Fifteen years ago British GQ profiled Donald Trump's then-girlfriend Melania Knauss. Now his wife, Melania featured in our naked profile shoot on his customised Boeing 727 wearing handcuffs, wielding diamonds and holding a chrome pistol (it was the lads mag era after all). It makes for some interesting reading today, considering Donald Trump's success in the US election…Antoine Verglas We were bombarded by requests to shoot Melania," GQ editor Dylan Jones said when asked about our January 2000 nude shoot with Melania Trump, after we had dug through the archives and published the images online in March 2016. “Given that she was obviously so keen to be featured in GQ, we came up with a rather kitsch and camp story for her to feature in." Donald Trump also requested that photographs be delivered to his office. “We framed the cover and a selection of prints and sent them as soon as we could.” It appears the First Lady is rather proud of the images: the new White House website lists the cover shoot as one of her greatest achievements. Recently it has become a source of controversy as questions are raised over how Melania secured her US visa. Now you know the back story, scroll down to see the article and images that were originally published in the January 2000 issue of British GQ. Want jet-set chic? Then sex, style and 18-carat gold seat belts are essential. Supermodel Melania [now Mrs Donald Trump] is the launch pad for 14 pages of high living. Antoine Verglas There was a time when the Mile High Club was a stand-up organisation. The price of entry was a stolen moment in the cramped and hardly seductive surroundings of a 747 loo, and the penalties for being caught were harsh. Which is a shame when you consider the undeniable frission travelling at 30,000 feet adds to any assignation. Now airlines have wised-up, with Virgin Atlantic offering double beds to its Upper Class passengers. But if you're going to get that all-important upgrade, then you're going to have to join the jet set. And there are rules. Antoine Verglas Enter high-spirited Donald Trump to show us how it's done. The billionaire New York property magnate, Reform Party presidential candidate and proud owner of this custom-fitted 727 (even the seat buckles are 18-carat gold) is an expert in the art of in-flight entertainment. And his personal hostess, 26-year-old Slovenian supermodel Melania Knauss, might just end up as the next First Lady. Flight of fancy? Not if The Donald has his way. Antoine Verglas Heavyweight political commentators may scoff, but the delectable Miss Knauss is relishing the prospect of a future pressing the flesh on state occasions. "I will put all my effort into it, and I will support my man," she said recently. [blockquote]Subscribe to British GQ now to get 6 issues for £15 and receive free access to our iPad & iPhone editions on your Apple devices[/blockquote] Antoine Verglas "She's popular, she's brilliant, she's a wonderful woman," says Trump with uncharacteristic understatement. And who are we to disagree? Not only does she manage to keep a man fabled for his erections (the latest is the Trump World Tower on New York's First Avenue) on the right flight path, but she's also fluent in four languages. Very handy for those summit meetings. Most PopularFashionThe best belts to hoist your trousers in styleBy GQ ShopsGQ Shops: Lifestyle essentialsGQ ShopsGQ Shops: Sports, gadgets and grooming must-haves "I'm going to do everything I can do see that regular Americans can fly as high as their wings will take them," says Trump. Originally published in January 2000
Melania Trump - the First Lady in our nude photo shoot Sixteen years ago we profiled Donald Trump's then-girlfriend Melania Knauss. Now his wife, Melania featured in our naked profile shoot on his customised Boeing 727 wearing handcuffs, wielding diamonds and holding a chrome pistol (it was the lads mag era after all). It makes for some interesting reading today, considering Donald Trump's success in the US election… By 8 November 2016 Fifteen years ago British GQ profiled Donald Trump's then-girlfriend Melania Knauss. Now his wife, Melania featured in our naked profile shoot on his customised Boeing 727 wearing handcuffs, wielding diamonds and holding a chrome pistol (it was the lads mag era after all). It makes for some interesting reading today, considering Donald Trump's success in the US election…Antoine Verglas We were bombarded by requests to shoot Melania," GQ editor Dylan Jones said when asked about our January 2000 nude shoot with Melania Trump, after we had dug through the archives and published the images online in March 2016. “Given that she was obviously so keen to be featured in GQ, we came up with a rather kitsch and camp story for her to feature in." Donald Trump also requested that photographs be delivered to his office. “We framed the cover and a selection of prints and sent them as soon as we could.” It appears the First Lady is rather proud of the images: the new White House website lists the cover shoot as one of her greatest achievements. Recently it has become a source of controversy as questions are raised over how Melania secured her US visa. Now you know the back story, scroll down to see the article and images that were originally published in the January 2000 issue of British GQ. Want jet-set chic? Then sex, style and 18-carat gold seat belts are essential. Supermodel Melania [now Mrs Donald Trump] is the launch pad for 14 pages of high living.
