系统提示:若遇到视频无法播放请点击下方链接 https://www.youtube.com/embed/VuqHl9SDm0s?si=NJH44c-x3tNSIvLv 总之, 大家都需要反思。 引用下渣男鉴别语录: 不能看他说的是啥(我们要让社会回归meritocracy) , 而是要看他到底做啥(their actual firings and hirings of people ). 这里放一句1984的经典语句,” whatever the PARTY hold as truth , is truth . It is impossible to see reality except looking through the eye of the Party " 。 我们作为聪明又勤奋,刻苦又能干的亚裔们,当然希望生活在一个拼真本事说话,论功而赏的社会。但是,不是每个告诉你我将创建这样的理想国的人都是真的。
回复 4楼 babyG 的帖子 Oh I see what you are saying here . It's being sarcastic. I agree .... Biggest joke of meritocracy starts with him ... Unfortunately he is elected by the majority....
总之, 大家都需要反思。
引用下渣男鉴别语录: 不能看他说的是啥(我们要让社会回归meritocracy) , 而是要看他到底做啥(their actual firings and hirings of people ).
这里放一句1984的经典语句,” whatever the PARTY hold as truth , is truth . It is impossible to see reality except looking through the eye of the Party " 。
我觉得看到现在,这competent 可能需要一对引号?
用什么引号?Trump is DEI for competent white men = Trump is added to the group because he is not a competent white man
Oh I see what you are saying here . It's being sarcastic. I agree .... Biggest joke of meritocracy starts with him ...
Unfortunately he is elected by the majority....