最新更新 周五晚,纽约州总检察长宣布对马斯克团队盗取公民私人信息进行起诉 We''re suing over the free rein Donald Trump gave Elon Musk and DOGE to access Americans’ private information. Musk and DOGE want to use this information to cut vital services that Americans rely on — from health care to education. This is unacceptable and illegal. 更新 马斯克核心团队成员之一,19岁的小将爱德华 克利斯汀在实习时候因盗取公司机密卖给对手而被实习单位开除 BREAKING: Edward Coristine, a 19-year-old member of Elon Musk’s DOGE who gained access to the highly sensitive federal payment system, was fired from an internship for allegedly leaking information to a competitor, Bloomberg reports “Edward has been terminated for leaking internal information to the competitors,” a Path Network executive wrote in a June 2022 message seen by Bloomberg. “This is unacceptable, and there is zero tolerance for this.” 原帖 他的DOGE team以分析为借口,把海量全美纳税人个人数据从教育部,财政部和Medicare直接读取拷走,并送到他自己的AI里进行所谓分析(或者是训练?) 想必对他的AI也是巨大的帮助,因为谁能够随随便便未经个人允许就拿到全美所有人的私人信息 也就是说你在美国政府的所有纳税信息,地址,个人联系方式,健康信息,移民历史,孩子的贷款信息,已经扒的一干二净,可以说在Musk面前裸奔 更可笑的是,他和他的草台班子既不是民选官员也不是经过批准的内阁,却可以随意看任何一个人的材料,然后决定给谁钱,不给谁钱,权力比任何皇帝都大。 Representatives from Elon Musk’s U.S. DOGE Service have fed sensitive data from across the Education Department into artificial intelligence software to probe the agency’s programs and spending, according to two people with knowledge of the DOGE team’s actions. The AI probe includes data with personally identifiable information for people who manage grants, as well as sensitive internal financial data, the two people said. They described DOGE activities at the Education Department on the condition of anonymity due to fear of retaliation.
dukenyc125 发表于 2025-02-06 17:55 他的DOGE team以分析为借口,把海量全美纳税人个人数据从教育部,财政部和Medicare直接读取拷走,并送到他自己的AI里进行所谓分析(或者是训练?) 想必对他的AI也是巨大的帮助,因为谁能够随随便便未经个人允许就拿到全美所有人的私人信息 也就是说你在美国政府的所有纳税信息,地址,个人联系方式,健康信息,移民历史,孩子的贷款信息,已经扒的一干二净,可以说在Musk面前裸奔 更可笑的是,他和他的草台班子既不是民选官员也不是经过批准的内阁,却可以随意看任何一个人的材料,然后决定给谁钱,不给谁钱,权力比任何皇帝都大。 Representatives from Elon Musk’s U.S. DOGE Service have fed sensitive data from across the Education Department into artificial intelligence software to probe the agency’s programs and spending, according to two people with knowledge of the DOGE team’s actions. The AI probe includes data with personally identifiable information for people who manage grants, as well as sensitive internal financial data, the two people said. They described DOGE activities at the Education Department on the condition of anonymity due to fear of retaliation.
The AI probe includes data with personally identifiable information for people who manage grants。这里只提到他们用了教育部管理grants的人的个人信息,估计可以估算有没有贪污腐败吧。哪里提到别的部门和其他人的信息了?
yeye 发表于 2025-02-06 20:41 支持,上面那些都是在政府学校funding被砍。还美其名曰担心大家隐私被曝,怕是担心自己工作不保吧。我们每年交税都几十万,我不担心一龙和他那些小盆友知道我住哪儿,社会安全号是啥。我更关心我交的税去哪儿了,是不是给gaza买condoms去了。我认为一龙查政府财政支出是做得最好的一件事!
已经暴露了,cia给白宫发了一个新雇人员的名单,没有加密。 CIA sends White House unclassified email with names of agency new hires By Katie Bo Lillis and Zachary Cohen, CNN Updated 11:04 PM EST, Wed February 5, 2025 The list – which includes everything from new analysts to trainees preparing to operate under cover – only provides first names and last initials, officials said. The sources described that decision as the “least bad option” that career officials determined to comply with President Donald Trump’s order while still attempting to safeguard the identities of officers. But some of the employees have “uncommon” first names, one of the sources noted, meaning that if a foreign intelligence service were to gain access to it, some of the officials could be easily matched with publicly available data and possibly identified.
yeye 发表于 2025-02-06 20:41 支持,上面那些都是在政府学校funding被砍。还美其名曰担心大家隐私被曝,怕是担心自己工作不保吧。我们每年交税都几十万,我不担心一龙和他那些小盆友知道我住哪儿,社会安全号是啥。我更关心我交的税去哪儿了,是不是给gaza买condoms去了。我认为一龙查政府财政支出是做得最好的一件事!
