是好是坏啊? WASHINGTON, Feb 4 (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said the U.S. would take over the war-ravaged Gaza Strip and develop it economically after Palestinians are resettled elsewhere, actions that would shatter decades of U.S. policy toward the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Trump unveiled his surprise plan, without providing specifics, at a joint press conference on Tuesday with visiting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
windy23 发表于 2025-02-05 00:55 是好是坏啊? WASHINGTON, Feb 4 (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said the U.S. would take over the war-ravaged Gaza Strip and develop it economically after Palestinians are resettled elsewhere, actions that would shatter decades of U.S. policy toward the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Trump unveiled his surprise plan, without providing specifics, at a joint press conference on Tuesday with visiting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Read again: President Donald Trump said the U.S. would take over the war-ravaged Gaza Strip and develop it economically after Palestinians are resettled elsewhere,
percipient64 发表于 2025-02-05 01:28 人是要把加沙开发成中东的Rivera的。人Kushner 早就惦记上了。今天有个记者在听到Donnie 说巴勒斯坦人会有一个加沙以外的好去处时大喊一声“这是他们的家!” So fuck the orange Buffon! This is their home. 是好是坏啊? WASHINGTON, Feb 4 (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said the U.S. would take over the war-ravaged Gaza Strip and develop it economically after Palestinians are resettled elsewhere, actions that would shatter decades of U.S. policy toward the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Trump unveiled his surprise plan, without providing specifics, at a joint press conference on Tuesday with visiting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. windy23 发表于 2025-02-05 00:55
WASHINGTON, Feb 4 (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said the U.S. would take over the war-ravaged Gaza Strip and develop it economically after Palestinians are resettled elsewhere, actions that would shatter decades of U.S. policy toward the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Trump unveiled his surprise plan, without providing specifics, at a joint press conference on Tuesday with visiting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Read again: President Donald Trump said the U.S. would take over the war-ravaged Gaza Strip and develop it economically after Palestinians are resettled elsewhere,
人是要把加沙开发成中东的Rivera的。人Kushner 早就惦记上了。今天有个记者在听到Donnie 说巴勒斯坦人会有一个加沙以外的好去处时大喊一声“这是他们的家!”
So fuck the orange Buffon! This is their home.
管美国啥事. 川普为什么要占领加沙. 对,不管美国事, 但管以色列事. 美国的政治里不管是民主党还是共和党,背后都有强大的犹太人力量, 川普的女婿就是犹太人.
川普在竞选前从未提起这事. 因为如果他以此为竞选口号, 他必然选不上总统.
川普就是犹太人的代言人, 川普的阴谋终于慢慢暴露了. 川普好不容易当上总统,再不用其国家权力就过期了. .
这大概是犹太人想籍美国之国力来免费为以色列修建一道隔离防护领地, 内中必然有其信号和监控设施. 这样等加沙修好后,以色列安耶.
现在整个国家都是在犹太人的资本里, 怎么可能会跟美国没关系呢?
1.美国纳税人出钱出炮灰给以色列人做免费保镖, 2.它们还要负责替以色列人干种族灭绝的脏活, 3.产生的利润, 当然是犹太人的私人财产, 与尔屁民何干? 4.产生的伤兵变态神经病狂人, 当然是由美国大众承担接盘 钱还是小事,最重要的是, 要拖全体美国普通人当犹太人的仇恨吸引包+人肉盾牌
是啊 这都多少年了 多少年的屠杀 囚禁 封锁 轰炸 威胁 都没走 我真想知道美国大兵怎么把巴勒斯坦人搬走 而且中东几国刚刚联合宣言 不接受巴勒斯坦人搬过去 明显的 巴勒斯坦人走了 地就没了啊