Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is the highest-grossing non-English film in the United States, earning $128,078,872. Other top-grossing non-English films include: Life Is Beautiful: Made $57,247,384 in the US Godzilla Minus One: Made $56,418,793 in the US Hero: Made $53,710,019 in the US Parasite: Made $53,369,749 in the US Instructions Not Included: Made $44,467,206 in the US Pan's Labyrinth: Made $37,634,615 in the US Amélie: Made $33,225,499 in the US Fearless: Made $24,633,730 in the US The Postman: Made $21,848,932 in the US
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is the highest-grossing non-English film in the United States, earning $128,078,872. Other top-grossing non-English films include: Life Is Beautiful: Made $57,247,384 in the US Godzilla Minus One: Made $56,418,793 in the US Hero: Made $53,710,019 in the US Parasite: Made $53,369,749 in the US Instructions Not Included: Made $44,467,206 in the US Pan's Labyrinth: Made $37,634,615 in the US Amélie: Made $33,225,499 in the US Fearless: Made $24,633,730 in the US The Postman: Made $21,848,932 in the US
几年前的星版还都是章子怡 赵薇范冰冰呢,现在都没她们的影子了,连人家电影也给吞了吗
比得 国内票房呀。
章子怡 虽然演技一般,那几年确实有知名度, 作为商业片偶像派, 她也没有比其他好莱坞花瓶更差。 上阳赋的海外收视率也不错的。
要比人数的话, 少林寺 能比过文革时的那八个样板戏吗? 那可是八个演了有十年。
比票房难道不看票价的?一毛票价 1.5亿票房,现在这个烂片也好意思称第一?
少林寺的时候 彩电都没多少, 电影的竞争程度跟现在大不一样
哪吒是烂片? 商业大片里是一流水准了。