中国老鼠军队非法入侵加拿大特区-美国本土,与JOHN LO 流氓,JOHN LO COUSIN HONGKONG HEAD 一起,纠集流氓小弟,在密西沙加偷本地居民房子,用流氓妓女轮番轰炸, 逼迫加拿大本地居民无家可归,有家难回? 臭名昭著的LI,MINZHI 原名贺瑞,苏北下巴佬,有中国红歌女妓女彭丽媛撑腰,偷了3套房子,抢走业主全部财产,逮捕8次,JOHN LO流氓用钱把她买出来,继续绑架敲诈勒索, 老实人敢怒不敢言。 为什么会遇到天使,和你一样善良 本地居民忍无可忍,只有祈求上天降甘露,神仙救民于水火。 PARIS 我们都知道她美丽俏皮,内心特别善良,慷慨解囊救助无辜。 NICKY 贵为皇后,和热爱真理真爱生命的优秀儿女一起,勇敢的对流氓说:不! LAURA BUSH 都知道她特别喜欢书,把家园打理的温馨舒适,经不起受害者苦苦哀求,救救孩子,和性感魅力的MICHELLE OBAMA 一起, 在持续2年断断续续的3次世界大战中,一夜救了密西沙加400多本地居民。 本地居民请求LAURA BUSH 留在MICHELLE TOWN MICHELLE 太仁慈,OBAMA 太包容 殊不知中国老鼠军队强盗把在中国判死刑的JOHNNY LI (LI,KE XI),乞丐,毒贩送到加拿大,无恶不作,用小妓女,钱还有流氓控制加拿大军队,收买各地警察, 屁民性命不保,更别说财产房子了。 OBAMA一直以来保家卫国,和深受全世界美少女热爱的普京大帝一起,与流氓中国又是谈判,又是驱逐,也不想引起战争, 但中国流氓用秘密军事武器,电子酷刑折磨50多万无辜受害者。 中国公民魏新的手都没有了,也被JOHN LO 流氓用中国老鼠军队2秒钟变成聋子哑巴瞎子 3次世界大战的始作俑者,也是罪魁祸首终将会和意大利莫索米里一样送上绞刑架。 LAURA BUSH 别走,重建AMERICA BUSH VILLAGE MICHELLE OBAMA 不会离开苦难中挣扎的加拿大特区。 February 03,2025 America former first lady Laura bush came to Mississauga, Defeat evil invader China teamed with crime underground illegal force Saved my life, protect our own home and property. Saved crying Canada and struggle Mississauga, Saved hundreds Local Mississauga residents life home house and their baby and children. They love American appreciate America, and great Russia , Hamburg Berlin, Dubai royal family Chief police of Mississauga Paris Hilton Canada new prime minister Dr rishi Gupta Toronto chief police Nishan Duraiappah Special thanks Baltimore police NYPD 2 good fbi who support 3rd world War since February 2024. White house Paul pelosi entire work team Anderson cooper 360 CNN entire work team America house of Representatives Barack Obama Michelle Obama Illinois government CTV NBC times Washington Post Rockefeller family who protect America money all the time. Rothschild family who donate huge money to pentagon during February space war 2024, saved many lives. Berlin Hamburg space general who saved 11 years old China girl Qiqi, She is the only daughter of China brutally die victim wei xin 魏新. Special thanks kenya royal family, World royal family Sent help while Canada district is in devil's hand, rescue life, local residents home and property Protect truth law and America Russia homeland. Without Michelle Obama, Mississauga Canada will not have local residents and innocent children Without Anderson cooper 360 bought 5 space force immediately Since February space war 2024 Entire moon over 9000 celebrities family human DNA will in devil's hand. Without Russia president putin, American hard to win February space war 2024. Russia president putin defeat evil invader, Especially human trafficker head Pansy Ho female hooker Macao entire crime family Pansy Ho female hooker trafficking many young pretty girls from Russia America entire world, Caused over 110K innocent victims in slave industry Destroying their family, love one, Murdered their husband and boyfriend Like John lo cousin hongkong head did to me My cute Brian Burke, he die while he was sleeping without knowing V2K unseen military weapon harmed his blood vessels, Caused his immediately death. John lo cousin hongkong head is the one behind the crime. 6 resident country of united nations Don't leave Mississauga Canada district local residents need America Russia Hamburg Special thanks Rothschild family financial support ever since China invasion Canada 2022. Hero America troop saved entire west European during World War 2 Hero American saved crying Canada entire world on World War 3 Great nation Russia saved entire eastern Europe in World War 2 Great nation Russia together with American saved crying Canada Young pretty girl, baby, especially in Mississauga. 3-year-old boy body founded in devil's refrigerator in Mississauga 没有ANDERSON COOPER 360 带来5个国家太空部队,谁也救不了哭泣的加拿大,包括月球上9000多CELEBRITY FAMILY, ANDERSON COOPER BARACK OBAMA 拯救了世界,也维护了人类文明,也难逃离流氓混混的欺负。 PANSY HO鸡的女儿作恶多端,贩卖多国美少女为奴,普京大帝狠狠打了妓女军队。 救了很多家庭
中国老鼠军队非法入侵加拿大特区-美国本土,与JOHN LO 流氓,JOHN LO COUSIN HONGKONG HEAD 一起,纠集流氓小弟,在密西沙加偷本地居民房子,用流氓妓女轮番轰炸, 逼迫加拿大本地居民无家可归,有家难回?