终于相信粉粉们什么都下得去嘴舔。我们私企每天working our ass off to meet GDPR, DMA, etc, 你们家Musk 挥挥手,300 million American 的PII 转眼就被扒光啦。 千万别先Google GDPR, DMA, or PII 再来装专家继续洗。
最新爆料 马斯克核心团队成员之一,19岁的小将爱德华 克利斯汀在实习时候因盗取公司机密卖给对手而被实习单位开除 BREAKING: Edward Coristine, a 19-year-old member of Elon Musk’s DOGE who gained access to the highly sensitive federal payment system, was fired from an internship for allegedly leaking information to a competitor, Bloomberg reports “Edward has been terminated for leaking internal information to the competitors,” a Path Network executive wrote in a June 2022 message seen by Bloomberg. “This is unacceptable, and there is zero tolerance for this.”
最新更新 周五晚,纽约州总检察长宣布对马斯克团队盗取公民私人信息进行起诉 We're suing over the free rein Donald Trump gave Elon Musk and DOGE to access Americans’ private information. Musk and DOGE want to use this information to cut vital services that Americans rely on — from health care to education. This is unacceptable and illegal.
落地无声 发表于 2025-02-07 09:42 已经暴露了,cia给白宫发了一个新雇人员的名单,没有加密。 CIA sends White House unclassified email with names of agency new hires By Katie Bo Lillis and Zachary Cohen, CNN Updated 11:04 PM EST, Wed February 5, 2025 The list – which includes everything from new analysts to trainees preparing to operate under cover – only provides first names and last initials, officials said. The sources described that decision as the “least bad option” that career officials determined to comply with President Donald Trump’s order while still attempting to safeguard the identities of officers. But some of the employees have “uncommon” first names, one of the sources noted, meaning that if a foreign intelligence service were to gain access to it, some of the officials could be easily matched with publicly available data and possibly identified.
dukenyc125 发表于 2025-02-07 19:08 最新爆料 马斯克核心团队成员之一,19岁的小将爱德华 克利斯汀在实习时候因盗取公司机密卖给对手而被实习单位开除 BREAKING: Edward Coristine, a 19-year-old member of Elon Musk’s DOGE who gained access to the highly sensitive federal payment system, was fired from an internship for allegedly leaking information to a competitor, Bloomberg reports “Edward has been terminated for leaking internal information to the competitors,” a Path Network executive wrote in a June 2022 message seen by Bloomberg. “This is unacceptable, and there is zero tolerance for this.”
dukenyc125 发表于 2025-02-07 19:08 最新爆料 马斯克核心团队成员之一,19岁的小将爱德华 克利斯汀在实习时候因盗取公司机密卖给对手而被实习单位开除 BREAKING: Edward Coristine, a 19-year-old member of Elon Musk’s DOGE who gained access to the highly sensitive federal payment system, was fired from an internship for allegedly leaking information to a competitor, Bloomberg reports “Edward has been terminated for leaking internal information to the competitors,” a Path Network executive wrote in a June 2022 message seen by Bloomberg. “This is unacceptable, and there is zero tolerance for this.”
We''re suing over the free rein Donald Trump gave Elon Musk and DOGE to access Americans’ private information.
Musk and DOGE want to use this information to cut vital services that Americans rely on — from health care to education. This is unacceptable and illegal.
马斯克核心团队成员之一,19岁的小将爱德华 克利斯汀在实习时候因盗取公司机密卖给对手而被实习单位开除
BREAKING: Edward Coristine, a 19-year-old member of Elon Musk’s DOGE who gained access to the highly sensitive federal payment system, was fired from an internship for allegedly leaking information to a competitor, Bloomberg reports
“Edward has been terminated for leaking internal information to the competitors,” a Path Network executive wrote in a June 2022 message seen by Bloomberg. “This is unacceptable, and there is zero tolerance for this.”
