025, the Central Valley of California is experiencing varying drought conditions.
但我一直对假消息严重过敏。。。 左右两边的假消息都是如此
Lake Kaweah水位: 2025/02/07: 625.7 2024/02/07: 622.7 2023/02/07: 607.9 2022/02/07: 615.5
Lake Success水位 2025/02/07: 606 2024/02/07: 611 2023/02/07: 613 2022/02/07: 606
整件事情就是: 明明就是一个routine的雨季期间的正常水库排水 川普想拿这当成自己的政绩 而左翼媒体想拿着当成川普的罪证
其实两边都是在扯淡,都在忽悠自己的基层选民。。 而你们就是被媒体忽悠的
忠诚不绝对 就是 绝对不忠诚。。。希望川粉紧记主席教导。。。
"整件事情就是: 明明就是一个routine的雨季期间的正常水库排水"
即是川粉还是粉红 最坏的那种
不是说了很明白了吗? 这个原本就是routine的雨季期间正常的水库排水操作, 不管有没有川普的命令,这水库都会排水。。
所以相信水库是在川普的命令下才破例,特意放水,的MAGA党是被忽悠了 而你们这种,同样也是被忽悠了。。
楼主转贴的是左翼那边的报导,所以站在客观中立的立场上,肯定先批左翼的啊。。 如果今天楼主转贴的是右翼那边的报导,说这个放水决策有多英明神武,那你就会看到我批右翼媒体了。
From nyt:
State and federal officials do release some water from dams before storms to make room for incoming flows, and moderate precipitation is expected in the region over the next 72 hours. But it is a delicately choreographed effort, and water managers usually try to release as little water as possible to ensure there will be enough supplies for farmers and residents later in the year. They also need to ensure that communities below the dams are not overwhelmed by water.
“I’ve never seen them do this, other than in a major flood,” said Robert Thayer, a supervisor in Kings County, which is downstream of the Tulare County dams.
左边媒体说川普放水蠢,右边媒体说川普放水英明。 只有你这个个人媒体独树一帜说放水根本和川普无关。
你具体相信哪边媒体的报导, 其实无所谓,也不重要
Lake Kaweah水位: 2025/02/07: 625.7 2024/02/07: 622.7 2023/02/07: 607.9 2022/02/07: 615.5
Lake Success水位 2025/02/07: 606 2024/02/07: 611 2023/02/07: 613 2022/02/07: 606
所以右翼媒体说啥放水可以救洛杉矶大火固然是鬼扯 左翼媒体说啥放水就会严重影响夏季农业用水,也同样是鬼扯
先赞一下fact check,挺不错。
我有兴趣看了一下这两个湖水库的作用,wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terminus_Dam)上说有两个作用:一是泄洪一是灌溉农田。并不是像你说的只是泄洪的作用。按照惯例应该是至少月底到夏初的时候放水灌溉农田,这样既可以减少水量用于泄洪,也可以用来浇灌农作物。今年川普的要求下放水,是比往年早了,那么放掉的这些水就浪费了。不论水位比往年的高低还是持平,这些多放掉的水肯定是没起到任何作用。
CNN新闻中director of research for California water policy organization the Pacific Institute说水放早了,夏初需要的放水的时候就没那么多了,农田有干旱的risk。
另外一个新闻Los Angles Times (https://www.latimes.com/environment/story/2025-02-03/trump-administration-dams-release-water) 里采访的 President of the Lower Tule River Irrigation District 同时也是农场主也是同样的意见,现在放了水,夏天浇地的水肯定要少了。数据显示是两个湖各放掉了2%的储水。
有理由据,手动点赞,也赞前面namama的fact check
的确承认选了个差的。现在很想念那天天有word salad or 老头摔跤的欢乐日子。
今年的降雨量有吗? 这个冬天南加就没咋下过雨。。
冬天雨季的时候泄洪,所以水库需要保持低水位 夏天旱季的时候灌溉,所以那时候水库是高水位
Because its primary purpose is flood control, Lake Kaweah is maintained at a very low level or empty for most of the year, and generally only fills between May and June.
Due to the limited capacity of the reservoir, large spills of floodwater often occur after large rain storms. In the winter, water is released as quickly as possible to ensure room for floodwater which can then be released at a controlled rate. During floods in 1997, the reservoir filled and emptied twice because of this operational regimen.
我从网上抓了这个水库过去几年的水位图 你从这张图上也能看出,每年1-2月的时候,水库水位都会有一个下降的排水动作。。
这说明这个水库在冬天雨季放水是常态,属于正常库容管理 而不是像这里很多人想象的那样,整个水库雨季都一直都只储水/不放水。。
既然水库现在的水位和往年没啥不同,对夏季就没啥影响。。 整件事情更多就是标题党的媒体炒作。。。
从这个截图看,大放水基本在夏天。2023 和2024春季有个逐渐水位下降的过程,历时至少大半个月,不知道是放水还是自然水位下降。2022年没有这个下降,一直上升。总之就是2025的突然放水不是常规操作。
喜欢这种fact check,以后可以多有。
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District March 17, 2023 Afternoon UPDATE: Terminus Dam/Lake Kaweah Flows through the spillway at Terminus Dam/Lake Kaweah continue to decline from an overnight peak and are currently 500 cfs. Spillway flow is forecast to end tonight. Current outlet releases remain steady at 5,500 cfs. USACE has coordinated with downstream interests to continue releases at 5,500 cfs to reduce debris flow through the spillway. Confidence with the current models of next week’s incoming storms is still low, so we do not yet have forecasted numbers for possible inflows with those storms.
2022年其实也放了,你可以再仔细看看那条橙色线,时间比较早,在1月初。 只不过放的不多。。