Plan to take my kids to watch the movie, but have a feeling that it might not be as good as everyone here says. Because 1, the expectation was set way too high. 2. From short videos it seems the theme is relatable to adults' real life, but I don't think it would be to children here.
It is good to let them be exposed to though they may not understand.
可以在家先试试看,有兴趣就继续哪吒2, 没兴趣就算了,我是这么打算的
这个电影两个多小时呢, 3,4岁娃坐不住吧
有字幕呀。 昨天带女儿看 唐探。 里面 假洋鬼子 字幕翻的是 banana man. 女儿不懂, 问我什么意思。 我解释了一下, 她觉得简直是 神翻译。
爱一番 有
搜索用 ne zha
我很惊讶的是这么个半文盲,居然喜欢看 长安三万里 ,在国内看了不够,回到美国又找出来看,特别喜欢看李白和高适摔跤。