梅拉尼娅在入主白宫之后,就和自己的闺蜜,纽约著名的室内设计师塔姆·坎纳里哈姆 (Tham Kannalikham)一起“改造”白宫,同时保留这座总统官邸的传统。 “她喜欢亲力亲为,所以改造房间的事情对于她来说并不是负担,”坎纳里哈姆这样说道。
摄影师雷吉娜·马霍克斯 (Regine Mahaux) 也给出了类似的看法,称梅拉尼娅不是人们想象中的那种养尊处优的名媛,她出于从小养成的习惯,喜欢自己的事情自己做。
造型师埃尔韦·皮埃尔(Hervé Pierre),也是经常和梅拉尼娅在一起的人,他称这位第一夫人喜欢自己收拾行李。
骂得好! 还有,她要致力于 “反网络欺凌”和“帮助寄养儿童”, 用她赚的币来致力吗!整天各种炫富摆Pose, 太TM的恶心了
就是大亨几婚的trophy wife吧,人不坏,但在家族里也没多少个人意志。记得有一集apprentice她露了个脸,对选手们微笑嗨了一下,然后Trump得意地对选手们说了一句“isn’t she beautiful?”
她虽然是gold digger这一大类中的一员,但是不曲意逢迎的态度挺让人喜欢的。甩手 白眼 大帽子,姐不乐意也顾不上你的面子
于安静处给他一个白眼,甩手,假笑…我还挺喜欢这种低调的 哈哈哈
实在找不到优点了人家客气一下可拿这当圣旨了 克林顿家孩子不比这老流氓家的强
我最喜欢看她老公bully bullies们了。另外bully的定义是欺负弱小者,欺负bully叫啥呢,哈哈哈
不是超模,是个伴游的, 搭上了有钱的老头, 她不可能跟其他第一夫人那么嚣张,媒体也不会去伤害一个弱女子
现在她的地位稳了,毕竟有儿子, 而且儿子也长大了, 以前伊万卡根本不拽她
1.0的时候她只想做个安静的贵妇。我看这次2.0她想明白了,就是要靠流量捞钱,上次出了本书尝到了甜头。然后发币,现在我看她是想当网红。 她要是想安安静静地当贵妇是不会出书的。
Fifteen years ago British GQ profiled Donald Trump's then-girlfriend Melania Knauss. Now his wife, Melania featured in our naked profile shoot on his customised Boeing 727 wearing handcuffs, wielding diamonds and holding a chrome pistol (it was the lads mag era after all). It makes for some interesting reading today, considering Donald Trump's success in the US election…Antoine Verglas We were bombarded by requests to shoot Melania," GQ editor Dylan Jones said when asked about our January 2000 nude shoot with Melania Trump, after we had dug through the archives and published the images online in March 2016. “Given that she was obviously so keen to be featured in GQ, we came up with a rather kitsch and camp story for her to feature in." Donald Trump also requested that photographs be delivered to his office. “We framed the cover and a selection of prints and sent them as soon as we could.” It appears the First Lady is rather proud of the images: the new White House website lists the cover shoot as one of her greatest achievements. Recently it has become a source of controversy as questions are raised over how Melania secured her US visa.
Now you know the back story, scroll down to see the article and images that were originally published in the January 2000 issue of British GQ. Want jet-set chic? Then sex, style and 18-carat gold seat belts are essential. Supermodel Melania [now Mrs Donald Trump] is the launch pad for 14 pages of high living.
Enter high-spirited Donald Trump to show us how it's done. The billionaire New York property magnate, Reform Party presidential candidate and proud owner of this custom-fitted 727 (even the seat buckles are 18-carat gold) is an expert in the art of in-flight entertainment. And his personal hostess, 26-year-old Slovenian supermodel Melania Knauss, might just end up as the next First Lady. Flight of fancy? Not if The Donald has his way.
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Now you know the back story, scroll down to see the article and images that were originally published in the January 2000 issue of British GQ. Want jet-set chic? Then sex, style and 18-carat gold seat belts are essential. Supermodel Melania [now Mrs Donald Trump] is the launch pad for 14 pages of high living.
嫁到总统算很厉害吧 不同意政治观点是另一回事
感觉脖子对于模特来说算短的,所以气质输一些,比较裸模气质,不是high fashion类型的
是的, 目标非常清晰, 作为一个gold digger,简直天花板了范例了。
不会吧, 伴游也可以走H1b? 估计东欧的模特产业也是灰色地带, 滥用H1b,咋不见maga重拳打击