Applicant 1 Income- The Court at Round Rock-Business Office Director $4,308.00 per month Credit- 678 No evictions No criminal History Applicant 2 Income- Total monthly income is $11,520.00 Military Retirement and City of Austin Credit- 603. Only has a car payment and once credit card. No evictions No criminal History 1的信用分很高,但是房租占收入快一半有点太高了。2的收入高但是信用分不知道为什么这么低。目前综合考虑感觉2要更靠谱,不知道大家怎么看?
Applicant 2 Income- Total monthly income is $11,520.00 Military Retirement and City of Austin Credit- 603. Only has a car payment and once credit card. No evictions No criminal History
是啊,就是2 的信用分似乎有点低了