他的DOGE team以分析为借口,把海量全美纳税人个人数据从教育部,财政部和Medicare直接读取拷走,并送到他自己的AI里进行所谓分析(或者是训练?)
Representatives from Elon Musk’s U.S. DOGE Service have fed sensitive data from across the Education Department into artificial intelligence software to probe the agency’s programs and spending, according to two people with knowledge of the DOGE team’s actions.
The AI probe includes data with personally identifiable information for people who manage grants, as well as sensitive internal financial data, the two people said. They described DOGE activities at the Education Department on the condition of anonymity due to fear of retaliation.
DOGE 可不是政府部门。
所以美国政府可以未经个人同意滥用私人的数据吗? IRS的信息是保税用的,做其他的分析有私人授权吗?
DOGE不属于联邦机构, 它是私人组织
你无所谓, 不要代表所有人。 这是违反宪法的
你是想说Elon其实没拿到数据,他的DOGE AI团队纯粹是诈唬?
这种报道 就和 马斯克 和他的 DOGE 一样
都是纯 扯淡的,
这年头 就跟上演大戏 一样,一来一回,就看 老百姓,社交媒体的受众 到底有 多愚昧,
别管是 支持 左得还是 右的,整天就等着 社交媒体 喂这类信息,然后 兴奋的不行的 人 大有人在
你的数据也在AI里面呢。 以后你邻居在AI里输入你的名字,能直接看到你全家人的收入记录,纳税记录,开房记录,指纹记录,甚至DNA记录。
任何人能拿到这些数据,很容易就会发现一些事情,现有很多程序algorithm identify anomaly的。
马斯克团队绘制了一张资金的巧妙流转图:凭着该图描绘的骚操作,克林顿的女儿,切尔西克林顿,轻松躺平在家,偶尔开开舞会…就从美国国际开发署,获得了8400万美元。 海地2010大地震后,希拉里·克林顿推动所谓赈灾建设项目,向USAID报价了11.4亿美元,最后,讽刺的是,希拉里主导的该项目没有建成任何东西。现金流莫名消失去了克林顿基金会……就马云先生捐款的那个机构。 而与此同时,美国国际开发署还额外拨款20亿美元,声称帮助海地重建。然而,这些钱也没有直接拨给海地,而是流向了克林顿基金会。据马斯克团队查账,这么大一笔钱,只有不到2%到了海地。98%都被希拉里一家人“消化”了。
肯定是因为要wipe off israel才被迫辞职的
这才几毛钱? 美国国防部, 从2018到现在, 6 年的审计没有一次通过的, 所有其他联邦机构都通过审计
总计3.4万亿美元资产一片烂账, 马斯克该查的是这个。
当然, 如果克林顿家的操作如果有非法的地方 法院就在那。 马上去告, 我很高兴克林顿一家都进监狱。 而不是在这进行民众无法查证的smear attack!
有没有这么一种可能, 最早被踢下船的他, 会是下场最好的一个?
你别代表老百姓,你只代表你自己。马斯克就是个low b
扯淡 那些天价采购早都曝光了,8年前就知道了
川粉为什么川普马大嘴给你们喂什么谎言都那么信的那么死心塌地? 奇葩啊.
CIA sends White House unclassified email with names of agency new hires By Katie Bo Lillis and Zachary Cohen, CNN Updated 11:04 PM EST, Wed February 5, 2025
The list – which includes everything from new analysts to trainees preparing to operate under cover – only provides first names and last initials, officials said. The sources described that decision as the “least bad option” that career officials determined to comply with President Donald Trump’s order while still attempting to safeguard the identities of officers. But some of the employees have “uncommon” first names, one of the sources noted, meaning that if a foreign intelligence service were to gain access to it, some of the officials could be easily matched with publicly available data and possibly identified.
你无所谓 我有所谓, 请你自己把信息送给Musk。不要把我们隐私送给他人。你自己要当白左圣母,不要带上我们。
终于相信粉粉们什么都下得去嘴舔。我们私企每天working our ass off to meet GDPR, DMA, etc, 你们家Musk 挥挥手,300 million American 的PII 转眼就被扒光啦。
千万别先Google GDPR, DMA, or PII 再来装专家继续洗。
就怕影响到身边 美国这个建国基础已经坍塌的差不多了