臭名昭著的LI,MINZHI 原名贺瑞,苏北下巴佬,有中国红歌女妓女彭丽媛撑腰,偷了3套房子,抢走业主全部财产,逮捕8次,JOHN LO流氓用钱把她买出来,继续绑架敲诈勒索, 老实人敢怒不敢言。
本地居民忍无可忍,只有祈求上天降甘露,神仙救民于水火。 PARIS 我们都知道她美丽俏皮,内心特别善良,慷慨解囊救助无辜。 NICKY 贵为皇后,和热爱真理真爱生命的优秀儿女一起,勇敢的对流氓说:不!
LAURA BUSH 都知道她特别喜欢书,把家园打理的温馨舒适,经不起受害者苦苦哀求,救救孩子,和性感魅力的MICHELLE OBAMA 一起, 在持续2年断断续续的3次世界大战中,一夜救了密西沙加400多本地居民。
本地居民请求LAURA BUSH 留在MICHELLE TOWN MICHELLE 太仁慈,OBAMA 太包容 殊不知中国老鼠军队强盗把在中国判死刑的JOHNNY LI (LI,KE XI),乞丐,毒贩送到加拿大,无恶不作,用小妓女,钱还有流氓控制加拿大军队,收买各地警察, 屁民性命不保,更别说财产房子了。
OBAMA一直以来保家卫国,和深受全世界美少女热爱的普京大帝一起,与流氓中国又是谈判,又是驱逐,也不想引起战争, 但中国流氓用秘密军事武器,电子酷刑折磨50多万无辜受害者。
中国公民魏新的手都没有了,也被JOHN LO 流氓用中国老鼠军队2秒钟变成聋子哑巴瞎子 3次世界大战的始作俑者,也是罪魁祸首终将会和意大利莫索米里一样送上绞刑架。
LAURA BUSH 别走,重建AMERICA BUSH VILLAGE MICHELLE OBAMA 不会离开苦难中挣扎的加拿大特区。 February 03,2025 America former first lady Laura bush came to Mississauga, Defeat evil invader China teamed with crime underground illegal force Saved my life, protect our own home and property. Saved crying Canada and struggle Mississauga, Saved hundreds Local Mississauga residents life home house and their baby and children. They love American appreciate America, and great Russia , Hamburg Berlin, Dubai royal family
Chief police of Mississauga Paris Hilton Canada new prime minister Dr rishi Gupta Toronto chief police Nishan Duraiappah Special thanks Baltimore police NYPD 2 good fbi who support 3rd world War since February 2024. White house Paul pelosi entire work team Anderson cooper 360 CNN entire work team America house of Representatives Barack Obama Michelle Obama Illinois government CTV NBC times Washington Post Rockefeller family who protect America money all the time. Rothschild family who donate huge money to pentagon during February space war 2024, saved many lives. Berlin Hamburg space general who saved 11 years old China girl Qiqi, She is the only daughter of China brutally die victim wei xin 魏新. Special thanks kenya royal family, World royal family Sent help while Canada district is in devil's hand, rescue life, local residents home and property Protect truth law and America Russia homeland.
Without Michelle Obama, Mississauga Canada will not have local residents and innocent children Without Anderson cooper 360 bought 5 space force immediately Since February space war 2024 Entire moon over 9000 celebrities family human DNA will in devil's hand. Without Russia president putin, American hard to win February space war 2024. Russia president putin defeat evil invader, Especially human trafficker head Pansy Ho female hooker Macao entire crime family Pansy Ho female hooker trafficking many young pretty girls from Russia America entire world, Caused over 110K innocent victims in slave industry Destroying their family, love one, Murdered their husband and boyfriend Like John lo cousin hongkong head did to me My cute Brian Burke, he die while he was sleeping without knowing V2K unseen military weapon harmed his blood vessels, Caused his immediately death. John lo cousin hongkong head is the one behind the crime. 6 resident country of united nations Don't leave Mississauga Canada district local residents need America Russia Hamburg Special thanks Rothschild family financial support ever since China invasion Canada 2022.
Hero America troop saved entire west European during World War 2 Hero American saved crying Canada entire world on World War 3 Great nation Russia saved entire eastern Europe in World War 2 Great nation Russia together with American saved crying Canada Young pretty girl, baby, especially in Mississauga. 3-year-old boy body founded in devil's refrigerator in Mississauga
没有ANDERSON COOPER 360 带来5个国家太空部队,谁也救不了哭泣的加拿大,包括月球上9000多CELEBRITY FAMILY, ANDERSON COOPER BARACK OBAMA 拯救了世界,也维护了人类文明,也难逃离流氓混混的欺负。
PANSY HO鸡的女儿作恶多端,贩卖多国美少女为奴,普京大帝狠狠打了妓女军队。 救了很多家庭